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On my parent's bed in front of me, my mom's friend was lying on her back. Her wrists securely chained the shiny handcuffs to the headboard, her bare, tanned legs were widely spread and slightly bent at the knees, tied with ropes to the opposite backrest ...

My mom's friend was Inga Vladilenovna. The first time I heard this name in my childhood, when I was about seven years old, and it attracted me with its rarity - all my girls' friends were called Ani, Lenami and Tanya, and I never met such names as Inga. And this Inga was also Vladilenovna - not such a frequent patronymic; however, it is not so rare, just after debunking the personality cult, a man named Vladilen preferred to present himself as Vladimir, remaining Vladilen on his passport. Inga Vladilenovna didn’t have any complexes about this, since she, like her father, was a committed communist.

In childhood, after the first meeting with her, I still had very vague memories of this woman, and these memories consisted mainly of two impressions: the smell of perfume mixed with the smell of the pharmacy (I often went to the pharmacy with my grandfather) and cold hands, which I felt and tapped - Inga Vladilenovna worked as a pediatrician, and at the request of my mother came to examine me, because in those early childhood years I fell ill with chickenpox. The smell of the pharmacy issued her white coat, and her cold hands were explained by the fact that I was sick in mid-January, and Inga Vladilenovna came into the house from the cold. The smell of perfume came from her body, but then I was still too small to think about it. Then, after a few years, I breathed in the smell with pleasure, and her hands, which I handcuffed to the back of the bed, were still cold and wet, because Inga Vladilenovna was very nervous at that moment, for obvious reasons ... But all in order.

So, time passed, and I slowly grew up. After my illness, I never saw my mother's friend again, and almost forgot about her. Little by little I was overtaken by inevitable puberty with unpleasant things accompanying this phenomenon, such as acne, constant thoughts about sex and the heavy burden of sexual loneliness - I was not that ugly, but rather imperceptible guy, who also didn’t make much success in learning and sports. Therefore, I only had to admire my classmates and lust in secret, masturbating at home alone.

And it was at this point in my life that I saw Inga Vladilenovna a second time. For some reason she came to our house - she had some business with my mom, and she stood and talked to mom in the hallway for some five minutes. However, this time was quite enough for me to consider it, and after this examination in my lower abdomen I habitually sweetly ached.

In fact, the first thing that attracted attention was blue-black hair, and slightly slanted eyes of the same color. Then the chest - not too large, but nicely rounded, it was noticeable through the blouse very well. Her rather wide hips were covered with a thick gray skirt that ended just above the knees, muscular tanned calves (Inge Vladilenovna had to walk a lot on the site) were passing into thin ankles; Adorable fingers with pink lacquered nails made it possible to see light sandals representing a thin sole with a heel and two golden thin straps. I was then surprised how they did not fall off her feet when walking ...

In short, it is clear that after her departure, I did my favorite business - onanism - a little longer than usual, and then often repeated it, first just remembering how she stood in the hallway, and then introducing us in different situations - in situations our relationship developed by mutual consent.These fantasies completely superseded fantasies with the participation of my classmates, moreover, Inga Vladilenovna often continued to visit us. I will not talk about these fantasies here in detail, I will only say that a frequent topic, of course, was the medical examination in them ...

Then, in my fantasies about Inga Vladilenovna, the topic of rape began to prevail. Apparently, the reason for this was the fact that this version of events is more realistic than the one in which Inga Vladilenovna was tempted during a physical examination conducted by her on the charms of a fourteen-year old pimply kid.

My parents went to the country on Sunday, leaving me alone until the evening. On this day, Inga Vladilenovna should have come to visit. Mom was waiting for her to come to the last, but after my father started cursing, she still left, warning me that “if Inga does come, apologize and say that I did not wait for her” ...

When they left, I seriously thought that in this situation there is a real chance for my sexual dreams to come true, and this thought frightened me greatly, arousing at the same time. The longer I thought about it, the more I was excited and the weaker the fear became - the fear of failure, I did not think about the consequences at that moment. In the end I made a decision - I must try. My father was a policeman, and I knew where he was hiding handcuffs. Apparently, he and his mother amused themselves with the help of these bracelets, because I found them a couple of times in the parent’s bedroom under the bed. Of course, in their case it was just a game, but I was going to rape a woman seriously ...

The doorbell rang at 15–00. By this time I was fully prepared.

I opened the door. Behind the door she stood - the subject of my sweet dreams. She was dressed in the same way as in our second meeting - the same skirt, the same blouse, the same sandals. Only the pedicure was now silver.

- Hi, Anton ... And my mother is at home ?, - she asked me. Her voice was feminine and soft.

- Yes. But she went to the store in about ten minutes.

“Okay, I'll come back later,” she tried to turn around, but I stopped her:

- No, she asked, if you come, to invite you; she will be soon.

- Well, well ... - And Inga Vladilenovna began to remove sandals.

“No, no, no need to take off your shoes,” I protested. I really liked the look of her legs in this shoe. - Pass into the room.

And I took her to the parent’s bedroom.

In the bedroom, she immediately sat on the bed, because there was nothing more to sit there. She sat down like a schoolgirl, knees tightly together and putting palms on them, and began to look at her surroundings - she had never been in this room, and the fact that I invited her there was amazing for her.

- How are you doing at school? - She asked me, apparently, to maintain the conversation.

- Yes, so ... - I waved vaguely. And then he got down to business. - Can I ask you, like a doctor, one thing?

- Which one?

- Regarding auto-training. I read one book here, it says there how to do it, there is the discovery of the depth possibilities of a person and so on ...

- You want to ask, is it true? Perhaps, although I cannot tell you from my own experience ...

Inga Vladilenovna was in slight confusion. Apparently, I did not expect such conversations from the son of his girlfriend.

“Well, look,” I interrupted her. - Suppose you stretch your arms forward with your palms down and close your eyes. - I tried to say it in a more businesslike and innocent manner.

Inga Vladilenovna, smiling, obediently stretched her arms forward and tightly closed her eyes.

- No, not so, turn your face to the window so that light falls on your face

She turned. At the same time, her outstretched arms turned out to be just above the lattice headboard, which was a rather powerful structure made of decorative openwork weaves of strong steel rods ....

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