My name is Zhenia. I am a brunette, 25 years old. More than anything I love to fuck.

What I want to write about happened to me quite recently. My fiancé, Arthur, is always busy. He always leaves somewhere, then to Europe, then to the Middle East or to China. Sometimes he isn’t at home for weeks. At first, such separations gave us a lot of disappointment, but then we got used to it and began to fuck like monkeys. Quickly, as it will. Arthur has a huge cock. When I put my hand on him, she barely covers half of the penis. This is the biggest member I ever saw. In any case, the last time he was at home, we fucked more than thirty times. This is somewhere in three - three and a half days. Tell me what is not a record?

The fact is that I can never finish if I will excite myself alone. I can feel the buzz masturbating the clitoris, but I’ll finish only when a real male member enters me as deeply as possible. That's my problem. After his last return, more than three weeks have passed. And he should have come somewhere else in two weeks. That day he called me and we chatted about how good it was during our last meeting. He was in the hotel room and told me in detail how his penis was swelling, how big and hard he had become while we were talking. He was saying how he wants me this minute.

Everything was wet between my legs, I was sitting on the sofa at home. I spread my legs wide and lifted my skirt. Two fingers were inside the vagina. Arthur suddenly asked me: “Do you want now, baby? Do you need a big, excited dick immersed in your vagina? ”I moaned. He asked if I thought about fucking someone else while he was not at home. I had to admit that I thought about it, but did not do anything. “Well,” he said, “I will come home only after three weeks. I know you can't finish without a real member. Why don't you go and find someone for one night. ”Such a proposal disrupted me. I asked Arthur how he would feel. He replied that he could masturbate. Already, his sperm is sprinkled over the entire number. And if I sleep with someone, our love will not be less because of this, but I’m surely happier.

I felt uneasy. Maybe Arthur was shooting some women during his absences. But for two and a half years of our life together, I did not notice any signs of treason. I just asked Arthur if he had anybody during that time. He replied no. But the thought of me fucking someone else really excites him.

I thought, “Be it your way!” Friday was the first opportunity. On this day, one friend, Suzanne, invited me to a party, which was arranged by her advertising firm. I wore a short black dress and sexy bikini-type panties. Suzanna was about my age, she had dark hair to her shoulders. She worked as a chief economist at this agency. At the evening she was wearing very sexy too. The two of us looked like two high-class whores.

The party was organized in one of the restaurants. People - a hundred people. We went to the bar. Along the way, Suzanne greeted someone endlessly and introduced me to her colleagues. The last were two young men who came from somewhere in the Far East. They came to make a deal with the agency about some kind of advertising for their airliners. One of them, Mark, was a pleasant 33-year-old businessman. He told us that he was married to a Danish woman who stayed at home. His friend, Ian, immediately began flirting with Suzanne. By the end of the evening, four people caught a taxi and arrived at one of the posh hotels in downtown New York. We went up to Mark's room. It was a huge, bright room with a huge bed. On the right was the door to the bathroom, to the left - another kind of door. Later I found out that this is Yana's room.

Suzanna and I apologized and went to the bathroom.There she asked me:

- Which one do you choose?

“I don't care,” I replied. Then, without realizing my words, I added. - I want to fuck with them two.

Suzanne looked at me and smiled.

We returned to the room. The door to Yana's room was open, Mark was lying on the bed, staring at the TV. He greeted us with a barely noticeable nod. A door knocked at the door and a waiter entered with a bottle of very expensive champagne on a tray and four glasses. Mark paid off and opened the bottle. He filled the glasses and put the bottle in a bucket with ice.

- And where is Jan? She asked. - I want to take him his glass.

“In my room,” Mark answered.

Suzanne disappeared behind the door, leaving me alone with the mysterious stranger.

- For you! - Mark raised his glass.

- For you! - I repeated.

I sat on the bed, sipping champagne.

Mark turned off the TV. He got up and sat at my feet. I sat down too, he hugged my neck, pulled me to my face and we froze in an endless, sensual kiss. He stroked my leg, getting closer and closer to where they waited for him. I spread my legs wider. I so wanted to fuck! Finally, his hand penetrated between the genital lips. The panties were completely wet.

Then we had to get up to undress. He took off his pants, shirt. When it came to shorts, his magnificent, swollen cock stared straight at me.

I couldn't take it anymore. Leaving the clothes on the floor, I went back to bed. Mark lay down between his legs, started kissing my pussy that was waiting for him.

Then he sat on me, bringing his gorgeous body to my lips. I took it all. Mark managed to caress me between my legs with my right hand. I did not look at Mark. Suddenly, he suddenly said: - Hi, Jan, hello, Suzy!

I opened my eyes, not letting Mark out of my mouth. Suzanne stood at the base of the bed. She was without a dress, in red stockings and completely open panties. I am not a lesbian, but Susanna's seductive look, her dark bush and reddened pussy lips made me think: “I wonder what the taste of her such appetizing pussy?”

It is possible that the thoughts were written on my face. Because Mark immediately slipped away from me, and Susanna was hanging over me. I gladly caressed her clit. Then Suzanna turned. She herself began to caress my pussy. Her tongue repeated every movement of mine.

Then I felt a hand stroking my buttocks. My legs were spread wide and someone’s fingers penetrated deep into me. It must have been Mark or Jan, I didn’t care, only very nice. I was in seventh heaven.

Later, I realized that it was still Ian, and Mark excited Suzanna. He stood over her and did the same as Yang. Then Mark lay on his back. His cock stood exactly perpendicular to the bed. Suzanne, forgetting everything in the world, climbed on him, swallowing his organ with her vagina. Ian also joined them, giving Suzanne the opportunity to do blowjob at the same time.

- Oh, God, - moaned a friend, - let's, let's, more!

I was shocked. I often saw such scenes in films when Arthur and I took a porn movie. But for the first time in life!

I realized that I hold two fingers in my vagina, and with my other hand I firmly squeeze my own chest. I wanted to fuck! This second! And as much as possible!

Suddenly, Suzanne screamed, “Oh, I'm coming!” Oh-oh-oh-oh!

But neither Jan nor Mark has yet reached the same state. They both left Suzanne, who rolled back to the edge of the bed. Two members were hard as a rock. Unable to tolerate anymore, I sat down on Mark's dick, just like Susanna had done before. Then I felt a member of Jan on his face. Impatiently, I opened my mouth as wide as possible and swallowed as much as it fit. Mark brought me closer to the state of orgasm with each of his movements.

I began to scream, moan, scream - and stop. A thin strip of panties, which I did not have time to take off, was pushed to the side somewhere. She was all wet. I thought I'd save those panties before Arthur arrived. I want to go to bed with him in the same panties. My orgasm seemed endless.I continued to make every effort not to let Yana go. He was approaching the state of orgasm with every second. Finally it happened. I only had time to swallow sperm. It seemed to me that there were several liters of it. What I could not swallow, I threw out on his chest.

Suzanne and I stayed in the hotel for the whole night. They drank all the champagne and fucked in all possible ways. It seemed to me that it went on forever.

My Arthur is due in a few weeks. When he returns, I will tell you how he will react to everything, that he will say what he will feel.

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