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Chapter 1. Friday as the end of the week, but still a working day.

Having barely got out of bed, on the pealing of the alarm-clock preoccupied with the beginning of the working day, I went to the bathroom. Outside the window is cloudy weather, on a sleepy soul wistfully. And there is another working day ahead. Bl-iiiin. I want to sleep ... As one of my friends says - "Who is this to sleep?" And why do I want her? Brrr. Cold Hot as always no. The city authorities vigorously reported about the remarkable pace of preparation of the city for the fall, cut off the hot water wherever possible. Well, to hell with him. Now, in general, I will get under a cold shower - and will take off my sleep like a hand.

- Maaamochkiiii !!!, - I jumped out of the shower with a cheerful scream. A couple of years she added. Teeeks. Monthly we will not soon? Another week there. Well, it means no gaskets! We stretch lace panties on ourselves ... Lace underwear is my weakness. Klassnenky a bra ... We will turn at a mirror ... And what is necessary for muzhiks? After all, what a beauty ... In the mirror. And the life prototype also has a character, mda-s. Well, what to do ... We start the second part of the operation “Morning of the working day” - we make ourselves up. Tint eyes ... apply mascara ... sponges before going out to paint ... what else? Nails ... the lacquer is still cool, in the extreme case we will apply in the evening ... Light makeup ... That's it. We remove the skirt from the hanger from the evening and try to put it on ... and the hands are naughty and stretch down ... under the panties ... ay-ay-ay ... come on! can not! Here you go. Skirt in place. Another twist at the mirror ... Good sitting? Popochka so tight that already she would have felt ... Eeeeh! We are going further ... It's cold on the street ... We’ll stretch our blouse today ... Let's match the color of the skirt ... Here, here is this one!

Once again we turn at the mirror ... Classes. Earrings in his ears, on the fingers of all sorts of rings. All - our majesty is ready for publication. We stamp on the kitchen. Turn on the TV. While the kettle boils and I climb on the fridge - listen to the news ... Wow! The government has attended a history textbook! Cool government ... From the word class. The first. Good job people. You sit and think - what else to attend to? Interestingly, and soon they will attend to the reduction in prices for tights for Svetlana Batkovna? Yeah ... You'll get it ... Let's take a look at the served table ... Butter ... Bread ... Syrochek ... So, who got the sausage? Do you have a kiss to kiss? BUT? Darling? And from you, sorry, Soviet-made sausage. Not good ... Okay. We remove. Somewhere we still had a bar ... That's it, yes? Dry, brute. From longing for a gentle girlish hands ... Well ... In the evening we will cut into croutons ... And now, running into shoes, jump! And in the shop around the corner.

Chapter 2. Baton, as a way of dating.

The shop hit ... with its lack of thought. I want to touch the bar, but no, take the young lady, he is on the shelf behind the counter. Hence, the moral is that only a trusted person can feel the bar - having passed all the tests and passed the exam at Microsoft for a certified bar handler. And I also want to choose a pack of cookies for my taste and color. Hmm ... Okay, we finish grumbling - we stretch the coin to a squeamish youngster of 17-18 years behind the counter and politely ask for a "fresher" bar. We usually hear in response that all the bars are pristine-first freshness. Well, if I scrape my teeth on your bar ...

- Hi!, Rang out behind my back, I almost jumped in surprise. Received from the saleswoman loaf dive bomber flew down. A young male body that emerged to my left with noticeable biceps clung tenaciously to my loaf literally a couple of centimeters from the floor. Reaction.

“Here, take it,” said my loaf of biceps master. Ehhh, krrrasavets ... Mighty torso ... Growth is not high ... Yes, you're a young lady, too, will not be from the mall ... Feet in tight jeans ... Eh, well, turn to the forest in front, but to my back boy? Ass you have come, licked ... Surely they will want to dig their fingers into the bed in a fit of passion, feeling the thrusts of your powerful young body and giving their whole body to meet them ... Mommies ... I start to dream in reality. Stop. Svetlana Batkovna, you only came at the bar ...

- Your Svetlana, name ?, - This is the first. Turn around.

- Yes, there is such a sinner, - and we will smile charmingly, demonstrating the wonderful even, white teeth, which Comrade Caries for some reason scored thoroughly for, despite the fairly frequent use of alcohol and cigarettes.

- And I, Sergei, I live under you, my aunt. Anna Sergeyevna, - and this is good ... Bobs guys ... Obviously. Come and go to the pool ... The muscles in the pool are growing rapidly ... Mommies ... And between the legs, you have a mamzel ... it's getting warmer ... So, what is he talking about? BUT! Anna Sergeyevna, lives under me ...

- So she kind of left? To the country for the whole summer?

- Yeah, just left me behind the apartment to look. More precisely us, with Anton. - Turn around smoothly back. So you are a reindeer ... Well, I like you, I like Antosha, I like you ... Something I can still see ... Look how it looks ... Man ...

- So your name is Anton?

- "There is such a sin", - and Apollo's smile ...

- This is already rip-off, - and Aphrodite's smile is in response ... Hmm, an interesting, apparently spectacular, we imagine from the side ... They stand grinning at each other ...

- Take the change, - the saleswoman decided to make a contribution to our acquaintance ... Well, this sacred surrender ... We take it and pour it into the wallet ... I deceived the underage rat, see what condition I am in and use ...

- Svetlana ...

- You can Light, as far as I see you both younger than me from the strength of the year by three, so you can just Light.

- Sveta, we have such a thing here ... We came from work, from the night. And in the house with a ball ... Plus Antoha burned the kettle yesterday. Can I have breakfast with you? We will buy food. You just want a hot tea ..., - but what is Svetlana Batkovna trembling your legs treacherously? BUT? And you can squeeze panties on you after these words ... Everything is clear with you ... Do you want to seduce the younger generation ... And they already beat you to work ... Aya-ay-ay ... It's not good ... But who we have a saint?

- Yes of course. In principle, I have everything at home, well, except that if you want a coffee ... Here it is not there.

- Now we will buy, - this is Anton.

- Come on, bye, he will catch up with us, - and Sergey, gallantly offering his hand, led me out of the store ...

Chapter 3. The Ministry of Health warns ... masturbation with open doors leads to group sex!

I turned on the TV and turned on the kettle, and I left them in the kitchen, while the panty panty shook me off. Going into the bathroom, I slightly soaked my face with water ... It's hot ... It's hot from the thought that two such handsome men are sitting in my kitchen ...

Okay, remove the bottom. Rrraz, and a skirt on the floor, two and panties in a bucket of dirty laundry, three ... and I spit on everything at the edge of the bath and shove two fingers into my hole ... oohh ... mmmm ... I close my eyes and starting to get high ...

- Yeah ..., Anton's voice is heard, leading me out of bliss

- Oh, mummies, - I try to hide myself by picking up my skirt from the floor

- No, no, Sveta, it is not necessary, you are so beautiful ... - and what is it actually? After all, she herself wanted them, she wanted to madness! And want! And I just throw myself on his chest and start frantically kissing him ... Antoshenka ... Antosha ... Aaaa ...

- Well, Anton! Well for a minute you can not leave one! - Sergey came to my cries.

- Come here, - I call him ... I see in his eyes how my look affects him ... Yes, if I were a peasant, I would have finished all my pants ....

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