We were already experienced in love and sex. I and Kate. I liked her full buttocks, small breasts and willingness to have sex in any conditions.

But here in our life she appeared - a young seventeen year old girl Lena. Somehow we began to want her both.

Once Kate confessed to me:

- I dreamed that the three of us are having sex. And I realized that I wanted her.

A week later, we sat in a quiet cozy apartment and drank dry wine. Lots of wine. Hop quickly took his toll, and from Katya's eyes I realized that she was thinking only about one thing.

- It's hot. Come and take a shower, ”she suggested to Lena.

A few minutes later they were sitting across from me in short robes. To be closer to the target, I also took a shower and dressed in a bathrobe. Somehow quietly turned into a conversation on the topic of sex.

Suddenly Katya unexpectedly said:

“Do me a spine massage,” and immediately laid down on the sofa with her stomach down, taking off her robe to the waist.

I began to knead her vertebrae from top to bottom. Katya moaned softly, portraying pleasure, and Lena contemplated this process with a certain curiosity. Reaching the waist, I lowered Katin a robe below, so that the top of her buttocks became visible. Lena just started and blushed slightly. Then I decided to go further and lowered the robe completely, exposing the big round Katina halves. As if continuing the massage, I began to knead them, to stroke, getting really excited about it. Lena sat opposite, thickly covered with paint and looked at the floor.

After that, Katya did a massage for me, also “for convenience” by lowering my panties. And again, I was excited not a joke.

- Do you want a massage too? - she suddenly asked Lena

“Yes,” she nodded and lay down on the sofa.

Kate took off her robe and began to act. Reaching the end of the spine, she gently pulled the elastic of her panties and, to my surprise, Lena slightly raised her hips, helping her friend take them off. Before my eyes appeared bare girlish buttocks, rather round and seductive.

Katya crushed them a little and said:

- I'm tired of something. Change me.

I took her place and felt Lenin's back stiffen. My hands fell on the bare halves of the girl and felt their original tenderness and softness. I clutched them in my palms, feeling that I was about to finish. Kate looked at us with undisguised delight and her hips involuntarily rhythmically compressed.

Then we drank wine again, and already thought of only one thing.

The first went to sleep the girl. A minute later I entered the bedroom.

Lena, with her eyes closed, lay on her back under the sheet, next to her was Katya, but completely naked. I, having thrown off the panties, lay down next to Katya and began to caress her chest, stroke her belly, then put my hand between her full legs and began to play with her clit. Not seeing Lena, I heard the weak moans of a girl. At first I thought that she was watching my actions and that made her excited. But then I realized - it is unlikely. Looking at her - even more surprised. The girl was lying in the same pose with her eyes closed and with moans made moans. A quick glance below was enough to realize what was happening. Under the sheet in the pubic area there was a slight stirring. “Caressing herself” - a thought flashed through her, but then she discovered that Katina’s left hand was hiding under a sheet and that she was the source of the stirring. I gently threw back the sheet and saw: Katina's fingers were hidden under the panties of her friend and there gently caressed her girlish secret. Lena meekly surrendered to her, experiencing a new unusual and pleasant feeling.

There was no way back and Katya slowly took off her panties from Lena.

The triangle of thick hair was much larger than I expected. Katya spread Lenin's legs and a young crotch appeared before our eyes. Fingers spreading lips, Kate gently began to stroke the girl's clitoris, then knelt between her friend's legs and, leaning over, touched his tongue. Lena moaned.

No longer able to observe this, I attached myself to Katya from behind and put my dick in soft flesh. Katya, with a groan, accepted my pushes, keeping the girlfriend’s bare hips out of her hands, continuing to caress her with her mouth. A violent wave swept through my body and I felt that I was ending.

Katya fell on Lena, and they, embracing, rolled over the bed, finding themselves both on their side. I took Lenin's hand and laid my thigh on Kathino. Katya understood this gesture and lay back. Lena's hand was on the belly of a friend and I again took her and lowered it between Katina's legs. Lena clumsily began to drive her finger between the lips of her friend, which is why she groaned and slightly spread her full legs. It was felt that the girl was embarrassed to touch the hand of the other girl's innermost place, therefore all her movements were uncertain and timid.

“Ah, well ...” Katya moaned, “More ... Stronger ... I’m finishing ... A little more ... Everything! ... Ahhh.

It was no longer a groan, but a real cry. Katya screamed in her voice, wriggling her whole body, throwing up her bare thighs.

Unable to endure anymore, I abruptly turned Lena on my stomach and lay down on her, feeling the softness of her bare ass. Kissing her neck, I squeezed her small breast with one hand, and with the other I crept down between the tender legs and felt her plump pubis. My hard cock has already penetrated from above into the crotch and rubbed between the gentle lips. I felt a small vagina and sent my instrument there.

“No,” the girl whispered with her lips, but there was no strength to stop.

Most of all, I was afraid that Lena was still a girl, but my fears were in vain. Member freely entered the cozy hot cave and disappeared there until the end. From the first push, Lena screamed and slightly raised her hips to meet my movements. I earned with a new force, feeling the tenderness and softness of a naked young body. Katya, looking at us, was already masturbating again: her middle finger was quickly running up and down between tight hips.

Soon I felt that I was ending and, not wanting extra problems, I took out a member from the girl’s tender flesh. Seeing this, Katya, close to orgasm through frequent breathing, commanded:

- Take in hand! Help him with your hand!

Lena shyly clasped my fist ready for the eruption and began to drive her hand up and down. Around it was felt that she was holding the male member for the first time.

- And now you yourself ... - Kate earned between her legs faster - Cumming myself, I love to watch how you pull ...

In the eyes darkened, a strong wave of voluptuousness rolled all over my body, and a muddy white trickle splashed high out of me. Next to the loud prolonged groan, Katya convulsed in orgasm.

After we met three more times, but more on that next time.

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