What kind of work might be the most successful for a sexy girl? I'll tell you now. The one where you can be all day surrounded by men. This is what I have. My friend, Zhenya, opened the agency. And, of course, he needed my help. Now he is my debtor. No, I do not mean that he is too bad in bed. He has a great dick and I really am happy with it. I am talking about the fact that he made me sit at the office table all day and call out endless "artists." And what kind of people! What kind of characters we have not visited! But, on the other hand, I really enjoyed working at the agency. Sometimes guys got there.

Here, for example, once. There were two of them: Alex, a huge black-haired guy, and Jacques, a Spanish by origin. During the week they visited the office more than once, and sometimes even changed clothes with us. I really wanted to help them get undressed when they entered our fitting room at the far end of the office, and went out from there in leopard shirts and leather pants. It seemed to me that these two descended from some ancient Greek picture. In addition, I had every right to do so.

Because once I found Zhenya with one of our actresses in a very intimate setting. And what a woman! Almost double his. Her chest wrapped around all my friend, he just sank in her.

To tell the truth, it was quite unpleasant for me to watch them have fun. Besides, it was easier for me to deceive Zhenya than he did me. He was not constantly in the office, he was winding about business throughout New York. Sometimes I even went somewhere for a few days. And I, you see, must sit alone and be bored! He always found some excuses, promised me to arrange a royal night on arrival, to bestow gifts. On this day I was just preparing for his return from a business trip, I wore the most sexy clothes, was excited in anticipation of something unusual. All day I thought about the marriage member and that he can give me. But I should have known my lover better. Exactly five to five rang the phone. It was he. He launched into explanations that urgent matters do not allow him to return to the city. He, you see, apologizes. I did not give vent to emotions. Coldly said that everything is fine. But as soon as I hung up, I immediately began to build a plan for revenge.

Fortunately, the catcher and the beast runs. Immediately one customer called and said that a cool party was being organized today. She needs two male actors, and she turned to our agency at the last minute, as our competitors had awfully promoted her. Well, I knew who to offer her. Alex and Jacques were a bit discouraged by the fact that they needed to assemble immediately. Then I told them that if they stopped by our office for a moment on the way, they would receive an award for their obedience. They promised to rush in immediately. But, I swear, they didn’t even suspect what “reward” awaited them.

In complete ignorance, they came to the office, and I briefly described to them the conditions of today's work. Then I asked them to go to the back room. At the same time I felt that all my nerves were cocked. “Well,” I thought, “this villain cannot come to the city.” So he won't know about anything. ” Taking a deep breath, I took off my blouse and freed my gorgeous breasts from a snow-white bra. Then she went to the cherished room and abruptly opened the door.

- Lord! - Alex cried.

- Yes, you're just divine!

Jacques looked around for some reason and led me into the room, taking everything as it was: the girl wants to have fun.

- Natasha, is this the reward you talked about?

“Yeah," I nodded, approaching them. They were wearing the same T-shirts and sports pants. The sight of already excited genitals brought me into a state of ecstasy. I was joking:

- I want to help you, calmly to the sight of all these geese at the party.

- Lord! - Alex repeated, when I approached him closely and touched his pants.

- Do you want the two of us?

- Mmmmm Not a bad idea, - I agreed, feeling how everything hardens his penis under my palm. - Two big men ... Two good members!

I forgot all feelings of shame and helped them to undress in order to truly see what was under it. And there it was worth, what to see! Very soon I already caressed two big and strong men, Alex and Jacques. They kissed my breasts, nipples, made me crazy.

“Let me try one of you,” I said.

I knelt, not letting both members of the hands, holding them in the face. My lips opened. I took Jacques' cock in my mouth, stroking his tongue, up and down. A minute later, I did the same with Alex. In fairness. Oh! It was really great. A minute later I was on the table, and two gentlemen helped me to get rid of linen. They caressed my legs, my ass, played with my toes between my legs. Alex entered me first, his huge cock penetrated inside the first time. I moaned with pleasure. His big hands held me by the waist, and the member sank deeper and deeper. But Jacques could not tolerate for a long time. He climbed onto the table and gave me a dick for a blowjob. I took it with greed, feeling the orgasm coming closer and closer. Alex was in me. All the tension of the day resulted in the tension of these minutes. After a minute I let go of Jacques, because I could not cope with an orgasm that filled the whole body. Then I gave myself all to my boys, begging them to fuck me more and more. Jacques took Alex's place after he had finished, pouring a hot stream of sperm into me. Jacques was no less temperamental. With his hands he raised my ass so that it hung in the air. Feet I caught him by the neck. He was so strong that my position did not bother him at all. My head was below the level of the buttocks. The breasts spread apart. But I was busy with Alex standing above my face, allowing me to stroke and kiss my scrotum. His cock lay over my lips. I tried to catch him.

- Come on, Natasha! - Jacques moaned, fucking me harder and harder. - Take care of them, take care! He wants to drown you in his sperm!

“Mmmm, yes,” I groaned, while the next orgasm filled me. - I want this. I want you boys to flood me!

As soon as I asked for it, after a moment Alex groaned and a jet of sperm spilled on my face. The drops hit the neck, chest. A second later, Jacques contributed to the common cause. Leaving me covered in a layer of drying semen from head to toe.

I was happy, because I was able to take revenge on his wife. And got as much pleasure as he could not give me for anything

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