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(Revised version)

Lena did not want to go fishing. No wonder ... they and Igor had not yet finished their honeymoon, the young loved each other and, it seemed, no one and nothing could stop them with happiness, but his friends persuaded Igor, as always, to celebrate the day of the fisherman by the lake, and Lena to not offended, advised to take with you. “Well, little, you'll like it. Fishing is great! ”- Igor was convincing his wife, not wanting to tear down the company. In the end, she agreed.

They reached the lake quickly, and Lena was surprised that so deserted, reserved places were still preserved so close to the city. Igor immediately went to the lake with the fishermen, punishing his wife to be a good girl. “Swallow, you don’t be bored here, I’ll be back soon,” he said, pushing the boat off the coast. “I love you!” He shouted from the water, trying to overpower the roar of the engine. “I love you,” Lena whispered back, sending her childish, puffy lips a kiss.

Fifteen minutes later, the fishermen disappeared from sight - they were to catch a kilometer and a half from the camp, on clean water. Left alone, she first decided to wash. Dust from the road, huddled behind the collar of the dress, did not let us feel the beauty of nature, its pristine purity. Lena retreated to the stream running nearby, squatting, began to splash fun, admiring the gem of the ice spray. “Cold water?” She suddenly heard behind her back. Lena startled, turned around. On the shore stood a middle-aged stocky man, judging by the form, a fisherman. The man was plump, middle-aged - under the hop, but in general did not cause much concern, you never know the circle of fishermen. He looked at Lena, smiling, and this smile reassured the woman even more. “Yes, it's cold,” Lena replied, shook the drops from her hands and straightened up. And here in her soul for the first time there was a glimpse of some kind of apprehension ... this man somehow looked strangely - seemingly at her, but not in her eyes, but somewhere below. Of course, Lena had a great figure, long legs, and men always stared at her.

Even when she was studying at the university, her friends were jealous ... "With such a bust, you can not write cribs!". Only there was something wrong ... So it is. How she did not notice! that, washing her neck, undid the collar of her dress and now stood in front of a stranger with a half-closed chest! Lena did not wear a bra today, so the spectacle was quite frank. “Oh! ...”, - Lena screamed in great embarrassment, trying to do something immediately; her frozen, trembling fingers could not cope with buttons, so that she soon abandoned these empty attempts and simply covered herself with her palm. “And you are nothing ... sweet, is it frozen or something?”, - suddenly the peasant said somehow in his own way, watching the vain efforts of the woman. Lena blushed deeply from the greasiness of the compliment, from the ambiguity of her position; However, in order not to show her embarrassment and the emerging fear, she assembled, cheerfully answered ... "Yes!". There was no one around, the man did not inspire confidence, so she decided to return to the camp as soon as possible in the hope that there she would be safer.

Hurriedly getting out onto a steep bank, she stepped incorrectly and slipped. Rybak deftly caught her by the arm, and before she knew it, suddenly, without a word, he pulled her to him. “Let me go!” Lena shouted indignantly, but her voice broke and it turned out somehow not convincing. “Let him go!” - now she repeated quietly and evil, trying to distance herself from this scare.

“What do you call your name?” - not paying attention to her words, the man asked calmly. Not knowing what to do, the woman answered with a challenge ... "Lena, but what!". “Lena is a good name ...” - in response, the fisherman scoffed mockingly, and without releasing the captive from his embrace, as broad as a shovel with fives, suddenly stroked her right through the dress over her trembling from insolent touch and shame on her left breast.“Oh, what are you doing!” - Lena whispered in fright, struck down by the man’s arrogance, rushed with all her might, but he, holding her waist even tighter, carefully felt the second bosom. "Nothing boobs, milked," - concluded the man, having completed the study. Lena did not know what to do, amazed at the unreality of what was happening to her. Never, no man touched her like that! The poor woman, trying to free herself from this nightmare, jerked again with all her might, but where there! - the power of a peasant would be enough for two. Lena realized that she was being raped, she cried out in her own voice. “Shut up, I will punish!” - the man ordered his fatherly tone, and for some reason, Lena obeyed.

Feeling like the poor woman was trembling with fear, he grunted rather ... "Don't worry, don't eat!", Lowering her hand from her breasts, busily squeezing both her buttocks in turn. Tears of despair and resentment of Lena’s tears flowed from her eyes, she again wanted to call for help, but, feeling the hurried lust of the stranger’s hands, suddenly realized that it was useless, no one would hear, and then decided to negotiate with a peasant for good, presenting that he was just joking, and now he will regret her and let her go. “Please do not ...,” sobbing and stammering, she said somewhere into the void, hiding her eyes from shame, “I don’t want ... do not do this, please ...”. “And what did I do about such a terrible thing?” The man asked with irony, breathing in her face with onions and yesterday's fumes. He clearly enjoyed the victim's helplessness and, like a well-fed cat, played with her like a mouse, not at all going to lose the prey from his claws. “No one has ever touched me so much,” the woman recovered in confusion, completely lost, and suddenly, in despair, began to speak quickly in a pleading, trembling voice, still hoping for something ... “Don't! let me ... You are probably always with women like that, and I ... I have a husband ... I love him ... "."

How long have you jumped out? ”, The stranger interrupted, without letting go of the unfortunate embrace. For a second, Lena hesitated, because she didn’t immediately guess what they were asking about; then, retaining somewhere in the depths of my soul, a faint hope to soften the hardener, said hopelessly ... "Three weeks, just ... another honeymoon." "And before that, you see, the virgin was?" - He asked derisively, again starting to knead her breasts. The poor thing, completely depressed, murmured ... "Yes," and she began to cry in her voice. "Well, well, do not cry," the man said peacefully, hugging the woman by the shoulders. “I’ll just look at the nipples and go wherever you want ...” Immediately, not paying attention to the tears of the woman, he tried to touch out his nipple, which had become hard from fear, and was clearly satisfied that he didn’t meet any special resistance. , resolutely opened his dress on his chest. Two extraordinarily beautiful, high, wide-spread, milky-white breasts with large nipples, kept from tanning by cups, perhaps even too modest swimsuits, appeared to his gaze. The woman stood motionless, as in a church, her head limply with beautiful chestnut curls falling on her shoulders.

Having tried the elasticity of a tender body with a finger, the peasant held them around the pink nipple, and then several times right on the nipple, making this Lena flinch from too strong a sensation ... "Do not shiver ... you promised to let it go, that means I will let it go," the stranger said, and suddenly asked, “And you ... love, come, when the nipples are like that?” Or the husband does not respect it? ". A woman, not remembering herself, not understanding what is happening, just sobbed loudly ... "Okay, you do not want to not say, only women always like this ...", - he continued, powerfully fingering her nipple. And here for the first time Lena felt something else besides disgust and fear. This was not, of course, pleasant, since it did not come from Igor, but from some impudent one, but it was, and she felt it. “Listen, you are pretty young, and almost virgin,” the man grinned, loosening his grip for the first time; letting the captive out of his hands, he laughed - well, go to your faithful! ”Good lord Is it all? She is free! Lena happily rushed away, like a bird that was released from a cage, but at the last second the fisherman managed to grab her by the sleeve.

“Was it pleasant to you? - He asked, kindly, looking to her ...

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