It was a hot July 1992. The heat melted intolerable, it seemed to throw a match, and everything will break out. The weather forecast did not bode well. My God, how I envied my friends, who smartly all dispersed on the very first day of the holidays. And for poor reasons, I had to stay, poor thing ... moreover, I also had to get a job and not just anywhere, but to the department of forensic medicine, to put it simply in the morgue.

Can you imagine what desires I had in this heat ... knowing that there is an excellent freezer on the first floor? Just kidding, of course. Thank God, we worked on the second floor and dealt with injuries, conflict situations ... in which someone broke something to someone ... beat off ... or even knocked out. In general, everyday situations with a criminal background.

I was there as a statistician and nurse, having unfinished medical education. A woman - a doctor Irina Olegovna worked in a pair with me. The picturesque woman who has kept the remains of former beauty, with sleek hands and piercing eyes. Our relations were purely businesslike and concerned only work. It was on such a hot summer day that those events began ...

I sat at the computer and periodically wiped the sweat. There was practically no work. Irina also wrote something, occasionally strictly looking at me. Our office was an ordinary medical examination room with a couch, a screen, banks-flasks ... with an old-fashioned gynecological chair and a bunch of shiny instruments. The only luxury for those years is the computer I used to play like a boy in my free time ... to the displeasure of a female doctor. Immediately after lunch, when the heat and drowsiness finally finished me off, I suddenly heard there at the bottom, at the entrance, the creak of the brakes of the car that had approached.

- Someone brought, - said Irina and went to the window, - come here.

A police goat arrived, the door opened, and a girlish figure appeared. The sergeant ran up to the door and pulled it out by the little handle. The girl looked very young, but for some reason she bent like an old woman, and the sergeant led her into the building.

“No other way than the rape was brought ...” said Irina and went to meet the guests.

After her words, I felt even hotter ... oh my God, is it really true ... did this baby get raped? In about ten minutes the door opened, Irina entered and the policeman. Under the arms they led a cute creature in a very dirty short summer dress. The little girl's face was tear-stained ... tears rolled down her pink cheeks, and her body was quivering with a nervous shiver. Apparently, the Irkine guesses were confirmed. The girl’s graceful knees were knocked down to blood, and the yellow dress was torn and covered with dust. She was put on a couch, the sergeant gave some paper to Irina for a signature, and then silently left.

The girl still trembled, looking with an indifferent look somewhere on the floor. Irina Olegovna sat at her desk and began to fill in the paper, mandatory for all victims and injured.

Only now I saw her closer. In appearance the girl was about 16 or 17 years old, thin, petite, with a short haircut under the boy. And the little face ... even tear-stained and with swollen lips was beautiful. They say about such - a written beauty. I suddenly felt excited, and I also realized that they would soon begin to examine her ... only Irka wouldn't drive me out!

- How old are you? She asked gently.

It turned out that 16, that she had come to her grandmother from Moscow, that last night some scum had dragged her into a car, blindfolded and taken to some house ... where exactly she did not know ... and there they were having fun with her all night And besides, they filmed it all on video. It turned out that her name is Katya, and that she is in the tenth grade.

“Katya,” said Irina quietly, “do you understand that I need to examine you and take all the tests, because without this these reptiles it would be impossible to punish?”

Katyushka sobbed and nodded her head.

“You have to tell me everything,” the doctor continued, “everything, everything ... hiding nothing.”

Katya nodded again and burst into tears.

- Please undress. We need to document everything.

The girl looked inquiringly at me and at Irina.

“This is also a doctor, Sergey Vladimirovich,” Irka said soothingly, “he is my assistant.” Please do not be ashamed of anyone here ... we are your friends and want to help you.

“All right,” she whispered in her angelic voice and began to indifferently pull off her dress.

From the joy that I was not kicked out, I wanted to sing and thank Eri infinitely. Will I now see this perfect young body that owns such a charming head?

She could not cope with the clasp on the dress, and Irene helped her. And so, gentlemen, a slim, almost naked statue is standing three meters away from me. My boy in pants was ready to break through the thin fabric, and my gaze slid over the maiden figure, stopping on the apples of delicate breasts with swollen red papillae and on the pink panties of the little girl, who was tight around the ass. Only now I noticed that the body of the woman was bruised and abraded. “Bastards,” I thought, “what did they do to her ... god ... how beautiful she is !!!”

“You also take off your panties,” Irka said, and immediately asked, “When did you put them on?”

“Just now, before they threw me out of the car ...” she whispered.

"Look, what noble - even the little ones gave away."

She pulled them clean like a woman and laid them down on the couch.

- Sergey Vladimirovich, take them and pack for laboratory analysis. There may be traces of semen of these scum.

On legs trembling with excitement, I jumped up as if stung and took this warm lump in my hands, walked behind the screen, where we had a small storage room - there were special packages for physical evidence. Suddenly, with my hand, I felt that the panties were wet ... I turned them around and saw that their entire interior was covered with some kind of light red discharge.

Probably blood with sperm. I quickly packed them in a bag and threw them in the fridge. Irina Olegovna sat me down at her desk and asked me to record all the inspection data. She laid the girl on the couch. on the back. I could see everything very well, and even her coveted pubis covered with blond hair, even the pink slit edge. The doctor began to examine her breasts and dictate to me:

- ... on the left nipple one can see small tears with blood ... the nipples are enlarged ... painful to palpation ... - I heard the baby moan from pain as the doctor's fingers squeezed them.

- What did they do with your breasts?

Katyusha's eyes filled with tears, and she squeezed out of herself:

- They bit my nipples ... It was very painful for me ... - tears, unable to withstand the onslaught, ran down her cheeks.

Ira stroked her head, saying gentle words, and began to dictate further. She listed all the bruises and wounds on the body of the unfortunate girl, they turned out to be a lot ...

- And how many were people? Maybe you remember?

“Six or seven,” she replied.


“Did they rape you in the mouth?”

- Yeah ...

- Until full discharge?

It was evident how it was difficult for Katenka to say:

- Yes...

- In other words, they let you their sperm in your mouth? - she just nodded.

“What did you do to her?”

“Ooooooni ... they ordered her to swallow ...” answered the baby.

From these words, I myself almost finished, trying to escape from the scribbling. Wow ... poor girl!

- Catherine, now let's move to the gynecological chair.

It was only a meter away from me!

Kate got up with difficulty and went to the chair.

Guys, I haven't seen such yadies yet! Perfect shapes, resilient and upturned ... mmmm! She climbed onto the bed and spread her legs on stands. Her face reddened from embarrassment and shame. I saw all this beauty in full view! The hairs were only on top ... and there were no signs of shaving, probably at her age it happens. Between the swollen large jaws protruded no less swollen small ones.It was evident that the guys did not spare the girl - her pussy was like a tortured rosette.

- Have you been to this boy?

- Yes ... twice ... I have a boyfriend.

“I see,” strictly said Irishka, and spread her gloved hands over her organ. - Write down, Sergey Vladimirovich.

Her vagina was filled with sperm, it dripped and dripped onto the exposed vessel.

- Sergey, help me, - followed the order, - open your big lips and hold it like this, - she took a cotton swab and began to wipe the outer part ...

From the abundance of sperm, I began to hear the slurping sounds. Then she put the soaked tampon in the bag.

Suddenly, I realized that I did not wear gloves! Thank God, my boss was silent, and I still kept these amazing lips in a divorced state. The girl’s skin was tender, warm and moist. The smell of her tortured pussy reached my nose. Irinka took out a mirror and began to inject it inside ... Twisted the dilator ... We could see her not yet fully ripe womb, which was simply poured with thick masculine cream. The doctor wiped it all with tampons and also put them in packets. On the clit of the baby, we found abrasions and the head itself, which Irinka pulled out of her wrinkles with her fingers, was wiped almost to the blood. At the request of Irina, I soaked the cotton wool in the anesthetic solution and soaked her bitten and kissed the clitoris. Now we went to her anus. It was pronounced with bloody cracks and greatly increased in size. For this procedure, the baby was placed in the knee-elbow position on the couch. Imagine my state when I saw it all! Ira introduced a finger to her there ... to the cries of our charming woman. The finger was covered in blood and semen. It seemed like a whole ton was poured into it. The doctor asked her to squeeze, and droplets of reddish sperm began to pour out of my ass, which I immediately collected in a test tube. Then I wiped and anesthetized the glorious analchil, smeared it with petroleum jelly, slightly driving my finger into the warm inside.

Having finished with the inspection, we helped the girl to get dressed ... Irka made her a sleeping pill for sleeping pills, and in five minutes she was already sleeping in our residency room, sobbing in a dream like a child.

Then I learned that these dregs were caught and punished. But, unfortunately, nothing is known about Katya’s fate. That tape, with the recording of this terrible and cynical rape, was never found in them. Most likely, they managed to push it into the market of porno products. So, gentlemen, if anyone purchased it or saw it, share it with me.

And Irina Olegovna, when it was all over, looked at me with her piercing eyes, smiled and slyly asked:

- What is it you, my dear man, did not wear gloves?

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