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In the evening, Denis read a book, put out the light and with a clear conscience fell asleep. Ten minutes later, the phone rang, already falling asleep, Denis reached for the handset. At the usual hello, on the other end, his friend Dima woke up something unintelligible and immediately asked:

- In general, so. Tomorrow you have nothing to do?

- In general, no - Denis answered him in tune - Why not?

- There is such a thing, how do you feel about group sex?

- Easy, and you offer? - The dream vanished in an instant.

- Yes: In short, you know my girlfriend, she has a girlfriend from the institute, you saw her, we walked with chicks the other day, remember?

- Nuu - dying down, said Denis

“Anya is there, a girl like that, remember?”

- Yes.

- Here. Yesterday she called my Tanya, they talked about this and that, and they were talking about sex between girls, this Anya suggested Tanyukha to try. She agreed, calls me and happily tells. I ask her what for it to you, you have a boyfriend by the side. She said that for the sake of interest, try it, but if you want, I will call her and say that my boyfriend also wants to participate - you want, probably? - Well, let's say. Then she calls back and says that Anya agrees. I am happy about the pipe, I think I was lucky to have one with two without any problems, but she says that it hurts her if I will fuck with two chicks and she will agree only if I call a friend so that she will be interested. Well, I think okay, dick said to her, I will call you, and you will ask Anka if she will agree.

- This is the story, I hope you agree?

It’s easy, it’s easy. Denis, of course, wasn’t such that he had to be begged twice, but at first he thought it was a joke, realizing that he was seriously confused. Tanka was pretty busty and generally cool, and he remembered Anya very well from their only meeting, where they didn’t say a word and it seemed to him that she was modest and shy. But abaldenly beautiful.

- You bet - Denis answered as evenly as possible.

- Well, then I call Tanke now and say what you are for.

- Will Anya agree? - Denis asked - still a gangbang with two guys is not exactly lesbian love.

- We will find out after one thing - Dima answered and hung up.

Denis was waiting for a call as a girl, languishing with impatience before the first date. Just a minute later the phone rang, and he immediately grabbed the phone.

- Everything is fine - Dima reassured - when she found out that there will be a boy Denis, with whom they recently walked together, Tanya said she was there. And Tanka herself seemed happy.

After these words, Denis came right next to him and he happily smiled.

- You do not die there for joy - said Dima with a laugh.

- Yes, everything is trivial - Denis replied, walking around the room - when is this all planned?

- Tomorrow at your house.

- Well, I thought that I was attracted only for the sake of an apartment.

- No, what are you - seriously said Dima - just nowhere else.

- Okay, let's go to sleep - Denis hung up and fell on the bed, in which he would tumble with beautiful girls tomorrow and his thoughts were filled with joyful pictures.

In the morning it is impossible to say that Denis would be very worried, but the pack of cigarettes bought on the way was already over. They agreed that Dima will meet the girls, and together they will drive up to Denis's home, and during this time he will prepare everything. But firstly Denis didn’t know that there could be a lot of preparation there and on the spot, and secondly he wanted to get acquainted with Anya a little, he wasn’t sure that she could easily fuck an unknown girl no matter how beautiful she was.

At the bus stop, Dima was already standing and smoking with an independent air. Denis came up and they greeted, smiling joyfully and nodding meaningfully, to each other.

- What time will they drive up? - asked Denis.

- Yes, they should - Dima turned his head in different directions, looking for girls.He wore for this occasion a ceremonial leather spinnazhok, as he called him, black cossacks and narrow jeans, tight slim legs. - Taak - he stretched, throwing a cigarette butt - here they are. Denis took out one more last cigarette and lit it. Tanya and Anya approached them, Tanya smacked Dima and greeted Denis. Anya said hello and smiled sweetly. Denis said hello and, looking to the side, dropped the last cigarette to the filter.

- Well, the girls went - trying to speak in a bass, said Dima - our trolley bus.

Tanya and Anya went ahead and Denis and Dima quickly whispered, looking at them.

- In general, we agreed that on this day everything that is possible for the soul and body will be allowed - Dima's eyes glittered.

- What exactly? - Denis turned the lighter in his hands and slapped his pockets in search of a cigarette.

- Yes all. I’ll start with Anya from the beginning, and you and Tanka don't care who you start with, and Anya is so pretty, look at her legs — he shoved Denis in the side.

Under the black trousers were read long slender legs with a round ass. Denis has a look at a practically unfamiliar girl and the realization that he will have her now, as soon as he wants, he has a member, not being able to stand in tight jeans.

- I do care, I would also like to fuck her.

- Yes, tie, you Tanya such a blowjob, do, you will go crazy. You know how she sucks.

- Ok, I will insert your little girl - said Denis, trying to hurt Dima, but he seems to have forgotten everything in the world and just said thoughtfully - That's it.

They jumped into the trolley and went forward. And then Denis realized that a pack of cigarettes, smoked in the morning is not weak. My head was spinning, nauseated, and in general the mood was worse than you can imagine. The conversation, too, did not work out. Tanya and Anya laughed about something and Dima was intensely thinking.

When they arrived at the house they decided to take something to drink. Dima went to the store and brought a vodka bubble.

- You would take more alcohol - Denis was completely saddened by the sight of vodka.

- What's wrong? - Dima shook the bottle <колы> and put it in the bag with vodka - To walk so, to walk.

In the kitchen, Denis drank a glass of a glass of tea, and everyone else drank vodka and the conversation gradually improved.

- Girls, how did you decide on this? - Dima poured into cups, and since he was weak on alcohol, some of them spilled on the floor.

- So what? - asked Tanya. Anya still smiled and kept silent

Denis, who finished his regular glass, seems to have replaced his cigarettes with tea, decided to take part in the conversation:

- You said that this day everything will be allowed.

- Yes, but nothing perverted.

- What do you think is a perversion? - asked Dima.

- Well, something like that - Tanya dreamily rolled her eyes to the ceiling.

- Nothing like this will happen - Dima returned it from heaven to earth.

Denis finally reached the peak of nausea, he grabbed Dima and, apologizing, pushed out into the corridor.

- Something I do not care about myself, I am now vomiting.

- Just already - Dima was outraged - Because of what.

- Yes, I think I smoked.

- Two fingers in the mouth and the whole business.

- It is inconvenient somehow - Denis was ready to give up everything, let them have fun, and he will walk outside and take a breath of fresh air. - Let's go - he asked.

- Okay,...

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