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I want to tell about one event that occurred between me and my leader. This event happened when I was working as a secretary in one of the firms. My leader was called Andrew. He was not much stronger than me, we addressed each other by name, but you. At that time, Andrei ordered him to go to his house and get an urgent business task. When I arrived, he invited me to go into the room, then put a chair in the middle of the room and told me to sit down. He himself settled in a large cross opposite me and leisurely dragged on a cigarette.

I understood that Andrei wanted to say something important and waited, putting his hands on his knees. But for some reason Andrei was in no hurry. He calmly smoked a cigarette and this hung silence caused in my mind, at first, bewilderment, then a little alarm. But what Andrei said then horrified me and utter confusion. “Christina, if you believe that our meeting will be a purely business one, then you are deeply mistaken. More precisely, in my intentions there was a meeting with you of this nature, but what you just did changed my intentions to the opposite. I asked you to execute my yesterday’s order immediately. You did it only today. I’m used to my tasks being carried out without question, so now I have every reason to punish you deservedly. Of course, this is not about depriving you of bonuses. Most likely, you will repent and understand your guilt if you are subjected to certain humiliations and mockeries. ”Andrei got up and came to me and pulled my head back, firmly grabbing my hair. “It will be a good lesson for you so that you know how to behave with me. The punishment, as you guess, will be not just moral, I am not inclined to read long notations, but physical, more precisely physical. And such a punishment involves stripping punishable. " Andrew’s hand slipped along my open neck and penetrated a little by the collar of my blouse. I froze. “Now I will take off your object for items of your clothes, starting from the top, dispose of the opened places at your own discretion, then take off your underwear and up to the full exposure. At the same time, I will put you in frank positions, well opening access to the objects of punishment on your body. All roundness and all grooves will be bullied. The mouth also will not be spared. " Andrew took my jaw chin and saw the confusion that prevailed in my eyes. His fingers touched the corners of my lips and opened their mouths a bit. I don’t need your verbal reaction to what is happening, so I’ll put a gag in your mouth. In this room, there are no devices for the convenience of punishment in the form of crosses for crucifixion, or blocks for hanging, but believe me, the punishment will not seem soft here. ” Andrei let me go, sat down again in a chair and slowly began to wrap the cuffs of his snow-white shirt. “Of course, you could receive such a punishment from a woman, but it seems to me that when a man is your accuser, this even makes the procedure more piquant. You agree with me? I can not hear? Yes - I babbled. “I think that this is the most painful thing you will perceive. - continued Andrew again dragging his cigarette. This is not a sexual relationship. I will be wearing clothes, even wearing a tie and shoes. You, on the contrary, will be stripped to the goal, bound, your poses will be shameless and humiliating. Your fate will be very contrasted with my freedom and authority over you. But you yourself deserve all this and it will serve you as an atonement. And the last.I know that you are a very attractive girl, modest, watch your appearance, and if you dress in a skirt, then watch well, as if she had not accidentally kicked up a little. Andrew pododnl podod my skirt a little up, podnazhiv lace gum stockings. I am not alive not dead, and in shock from his words I did not dare to lower it. “You, undoubtedly, sacredly protect your female virtues and forcibly disposing of your body by an outsider will be for you the most that is not a disgrace. In this case, what I will do with you now, will be for you the worst nightmare and dishonor. My task is simplified by the fact that you have an education, you are no longer 15 years old, you are already a mature woman with your own self-esteem and developed female shame. Therefore, when I make you go through the most sophisticated shamelessness, dishonor and humiliation, it will be even sharper and more painful for you. This is exactly what will be your punishment, this is what I am struggling with, this is what will be more painful for you than any physical pain. And now I will prepare you. ” Andrei took out four leather straps from the desk drawer and a thin cord was long. One by one, he began to put the straps on my wrists and ankles. Having finished with this, he tied one end of the cord to the strap of my one hand, then passed the other end through a metal ring fitted into the strap of my other hand and similarly through the strap of one of my legs. You ask me why I did not resist? I was completely overwhelmed by the will of my boss. What could I do against a man in a separate apartment? “Now let's dance a little.” Andrew suddenly suggested. Turning on the tape recorder, he picked me up and pulled me to him in a slow swing of the dance. The free end of the cord Andrei screwed himself on the hand. The lace was not stretched and I put my hands on his chest. At the same time, Andrew's lips began to gently kiss my temples, eyes, hands playing with my hair, scrolled down and squeezed tight. I did not understand anything. Why did he do this lace? Why all this talk at the beginning, what is this punishment? Thinking about all this, I suddenly felt how the lace was tightened, and it cleared my wrists to each other. I frightened Andrei in the face. “We are dancing, sweet girl, dancing.” He demanded with a smile on his lips. Not letting me go in the dance, Andrew wound the end of the cord on his hand. My hands clasped to each other began to pull up to my leg, forcing me to bend a little. Andrei's lips were looking for my lips, for which he was already throwing my face up. I had to bend more and more. Andrei hugged my torso already somehow from the side, but he continued to repeat “We are dancing!”. Then he moved back to my body and wound the end of the cord on several more turns, forced me to bend completely. Taking me by the waist and pressing my buttocks to me, he continued to wiggle and demand that I also continue to move, because although it was not very comfortable for me, but my legs were free I could keep my balance in a light dance. But you imagine what position I was in ?! Then Andrew, putting it lightly on my leg, made me kneel on one knee. Having missed the string under his foot and dismissing it, he lifted me, hugged me in front and continued the dance again. The lace began to stretch again. Now one of my hands, which turned out to be behind me, and the other in the front, began to stretch between my thighs, in the crotch area. The stretching lace lifted the hem of my long skirt higher and higher. One hand of Andrei reeled in the cord, the other checked how high the skirt had ridden. In the end, both of my hands were linked with each other right between my legs. Swaying in the dance, Andrew led me around the room and soon we were near a large mirror. “Well, you yourself showed me what kind of underwear you are wearing. Now I know what to do with you further, ”he said, turning me in front of the mirror on all sides.The cord began to stretch again and I was again in a kneeling position. The cord was passed through my second leg. Andrei's hands put me face down on the floor. I felt his knee pushing my legs apart and against my buttocks. The cord once again began to stretch again, forcing my arms to interbreed already behind my back. I remember ...

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