“Ah ... OOO! How cool ... ”Devon groaned and woke up. The sheet was wet from its secretions. She again dreamed of Lime Trish. She dreamed that she entered his dressing room, undressed, and he dumped her on the sofa. In the dream, she finished so that she could not move her hand or foot. The fact is that Lime Trish was the frontman of her favorite band, and Devon dreamed of getting laid with him. Sometimes she masturbated by looking at his picture. He was (scared to say) 24 years older than she, but it only excited her more. And so, today she goes to his concert. HOORAY! First of all, the girl climbed into the bath, spread her legs and began to gently caress herself, representing Lyme. Suddenly the phone rang. Devon swore in disgust and got out of the bath.

There were wrong number, and her mood was knocked down. Toward evening, she began to gather for a concert ... she made her otpadnaya hair, put on a luxurious black silk underwear and a little perfume. Actually, they don’t go to rock concerts quite like this, but Dee wanted to stand out among uncombed fans in robes. She knew for sure that by the age of forty (and Laima was 39), the peasants were beginning to pull at the young ones. She saw this in the views of the men on the street, and it manifested itself on her father. She was sure that he would simply not have the courage to give up the 16-year-old seductive girl. She came to the concert by taxi and took her seat in the auditorium (she did not want to go to the dance floor in a chic dress). And then he went on stage. Devon caught her breath. When he, like at every concert, got into his pants, she began to flow. Suddenly two brave youngsters approached her. “Girl, for God's sake, I'm sorry, but you liked Laima Trish ... So we have an offer ... You can go to his dressing room after the concert. If anything, he won't stand up for the price, ”the thugs suggested. Devon almost lost her mind from happiness ... "Of course, I agree !!!" Bodyguards (or administrators, who knows them) clearly rejoiced and told her not to leave after the concert. Devon decided for herself that even if the stadium begins to crumble, it will not budge.

After the concert, the same guys really approached her, who seemed to her simply the cutest in the world. She was taken to the dressing room, and there she saw Lyme. He was a little tired, but she was delighted, like a native. “Oh, baby, hello!

Sit down, you can drink something for the mood, ”he suggested casually. Devon was unable to squeeze anything out of herself and therefore she simply sat on the sofa and poured herself a gin. Lime sat down next to her and laid her hand on her shoulder. Then on the knee. Then his hand slipped between her legs. The girl threw back her head and often breathed. He continued to stroke her pussy, which has long been wet, even squeeze. Then he whispered in her ear, as in that film ... "Suck me, charm." Devon obediently knelt before him and unbuttoned his pants. He had a huge dick with not weak erection, and the girl gladly began to lick it. He pressed her head to his dick, ran his fingers into her hair, instantly disheveled them, and Devon felt his strong body arching. “Are you alright?” She asked, looking up from him for a second. “Yes, don't stop!” He growled. The girl returned to his occupation, a little faster pace. Then he finished, so much so that he spattered all her face and dress. "Undress," Lime ordered her. Devon took off all her clothes, stopping for a second after she took off her dress. Having shown him her gorgeous underwear, she took it off. He looked at her figure with pleasure.

Admire what was ... heavy chest with nipples the color of ripe cherry, slender long legs, narrow waist, ash-brown triangle of hair just below the abdomen. At the sight of a naked young girl he stood up again. “Come to me,” said Lime.The girl saddled him and slowly began to rise and fall on his penis. He (Lyme, not a member) did not move, enjoying the work of the girl. His head rubbed on her clitoris, and Dee erotically moaned and sighed. When the buzz became insurmountable, she screamed, and he laid her on the sofa, taking her wet, opened. He fucked her with all his might, growling something. Devon had darkened eyes and everything began to shine. "LLC ... ah ... how cool ... you're just super ...", she moaned. Then they finished at the same time ... the girl squirmed, shouting from an orgasm, streams of Lyme's sperm whipped her vagina, Lyme simply crushed her with his body so that she could not move, only her body was bent convulsively. Finally he got off her.

- Where is the sink? Devon asked when she came to her senses a little.

- In the men's room, but what? - he answered.

- Yes, I need to wipe the dress from sperm.

“Come on, I'll take you,” Lime said, putting on his pants.

He threw his shirt on her and led him down the hall to the toilet. When she reached down to the sink, he could not resist and threw her behind her. He held her hips tightly, although she didn’t think of breaking out. She had already finished, when the drummer of the group, Christoph, suddenly entered the toilet. He is a bit ofigel ... "What are you, stunned? Lime, well, you give! ”Trish suspended the process a bit ...“ If the lady doesn’t mind, join. ” Devon was not against it, and Christophe unbuttoned his pants. While Lime was drying her, she took Christof in her mouth.

Christoph's dick was not as big as Trish's, but it was still big. Devon licked Christophe's cock pretty skillfully, so he quickly finished. Devon herself, too, quickly finished, and Lime finished the last, poured over the girl's already-washed wet dress and tiled floor of the toilet with sperm. When they cleaned themselves up and left the toilet, Christoph said ...

“Do you want to go on tour with us?” We need a translator. ” Lime happily finished ... "And the girl to fuck her after the concert!"

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