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The feeling of affection, mixed with severe intoxication caused the girl to urinate. A trickle of urine spilled through the labia, smearing the pubic hair and palm Caucasian.

- Wow! - looking at his hand, he said in surprise.

At the table laughed.

“But now you will make the whole sofa,” said the man, “but let's go.”

With these words, he grabbed Maria under his arms and dragged her into a corner of the room. The muscles relaxed, and Masha described herself, soothing her feet and the legs of a man. At the table whistled excitedly.

- Well, who is the first? - Ymir said cheerfully, looking at this scene.

- I - excitedly replied Mahmed, who held Masha under his arms.

He again pulled the almost unfeeling girl on the sofa and laid it on him.

“But also a sight,” he thought disgustedly, looking down at Maria.

The girl was lying on her back and looking around the room with a dim look. Hands and feet were scattered in different directions, legs, crotch and stomach smeared in the urine.

- Well, what are you? Or forgot how to do it? - there was a laugh from the table.

- I disdain.

With these words, he took off his pants, wrapped his hand around his already quite excited member, lifted Masha's head and touched the head of the member to her lips. The girl showed no signs of activity. Then he leaned forward, pushed his cock through her lips. Mary did not resist. A member walked over her tongue and stuck at the base of her throat. The man leaned back, pulled him out and drove him again. The girl still did not resist.

- Well, now you yourself - he said.

For Masha, everything happened in a dream. The member rubbed against her tongue, reached her throat and back. The man was breathing heavily. Masha continued to feel bitterness of wine in her mouth, but unfamiliar taste was now mixed in with him. She felt that the penis in her mouth thickened, even extended, and now he even rubs against her side teeth. The girl felt like a member jerked, at the same moment a hot string struck her palate. The man threw back his head and made a moan of pleasure. Maria's mouth was filled with sperm mixed with saliva. She swallowed half of this mass, the rest flowed out of her mouth. Makhmed pulled a penis and wiped sweat from his forehead. Masha was lying on the sofa, her wet lips moving slightly. Without putting on his pants, the Caucasian returned to the table.

His friend patted him on the shoulder and asked something. He answered something in his own language, but Mary again did not understand.

“Now it's our turn,” said Ymir Gandil.

With these words, Ymir got up and walked to the sofa on his unsteady legs. His friend followed him. Ymir took Masha by the legs and pulled her off the couch. Maria had already sobered up a bit and was trying to resist, but she was still not strong enough. Ymir put it face down on the floor, and Gandil undressed and lay down on the floor next to her.

- Come on, put it on me - he said to Ymir.

Ymir raised the slim body of the girl, turned it over and laid it on the lying man. Lobok Masha touched his dick.

“This is how,” said Gandil, plunging his face between Maria’s hanging breasts.

With his own hands, he took the girl by the hips and opened her knees. Slightly lifted her pelvis, then slowly lowered to his standing member. The girl herself sank, and a member of the man to the very bottom entered into her.

“Come on, come on yourself,” the man whispered and slapped Masha on the cheek.

Masha looked back and saw Ymir standing behind her. He had a wicked grin on his face and Maria obeyed. Being in position from above, she rested her feet on the floor and began to squat over a man. The man threw his hands behind his head and closed his eyes with apparent bliss. The member walked freely inside her vagina, Maria continued to rise and again lower her pelvis on the man's penis. Suddenly she felt hands on her shoulders. Turned around - this was Ymir.He had already managed to take off his pants, and Masha immediately noticed her standing member. Ymir bent Masha forward (now she no longer sat, but actually lay on the first man), while he himself crouched behind her and attached the head of his penis to her anus.

“Well, wait, wait,” Ymir told her.

The girl stopped to stick her vagina on a member of Handy. Holding Masha by the stomach, Ymir, with slow movements, very carefully, began to introduce his penis into her anal. Masha screamed and bit her lip.

- If you were sober - it would be even more painful - Ymir whispered in her ear.

With these words, he leaned forward a bit and already half drove his “apparatus” inside the girl. Ymir took his hands on her breasts and introduced his penis completely. Masha felt as if something hot was in her anus, and suddenly it was something going backwards, then forward again. It was Ymir who pulled out and sank his penis again. He had already done five frictions when Gandil opened his eyes and said:

“Have you stopped?” Go on come on.

Yes, and Ymir still patted the girl on the back. There was nothing to do and Masha began to raise and lower her pelvis, starting from the floor with her feet. The member inside her vagina went well - the lubricant secret did the trick. And Ymir's member walked with difficulty in her ass, Masha was twisted in pain, but she could endure it.

“Good, good,” the excited market owner whispered.

Having made a few more movements, he pulled him out, and with a force held them on Maria's back. Soon Ymir finished, splashing her back with sperm all the way to the neck. And the man under Maria has not finished yet, he took the girl with his hands on his sides and increased the pace. Pulling his dick in hand, Ymir got up, took the girl by the hair and said:

- And who will clean up for you? Lick it up.

With these words he thrust his dick in her face. Masha tightly compressed her lips, and then Ymir began to drive her cock down her cheeks, smearing them abundantly with sperm.

- No, no, do not - the girl said, and at that very moment he put the dick in her mouth. Maria was confused, but it was already too late: the dirty member was already in her mouth, arching her right cheek. And Gandil finished: the sperm shot in a hot stream into the depths of her vagina. From unexpectedness, Masha clenched her jaws and immediately received another slap on Yimir’s sore cheek. The girl lost her balance and fell to the side. Imir's penis popped out of her mouth, a member of the second man from her vagina too.

She lay on the floor with a stained face, with smeared legs, with an itch in the ass and in the crotch. Men dressed and sat at the table again. Maria looked in the direction of the table and realized that Makhmed all this time, while his friends were raping her, sat on a chair and masturbated and managed to finish the second time in this short time: his penis and hand were in sperm. The men, with the exception of Mahmed, were already dressed.

- What are you lying? Get up and leave - Ymir threw to her.

He got up, walked over to the girl lying on the floor and threw several napkins on her chest.

- Though your face is wiped, otherwise it is not even an hour - they will be taken to the mentovka.

- Yes, about the cops - do not even think of a word to blather, such jokes do not pass with me.

He turned around and sat down at the table. Masha hastily wiped her face and began to pull on her clothes. It was very disgusting to put clothes on a dirty body, but it was not necessary to think about it. Hurry up to get out of here. Something like putting on her clothes, she rushed to the door. The door was closed. Behind Ymir came up and thrust those tens into her hand.

- On, take it, and tomorrow work on the market better ... otherwise you can repeat it ..

With these words, he opened the door with the key and Maria, holding crumpled bills in her palm, rushed into the night ...

Morning has come. The market began a new working day. There were few buyers, but the whole day was still ahead.

- Tomatoes are bulk, selected! Apples ripe bulk. Top grade! - rang out the inviting thin voice of Masha.

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