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is he

They met on the street. On the main street. He returned home on a fine summer evening and decided to walk a bit to “hang out” along “our Arbat”, as this street was called overly enthusiastic aborigines. The tusovka, as always, consisted of everyday drinking young people, idly lounging average people, and filthy homeless people, patiently waiting for young people to finish drinking their beer and free such valuable glassware. Of course, he also wanted to sit, chat, “get the women furious,” shout at the homeless, bask in the sun, idly lounging on a bench with the bottle started.

But he walked purposefully and purposefully, almost with a sporty gait, not intending to stop anywhere, let alone sit down, with an impenetrable and angry face, as if he were now turning the corner, going a few hundred meters through the cluttered wasteland, going into an abandoned hangar with dimly flashing lights, Sit behind the wheel (or the steering wheel, or something weighty) and go (fly, run, ... TOON!) search for your skyscrapers, slopes "okhloyoby."

In short, he was not in the mood. Yes, and what a mood, the wife of two children, the work of a mother-in-law repair, etc., etc. ... All the romance died with the words "And now we declare you husband and wife!" And now there are only memories of how good it was to be single. "Married himself - stop the comrade." Not stopped. Now fuck a wife who has a headache, a child does not sleep, no boots for the winter, (and everything else :)) and squatting, fuck and watch ... They say you meet a young girl. How? On the physiognomy it is written that the children of the wife of food do not have enough money for sure.

Olya - I

So he walked, without looking around and not looking around, loaded with his sick thoughts, when he suddenly heard a female voice from somewhere on the side - “Sorry - but there will be no cigarettes,” he was about to grumble “no” and go further into his hangar , to my planes, to search for my skyscrapers, but purely reflexively stopped and looked in the direction of the uttered request. And he was surprised by what he saw. Usually girls (who have not been girls for a long time) either of certain occupations or of indefinite upbringing, and which he never liked, are usually pestered with such questions, and here: it was impossible to call her of course beautiful (and generally you can’t call any beauty beautiful, so many people and opinions), but she was very nicely dressed “with taste”, which gave her a higher, at least incomplete education, long curly hair, a little tinted red, and there was something pleasant, no, rather even attractive in her the guise of. In short, he liked her. “So about one seventy, thin, slim, moderately cute, moderately daring” - he stood opposite her and almost loudly evaluated his new acquaintance, he had no doubt that he would meet, of course, she wanted the same, I would just pester the almost running father of the family, although at such a speed she could simply not have time to make out, or her question was not related to him, and he, as always, was ahead of the events.

“And what do you smoke, girl?” He asked, looking straight into her eyes, wonderful eyes, he immediately liked her, dark green, deep, some mysterious, mischievous, one can even say slyly glittering “into the pool of green” eye "- it seems so: this is exactly about her.

- At this time of day? She asked with a laugh.

- Yes, at this hour - he continued the game

- And what about you, such a large selection of cigarettes?

- No, I do not smoke at all, but if you ask me very much, then I can buy you a pack.

- Is that so?

- Yes. And you can make a company for you, so that it is not so boring to smoke ..

“Well, if you make me a company, then let's go,” she answered, still continuing to laugh and staring intently into his eyes.She didn’t look away from this whole dialogue, and he felt like he was literally drowning in them. It was like a child's peep-to-peer game, who could hold his gaze longer, wouldn’t blink and wouldn’t remove his gaze, it also reminded him of his teenage lanky youth, when almost his only method of removal was to look into the eyes of potential girlfriends, and if they don’t eyes averted, one could continue acquaintance. But here he no longer had any doubt that this phrase about cigarettes was not at all accidental, and it was addressed specifically to him, namely to him with a well-defined goal ...

"Smile, they take you off." Moreover, a pretty young girl (maybe she’s not as young as she seems? Just well preserved ... you need to remember to ask about your age, did you really become so ill at understanding the female field, well, probably 19, not more) obviously doesn’t miss this life, absolutely blatantly shoots me (maybe I liked it so much ... ... right now, just waiting for my boyfriend, but he didn’t come, that’s because she had chosen a bigger man and would have a beer with him). I drove something ... I should ask about age ...

- Girl, what's your name?

- Olga, what about you?

- Hamit

- What exactly is the name?

- Right and the name is: the name-verb "He is rude she is rude, they are rude"

- A funny name ... not hard to live?

- Easy. You can be rude with impunity, no one is offended - Well, my name is Hamit, as they called, and I live.

- Well, I do not be rude, I will be offended

That's how the sponge pursed, the character shows ...

That's right, right, sometimes our brother needs to be put in his place, otherwise they fuck right here ... NDA, personally he is already ready to fall asleep to his dick between her naughty lips and shove as deep as possible, up to the eggs, so that the hair on the scrotum tickled her nostrils and crawled into her mouth, enjoy the warmth and softness of her mouth, watch her suck, smearing her lipstick on his dick, diligently helping her tongue, sense the arriving power of her dick, watch her pussy (wrinkled Alenka) turns into a dick, such a big HUI, HUI bo in letters, aggressive such, assertive, arrogant, twitching, with a drop of grease treading on the end ... And thrust this HUJ into her mouth on the very tonsils with a nasty sound, which emit eggs hitting the chin,: .

... and shove her right here in this Bandera cafe, in front of fattened waitresses with hanging breasts, casually handing out another batch of beers to sufferers, in front of Khachikov who were vigorously discussing their spheres of influence on the flea market "the effect of pouring", in front of these youngsters who escaped from the lessons, embraced “Baltik number 9” (after the first bottle, they can and will be thrust, sucked out for a sweet soul ... for the second bottle), in front of this bovine muzzle with a cell phone, stunned by problems with your eyes, let NAKHUI get out of their orbits " es sugar "...

- What are you going to smoke, Olya!

- LM blue

Blue, so blue, even green. Just in case, I took another pack of two bottles of beer and chips. Gentleman's set. Yes, by the way, we must technically ask about age: purely out of interest.

- Do you want to guess how old you are?

- Well, then guess: how are you going to guess?

- With the help of complex mathematical calculations. How many years do you multiply by 10

- Multiplied ...

- Now guess any number from 1 to 9

- Well

- Now, from what multiplied by 10, take away what multiplied by 9

- Damn ... it is difficult ... well, everything seems to say?

- Speak

- And it is 3-digit

- What, scary? speak anyway

 — 181

19 years. Student I was not mistaken. "My razmerchik" Waited for the guy, did not come. They have been dating for two years now (fuck all the cracks - note of me) ....

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