The day started well. Usually before lunch at a cafe there are no visitors, but these three walked for glory. Snacks, barbecue, alcohol. Business will go, and in half a year it will be possible to pay off debts.

- Tanya, docha, - Yelena Ivanovna shouted, - if you want, take yourself Coca-Cola in the back.

Having received the bill, one of the top three, a pimply young man, took a calculator from his pocket, poked buttons for a long time, and finally said happily:

- Well, comrade major, cheated exactly twice.

Another, like a young, but with a wrinkled face, presented a certificate to the whitened woman, and his assistant went to the door, turned the sign over and clicked the lock.

- We will make a protocol.

“No, comrades,” Elena Ivanovna choked up with tears. - Oh please. I have a dependent daughter, no husband, huge debts. If I get fired, we'll be lost ...

- Yes, you do not just get fired, you sit down with me. And your daughter - in a boarding school, there they will make a person out of her.

Elena Ivanovna’s legs gave way, and she collapsed into a chair.

“Okay,” said the Major. - We can agree.

- I'll do everything for you ...

- Yes, you gave us what the hell ... - interrupted her third, hitherto silent brunette with mustache.

Tanya skipped into the bar and stopped dead, seeing her mother in tears.

- ... Tanya, my dear, you have to do what these uncles tell you. I beg you, do whatever they want.

- What for?...

- Do everything, so it should be. Otherwise, they'll put me in jail.

Elena Stephenovna stroked her head and went into the back room. Tanya looked at the strangers questioningly.

- Well, what are you standing like a fool? Take off your clothes

- Mother Mother! - shouted Tanya.

The door opened, the woman entered with long strides and threw a sonorous slap in the face to her daughter:

- Shut up, bitch! Ungrateful creature! You'll crash, break your face.

Tanya is petrified.

- Go-go, now she will be obedient. Will you? - addressed the girl major, brazenly grinning. - Yes, do not be afraid, you remain tselko.

Tanya nodded.

... When the panties were left alone on the girl, she looked up inquiringly.

“Shoot it too,” the pimple confirmed.

She stood naked like a frog. Underdeveloped breasts, and barely penetrating pubic hairs.

“Get on your knees,” the brunet ordered. They all three took off their pants and straightened their swollen limbs.

She obeyed.

- Open your mouth. So, clever.

“She can do everything,” pimply said cheerfully. - Are you already looking for porn?

Not letting go of the dick, the girl mumbled something and shook her head.

- You're lying, watched. Now swallow the eggs, only gently ...

Wrinkled first finished in her mouth. Sperm flowed over the chin.

- Swallow, bitch, this is useful.

Dripped on the floor.

- Lick quickly, and so that the floor was clean.

“First, lick my feet, I haven’t washed them for a long time,” put a pimple, and the trio squealed.

When Tanya did everything, the pimply cupped her head with her hips, so that his drooping limb lay on her forehead, and the yellow urine path ran down the girl's face, mixing with semen and tears.

“Now come here,” ordered the wrinkled one. - You will lick my ass.

He leaned back in his chair, lifted his ass high, and she timidly touched his anus with her tongue.

“Yes, deeper, bitch,” the man snapped out and slapped her face.

The girl obeyed.

“Oh, chaps,” he said after a minute. - It is necessary to ease.

They immediately realized, with an iron grip they laid her on the floor, several times hitting the neck and temple. The girl went limp and wrinkled carefully defecated on her face.

- Why cut down?

- So it will rock the boat, hold it, and you will give us a shit?

“Miltons, you ruined the product for us,” the brunette said, pinching his nose.

- And you wash it.

And they began to urinate on it, washing away the brown slush.

When Elena Ivanovna returned, Tanya was lying motionless on the floor in a puddle of urine, completely naked and beaten to the bruises. Her face was smeared with feces.

“But the cops are real, not fake,” the woman thought inappropriately. And for some reason she felt better.

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