Many are interested, best people what kind of people? What are they interested in? Many of them are considered not competent in the field of entertainment, fun and sex as well. I also belonged to people who are very unprincipled to excellent students. I met my girlfriend Natasha K. when she came to our course to study. The girl was so-so: modest, quiet with no one but a close friend was friends, did not communicate with the guys. I liked it only for this reason. Although I must admit that the girl she was not badly folded, the figure was good, add light brown hair, excellent chest and a beautiful face with a very nice nose for me. In general, a beautiful girl who graduated from school with a gold medal. Not bad, right? Having become acquainted with her, I became a friend to her. We walked with it in parks, theaters, museums and other historical and cultural places of the city. I met her parents, it seems, with quite good people who really didn’t like me very much. Strictly speaking, it was right, since they taught their daughter that the virginity of a girl should be broken only with her husband. And the husband according to her parents is sacred to change which she should not under any circumstances. The poor girl I thought.

However, contrary to the advice of her parents, she lived with me. And we liked it very much. We didn’t often meet mostly with me.

One evening I accompanied her, but she didn’t want to show herself to her parents, and so for the quarter she asked me not to see off. I do not know why, but suddenly I went to the next.

Natasha went on the road near her house, smoking four guys. They didn’t talk about anything for long. I had thought to intercede for my girlfriend, but her cheerful mood after a couple of minutes of conversation led me to the idea that she knows them. One of the guys said something to Natasha and held her hands. Then they went holding her hands somewhere away from the house ... Very soon I realized that they had taken Natasha to a small wooden shed near their house. There we often made love with Natasha. Very comfortably. They went inside. Turn on the light. I walked over to the shed and found a gap through which one could look inside the barn. Inside there were four guys and my girlfriend. The guys gave Natasha a beer and stood smiling. Honestly, I expected that Natasha, having felt the piquancy of the situation, would go away. However, it was not there. Having caught the smirk of the guys, my girl got up in the middle of the room and began to whisper something to the red-haired guy who was soldering her hard.

I realized that now I will be from this I was in shock and did not want to believe in it. But a strange feeling began to take hold of me. From the realization that my girl Natasha will now fuck four guys I had a feeling of slight excitement.

At this time I saw that my girl started to undress, slowly undress, it was obvious that she was worried and her hands were shaking. She began to take off her clothes. First a white blouse fell down ... I was excited and started to caress my dick. The sight of Natasha excited me.

She stood in front of the guys in a white bra with a black skirt. One of the guys approached her and began to caress her breasts. Affectionate chest and kissed Natasha, my Natasha. Others at this time began to undress. As soon as the guys raised the skirt hem to the top. Through the fabric of the panty Natasha caressed herself. The guys at the same time took off her bra and panties. Left naked, Natasha began to caress a member of that guy with her hands. The guys raised her and laid laid down a folding bed.

The thing is that this shed belonged to the family of Natasha. And we agreed with her to put this bed there ... Indeed, why hammer in an apartment with all sorts of unnecessary things ... The idea to confess was not bad ... And I completely experienced it when I was fucking my Natasha in the evening.I remembered how for the first time Natasha took a member in her mouth ... I had been persuading her for a long time about this, but she stubbornly did not want to do it. But one day after I caressed her vagina to her, she suddenly for me began to suck my dick. She did it not very skillfully, but I liked to feel how I teach her about the wisdom of sex ... Later she confessed to me that at one time when she and her brother were talking about sex, he told her how one girl gave him a blowjob ... And how he it told, savoring all the details and deriving pleasure from it ... To which my girlfriend replied that she would never take a dick in her mouth ... Although my brother said that he weakly believes in it ...

Something I was distracted ... Putting Natasha on the bed, the redhead strongly and quickly drove his dick into the mouth of my beauty. From surprise, Natasha's eyes almost got out of orbit ... And the redhead at that time had her in her mouth by force ... He was fucking her in the mouth. The other guy fell in and started slowly pushing his dick into his pussy. Natasha was huddled in time with sex. She had on both sides. Redhead violently finished in her mouth. Immediately after the redhead Natasha began to suck the other guy's cock. All this time she was put in different poses and fucked, fucked fucked ... And all this time I watched and finished. I liked to see how Natasha in my eyes and the eyes of other guys became a slut ...

Later, I decided to retire and got up near her house and already looked behind the shed from afar ... Guys came out of the barn and after them my girl ... They said goodbye and Natasha went to her house ...

The next afternoon I called her home and we agreed to meet. She came to me and I decided to find out how she got to the house (he said that he was worried). To which she replied that I was stupid and that something could happen to her ... Was that some guys could stick to her and laughed ... Then we made love for a long time.

About what happened, I told my friend. He was very surprised and asked how I feel about this. I told me that I liked it and here came to me a wild idea that I decided to embody. And I immediately told this idea to my friend Keshe. I wanted to leave them at home and supposedly would have left. And Keshka was supposed to seduce my Natasha ... to join her confidence and tell me every time she sleeps with me. And if possible, shoot it on video. Of course, secretly from her. Kesh obviously liked it and he agreed. On the other, I honestly did not expect.

And then the day came when Natasha came to me and I called my friend. He came, she and Natasha did not know much. We had a lot of fun and according to the plan I had to leave. I told Natasha that I had to leave for an hour or so another at work wanted her to wait here for me. She agreed. And I left Natasha closed the door behind me. Not noticeable for her Kesha had to let me in. What he did. I sat quietly in another room and listened to everything. They talked about everything. And then Kesha got up turned on the music center and invited Natasha to dance. She refused. However, my friend was persistent and hugged her and unexpectedly for Natasha began to kiss her. Natalya tried to deny him caresses but nevertheless gave way and took up her debauchery. They kissed. Natasha said she needed to go to the bath. That was what we needed. Kesha quickly took out the video camera I had prepared and disguised it. And I lay quietly. Natasha came out completely naked and walked over to Kesha. My friend was in shock. Natasha began to undress him, taking off her panties, she began to do blowjob. Kesha praised her and asked as soon as she learned. To which my girlfriend replied that she practiced on me. But excitement got the upper hand, or she wanted to brag, but she began to tell Kesha that she had begun to meet recently about the neighbors' children from her yard. And sometimes when she doesn't meet with me, she comes to someone from the guys and has sex there. But the question of how many of them were Natasha answered laughing a lot, there was a lot, and she continued that she wanted to let through even more.Natasha pulled away from a member Keshi lay in bed spread her legs and my friend went into it. They sighed, gasped Kesh finished on her. Natasha was not enough, she again began to suck his penis and put in a state of combat. A member stood up. And here Natasha began to fuck Keshka herself. Well, I lay there and enjoyed ...

We are meeting Natasha and now ... She says that she loves me and I love her ... I will continue to write when Kesha tells what the guys do with Natasha. He now keeps silence intriguing me ... although he says that fuck her and not alone ...

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