Autumn. A rainy, damp, smelling burnt leaves autumn. I walked down the street, along the road, knocking my heels on the asphalt. Tears of rain were falling on my umbrella, creating music ... It was incomprehensible, but it sounded so beautiful, otpadaya in my ears. I went and thought about something ... it was always sad in the fall ... Droplets were blurred in puddles, forming circles. They floated away, leaving only thoughts ... empty thoughts about nothing. Different cars passed by, all kinds of ..., I didn't understand the cars, so I didn’t care. They were all in a hurry somewhere, like people passing or running past me. Everyone has his own life ... someone is in a hurry to go home, someone is on a date, someone doesn’t give a damn about everything, and he sits quietly on a bench reading a newspaper ... I was going in an unknown direction, nowhere, just wandered through the streets, looking for something ... or someone ... I was so sad, so lousy at heart, that I wanted to cry ... But now, I hear the grinding of wheels on the road, turning, I see .. .

Machine, dear car. From her, looking at me, a middle-aged man, he had blond hair, eyes ... deep blue, plump lips, the corners of which were now blurred in a smile. For me, for some reason, I also wanted to answer him with a smile, I smiled))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))) ... He opened the car door, beckoning with his finger, I do not know why, but I didn’t even doubt to get into it. And I jumped into the seat of the car, as in my home, slammed the door easily and we rushed. I loved to drive fast, it raised adrenaline. We overtook everyone, laughing from something, as if we had known each other all our lives. Twilight set in, the lights of the city gradually began to light up, colored lights flickering so beautifully, reflected on the hood of the car. I looked at you, your confident look, eyes looking at the road, I liked them. You were wearing a light sweater, with a throat, blue jeans, I love men with taste ...))). You asked for my name, heard it, was very surprised, you have never met girls with that name before, but I didn’t want to ask your name, I knew that we would never meet after that. You offered to drop in, wherever you go, to eat, I agreed. We arrived at some restaurant, I had not been here before, but I immediately liked it here. It was so cozy, twilight, candles were burning on the tables, cooing men and women around, sharing, than with each other. You ordered something light, martini and black grapes. We chatted about something, drank, laughed ... your hand reached out to mine, you squeezed it so hard that it hurt me, you saw it in my eyes and covered my not crying with your kiss. What a passionate kiss, god, so a long time no one kissed me, I was ready to die from one of your language, God ... You so excited me that it was already visible to everyone. I grabbed you by the hand and took me to the dressing room, to the woman's ... we closed ... you were also not patient, your eyes devoured me, your hands unbuttoned all my buttons on the blouse ... But my hands became so obedient that I could not keep track of them ... they stretched, even rushed, said to the belt, on your jeans, then to the fly ... and our hands, as if agreed, in one second rushed to their goals. Yours slipped under my bodice, my ... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ... what a groan you said ...))). My chest heaved up above you, because you already kissed my tummy, God, a faint tremor of languor ran through my body, you sank lower and lower ... I ran my hands into your hair, clutched my claws at you. You pulled up my skirt, you were glad when you saw that I was in stockings!

Your hands frantically tore off my panties, a dark corner opened up to your eyes, you launched a TUDA hand ... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ... how much happiness she brings, being in me like fingers move inside me, giving me a sweet pain ... back to me, bent a little and ...oh god, what I felt ... was a huge organ inside me, these were no longer fingers ..., he was moving back and forth through my cave ... uuuuuuuuu ... and faster and faster ...

It became not convenient for me to do this, I deviated, jumped off you! Sit you on a bidet and sat on top. Before you was my chest, you began to kiss her, and I gently sat on him, like that, looking into your eyes, devouring you with myself, moving on you. I accelerated the pace, you took me by the waist, helping me, it became so often, very quickly, very, very, very !!!

God, I was already beginning to get tired and now ... your jet rushed into me in a terrible stream, enveloping my bosom with my warmth ... I fell on you, huddled hard, lay on your shoulder. You embraced me, our breath became one.

After resting, we began to dress. All the disheveled came out of the stall, looked in the mirrors and began to laugh from our sight. And then, we went outside, got into the car ... and rushed off ... I don’t know where, but we didn’t see each other again.

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