So, by the numerous requests of the “workers”, I decided to finally push things away and still tell about my first swing experience. Or rather - experience: there were three participants - I, Mikhail and his wife Oksana.

By the time I did not have a swing experience - I had several meetings with two girls at the same time (there will be a separate story about this), but I had a great desire to acquire it. I was wildly excited (and still start up) films and magazines with a combination of MMZH - two men and one woman. At that time (it was the end of 1997) I lived in one rather large provincial city, I was there on a long-term business trip. Among the attractions of this city was a newspaper free ads, which was heading "Behind the Scenes." They were met not by respectable citizens who want to start a family, and not even gays, but just such comrades who would like to meet more than two of them together :)) like SwingLine offline. I advertised there for an acquaintance with the couple, and a few days after the newspaper came out, I dropped by the city post office for letters. There were four letters. One thing fell away immediately - it was from a town of one hundred and fifty kilometers, and it was obvious that a meeting was hardly possible. The second was from a couple around 33 years old (I was 24 then), we met, sat in a cafe, but somehow we didn’t have mutual sympathy.

But the third and fourth letters ... It was from the series “you can’t think of something on purpose” :)) It turned out that husband and wife wrote to me separately, secretly from each other - everyone wanted to make a partner a pleasant surprise. Oksana (wife) wrote that they have long wanted to diversify the sex life with the presence (and participation) of someone from the third or other couple, Misha (husband) - that the wife often fantasizes about the second man, and he, in general, does not mind. We agreed to meet.

The guys turned out to be terribly cute and pleasant, besides their peers - Oksana 24, like me, Misha 28. She is a pretty, tall, thin blonde girl, something like Princess Diana (seriously!), He is a normal guy, about my size , but a little smaller than my height. After an hour of sitting in a cafe, we already felt as though we had known each other for a long time, and it was clear that we liked each other. Agreed to meet again soon.

But the meeting in a “close, friendly atmosphere” was still far away. I went home to Moscow for a few weeks, then Oksana and Misha had a child who got sick, then the New Year was coming ... In general, almost two months passed. We called back, but the meeting was postponed all the time. During this time, however, we became friends a little - the guys even came to visit me with their ten-month-old baby. In early February, I had to return to Moscow for good - the period of the business trip was ending. We had to meet for sure - and we did it. January 29, 1998. I remember this date well :)). In the morning we phoned with Michael, agreed to meet, planned what to buy on the table. In the evening I had to pick up Oksana in the center and go to his house (the guys lived on the other side of the city). The child my future partners sent to the grandmother.

And here we are sitting at the table, having a snack, drinking (I had the impression that Misha tried to sing me and myself to rent the complexes) ... and everyone knows that IT should happen today. Probably, this is one of the most difficult moments in such meetings - to move from the table to the bed. It seems everyone wants, and everyone agrees - but everyone is embarrassed to take the first step. We have made the first step Ksyusha. For our parish, Misha was watching some stupid action movie on a vidak. While we ate, we talked, he came to an end, and Oksanka asked: "Let's put something more conducive!"With cool, naturally, porn :)) - a lot of guys in different combinations satisfied two girls. All three of us started to wind up. Oksana continued - “Boys, who is the first in the bathroom?”. We had fun arguing who should go first - it fell to the owner of the house. While Misha was washing, his wife sat down with me, and we started kissing. Oksana began to unbutton my shirt and stroke her thin, cool fingers. To be honest, with all my uncomplexivity, I was really excited. Then my turn came to rinse. I don’t know what the spouses did in my absence (I guess, of course :)))), but when I returned to the room, my husband held the floor of the robe with his hands :)). Last lady went to the shower. “Help me make out the sofa,” asked Mikhail. We laid out the sexodrome, and lay down in anticipation of our lady. “Well, are you ready? Will there be jealousy? ”I asked. “It's okay. Well, you, of course, more careful - the lawful spouse after all. ”

And now - the moment of truth. Oksana came out of the shower. Unlike us, men (I was wrapped in a towel, Misha was in a bathrobe), she put on a short skirt and a jumper. Ksyusha went to the bed by her husband and sat on him. They began to kiss, while Oksanina hand gently held over my body and began to untie the towel wrapped. During kisses, Misha neatly undressed her wife, and here we are all three completely naked ... Oksana, still riding on her husband, leaned toward me, we kissed and stroked each other. Our girl took turns kissing her husband, then me. We were all already excited to the limit. Then Misha hoarsely whispered to his wife: “Ksan, do you like him?”, “Yes,” she replied. “Do you like my wife?” He asked me. "Of course!". “So what are you waiting for? Begin! ”Oksana turned her back on me and leaned over to her husband. She then kissed him on the lips, then caressed his body with her tongue, then took his penis in her mouth. And at that time I smoothly entered her from behind. It was something! To the usual pleasure of sex with a woman is added the pleasure of observing how she has sex with another ... I note in brackets - it is not surprising that during group sex men can more often, longer and longer than with normal sex with one woman!

“Well, let's change places?” Suggested Misha. Changed - he entered the wife from behind, and I leaned back. Oksana started to caress me with her tongue. I was already at the limit, and it was enough for me for a while - a few minutes later I finished in Ksyusha’s mouth. She competently brought the case to the end, and then joyfully whispered to her husband over her shoulder: "Honey, have you seen?". Apparently, Michael got this great picture too - he finished almost immediately ...

... Having rinsed under a shower, we lay and came to our senses. There were no words - yes, they were not needed, so we all felt good. “You are just a miracle!”, Misha finally whispered to his wife. They merged into a kiss, and I, in order not to feel superfluous, slid lower, gently spread Oksana's legs and began to caress her tongue, stroking her breasts. The combination turned out to be “winning” - very soon Ksana, without tearing her lips from her husband’s lips, began to moan with pleasure. We did not stop, and very soon brought the girl to orgasm. By this time, we, both I and Misha, were again on full alert. I lay on my back, Oksana settled on me in the pose of a rider, I deeply went into it. She turned back with half-closed eyes, kissing her husband. Then Misha gently pushed Oksana towards me, she gently kissed me on the lips, and in the meantime her husband took a jar of cream from the side table and began to grease Ksyushin with her ass. "Just be careful!", Tearing away from me, Oksana hissed over her shoulder. A second later, I felt the weight of two bodies already - we gave the girl a “sandwich”. Oksanka groaned in pain and pleasure, I soothed her with kisses, and in the end she relaxed ...

In the next few hours, we tried a variety of poses and combinations, completely disheartening Ksanochka and unwinding ourselves (to our honor and Misha, we were simply tireless - the situation contributed!). At about two and half past night we were tired and decided that it would be enough for today ... We got dressed and went out for a refreshing night frost (the guys decided to go to their parents to pick up their son early in the morning) Probably, it was worth looking at us at that moment - on the faces - a combination of happiness and fatigue ...

A few days later I went to Moscow. It turned out that our first meeting was the only one. Although since then we occasionally exchange greeting cards on holidays, but with Mikhail we somehow drank beer in Moscow when he came on a business trip. One and a half thousand kilometers is still a serious obstacle in the way of the swing :))) But I probably will never forget that wonderful evening and the pleasure that we gave each other.

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