Hello, my dear Novosibirsk! Where I haven’t been these days ... You won’t believe I met May 9th ... in Berlin! Yes Yes. Exactly there. My boss sent me to meet with some German baron to sign a contract. And you imagine this baron-grandpa tried to fuck me! At night in the hotel came to me with a bottle of champagne and a miserable bunch of flowers ... Miserly. I myself don’t know how but I have shot him off. It was a pity to lose the contract, but I managed to get rid of the annoying "gentleman" and save the air we needed as an air profitable contract. Walked with this grandpa in Berlin. And on the 9th walking alone I met our tourists. It was so touching. Among these “barking”, constantly, not ashamed of anyone, “farting” (it’s customary for them to have pnpn) “fascists”, I met ours! It was akin to Victory the second time. Oh, how we celebrated this day with them! Ours, and in Africa, ours. They had our “Stolichnaya” with them. Having bought all the "bourgeois" rubbish for a snack, we went to their hotel. Yes, I did not say there were three of them. Three of our men. And you know, our men are cooler than the Germans. Russian man, he is like a hero, or a bear. And they ... almost all a la Herr Hitler. The mustache just is missing. And so the same short, ugly ... and those who are blooded worse than our "abreks." Sergey, Ilya and Nikita. Sevastopol, Belovo (Kemerovo region) and Yurga (and where is it?). Plus me. Made in Novosibirsk. Russia in defeated Berlin. Pushing the breasts apart, Seregey, broad-shouldered, dark-haired, with muscular arms (and the muscles are obviously not from the “machine” in the sports hall, but apparently still from work?), With a well-tailored figure, with a warm delicate look, from which chest aches, man -Krasavets (in his 30 years, show me the one to whom the "thirty" and he is still vigorous and energetic?), like the cruiser Aurora, led us to the hotel. Laughing merrily at Nikita's witty jokes, slightly pulling off the hand of Ilya walking behind me, impatiently stroking my jeans through my jeans, I flew barely keeping up with their pace of walking ... Nikita. Bright-red, dazzling white-toothed (well, who in our “scoop” can boast the same?), Constantly recalling some jokes, jokes, jokes and anecdotes. A merry fellow, a darling of the age of 26. Ilya ... charming. Blond! Imagine blond! Natural blond. Slightly smaller than Sergey, both in height and physique, nevertheless, still very attractive ... crazy ... well, just a "love machine" ... :)

We got it.

Bright, spacious room. Sofa in the lobby. Kadushki with flowers (or plmas, or ... yes FIG know him what it was), mirrors ... mirrors ... mirrors. Dazzling bath. A bedroom ... with a single, but wide bed ... Having noticed my bewilderment, Sergei burst out laughing ...

- Yes Svetik-semifinished, we sleep all three of us. On the same bed.

“What are the“ blue ”guys?” I almost asked, frustrated.

Nikita and Ilya’s laughter was so infectious that I laughed after them. I felt so comfortable and warm with them ... Like at home. Having laughed and wiped away tears, I offered to start celebrating Victory Day in defeated Berlin. The guys uncorked their supplies, I quickly prepared sandwiches from the food they brought, even made some salad, the guys closed the door, hanging “Do not disturb” on it from that side, and we started ...

For Victory Day. For grandfathers and fathers. For the soldier. For the guys in Chechnya. For life, children and women ... There were so many toasts ... I don’t remember everything now ... but the guys are great. And “For life, children and women” I liked ... there is something in it from a quiet masculine sadness ... from the fact that men understand that living in the “scoop” they will die in 40–50–60, rare ones will live to 70 ... from that “masculine” love for children which no single woman has (oh ... we are bitch women ... after all, in order to squeeze a good guy it is enough for us to give birth to his baby and he is our ... ours we still do not understand why he is so drawn to his son or daughter, despite the fact that his wife is a bitch ...) ... from that love, tenderness, caress that only they can deliver to us - OUR men.

And then ... Then I went to each in turn and just kissed. Strong. Bright. With feeling. They surrounded me and started kissing who where. From countless kisses to the neck, lips, fingers, hands ... I just started to go crazy. I could not stand even 5 minutes of such caresses ... I just began frantically to unbutton my clothes ... Ilya was the very first to be without pants and shorts ... and his stake was already impatiently poking me in the thighs, as if looking for "my beloved "... Kneeling down, I bent over Sergey's member and began to suck him slowly ... prying him with my right hand ... The moan escaping from his chest was a reward ... Nikita ... Nikita was already lying under me. His dick with the edge of his head pulled my “pussy” ... as if playing with her. Reaching for the pillow that had fallen off the couch, he placed it under his buttocks and immediately entered me ...

- Mmmmm, - my sigh of delight was barely audible ... Sergey's member swelled in his mouth in front of his eyes ...

I was just all wet ... Even my ass emitted grease. I was trembling with impatience. And now the third member, a member of Ilya, broke into my “narrow” ...

- Oh, - I screamed, having pushed the member of Sergey out of his mouth, it was painful. There was nobody already quite a while ...

Two members began to move synchronously as if on cue ... pushing me inside. I started massaging Sergey's testicles with my hands ... descending with their tongue ... licking his groin right up to the anus ... A little more and he would finish ... Suddenly, my old idea came to mind ...

- Stop, do not stop ... I want you all to finish my ass in turn. Nikita, apparently also picking up to the peak of pleasure, slowed down the pace. Sergey obediently pulled the member out of my mouth, breathing breathlessly ... And only Ilya "played" in my ass. Nikita crawled out from under me. He pulled a pillow under my face and tilted me to the floor. I bent. Ass sticking up as if asking for itself ...

And then the first jet splashed inside me ... I shuddered ... from such a powerful ejection ... Having lowered my hand down my stomach, I began to caress myself ...

Ilya just fell on the floor with a smack pulling his penis out of me. Sergei immediately attached to me. His pushes were much stronger and more energetic ... I began to wind up ... I have such a state when I still within 10-15 seconds after my orgasm just finish again and again ... everything seems to fit exactly this ... I didn’t notice Sergey’s explosion because I was already in a state of practically “prostration” ... There was so much of his sperm that she didn’t fit in the ass and slowly began to flow down to the vagina ... it was slightly unpleasant .. .

And now Nikita introduced his “tool” into me ... but he was already on edge and almost immediately finished ...

- Guys ..., - I croaked ... - Now take that bottle of vodka out and insert it into my ass ... They carried me onto the sofa and laid me on my back. They made her legs bend and put an empty bottle in her ass ... where their sperm slowly began to flow ...

- Someone lick me ...

Ilya, indefatigable Ilya, leaned over my "cave" and began to torture me with his tongue ... He obviously did this more than once ... As if he knew all my "townships" and walked through them ... At the touch of his tongue I shuddered and impulsively squeezed the anus ... but this only tightly wrapped the neck of the bottle ... which gave even more pleasure ...

The explosion of an orgasm just drained me ... I often breathed, slipped from the sofa to the floor. A bottle with a soft thud fell to the floor ...

After a short rest, I filled a glass from this bottle and drank my winners “cocktail”.

From this kind of members of the guys just began to puff up ... is it really that really so exciting looks? When I saw their reaction, I simply turned my back on them and knelt down.

- I bet I guess the cat will take me ?, - I said without turning around.

- And if not? So what ?, said Sergey. I recognized his voice right away.

- Then the one whom I can not guess will float me.

“And if you guess?” Asked Nikita.

“Then she will blow out the one who guesses,” suggested Illya.

- Exactly.

Behind my back came a quiet whisper.The meeting did not last long. I was blindfolded. Put his stomach on the floor and forced to cross his legs. Ass smeared with some cream.

And the first member broke into my ass ... His owner was cunning. He then stopped, then abruptly accelerated the pace, then pulled out completely, then thrust it deep down ... But I recognized him.

And so he finished.

“Next one,” I said as evenly as possible, but already being re-excited ...

Someone came up to me. He patted on the buttocks and suddenly sharply introduced a strong member like a stake ... I already screamed ... it was terrible ... but the tempo that he asked was just great ... I started up ... my hands began to push the berries apart went deeper ... I started involuntarily podmahivat ... my moans even more excited my "rider", he began to move jerky and sharply then thrust out then pull out his penis ... and I just forgot to follow the features of "fucking" to determine who it ... And so he began to finish ... throwing sperm into my rectum, he clung so my buttocks are still showing signs of his fingers ... I did not recognize him ... just forgot ... And now I need to guess who the third one is ... The third one entered me with his fingers ... began to move them there - here ... I started podmahivat trying to whip up the ass as high as possible after the slipping fingers ... and at one such moment instead of fingers in the ass came back a member. He slowly and unhurriedly elevated me to the peak of bliss, and I gave up ... I disconnected from reality and all was aimed only at his penis and my feelings ... Together with him I finished ... he roared a bear, and I screaming lioness ...

After resting, eating and drinking, we decided to find out whether I was a bat or not ...

- The first was Ilya!

Ilya dejectedly went to the couch - took a pillow from him, threw it on the floor, lay on her stomach so that his butt was pushed upwards ... As for the second, I was not sure ... But what the hell is not joking!

- The second was ... Sergey!

Sergey and Nikita were attached to Ilya ...

I pulled the belt out of someone's pants ... and went to them. As soon as I approached, they jumped up and took the belt from me, grabbed me and just threw me on the sofa. Cheated !!! Turning me onto my belly, Ilya sat down on my nago, Nikita pressed his shoulders ... and a whistle sounded in the air ...

- Oh !!! Momma! - I screamed. Sergei did not know mercy ... ass burned mercilessly ...

Five minutes of execution have turned my ass into a flaming ass ... I screamed again and couldn’t get out of their hands ... with languid lust in my eyes, I rushed at them ... I fell on Sergey's cock with a swing. He gasped not expecting such agility from me ... Jumping on his penis, I grabbed members of Nikita and Ilya who approached and began to masturbate them furiously ... Not even five minutes passed before I felt that they would end now ... Jumping up with Sergey, illuminated by a new idea, rushed into the hallway to the bags ...

“Where it is !!”, Sergei apparently shouted furiously, wanting to finish ...

Reaching the bags, I shook one of them on the floor ... grabbed the map of Berlin and rushed back. I spread her on the floor and squatted over her ...

- Come on me guys, come on !!!

Almost simultaneously, three jets struck me in the face, hair, chest ... And I started writing directly on Berlin ... Sperm dripping from me falling into a yellow puddle directly on Berlin ... Defeated Berlin ... BERLIN BETWEEN MY FOOT!

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