Ringing silence ... Cool wind ... open window ... curtain fights for its life ... wind tries to tear it out of its lair ... From its usual shelter ... Tries to tear it from the rings ... Silence. .. Nothing can break her ... I think I'm used to it ... It seems I don’t notice her ... tears ... This is a terrible silence ... I sit on the edge of the bed ... A window ... moonlight. .. I know you... !!! But why are you silent? Why? ... why don't you get out of this ... killing twilight ... I know you ... I feel your breath ... I never! Do you hear ??? I will never forget your breath ... I always hear it ... I do not know you ... I do not know WHO YOU!?!? ... A firm hand goes down on the bed ... Most wanted to escape ... Damn ... I hate this silence ... I frantically recalled questions ... from which it was impossible to leave ... But something inside of me ... was silent ...

??? ... I feel ... steps ... confident ... he took a step ... But did not come out of the shadows ... Damn it ... I felt ... how his body tensed ... as each breath was heavier than the previous ... millimeters ... between us ... millimeters ... Lips ... my lips opened, Like a flower in the sun ... thirsting ... not forgiving ... cursing prolonged seconds. .. millimeters ...

- Do not hurry ... - hoarse ... voice from the depths ... voice from the soul ... To whom did he say? To me? Himself ??? ... He drew me to him ... I feel his strong muscles ... I feel his self-confidence ... in me ... I eagerly reach for his lips ... Well, why are you?

Why are you teasing me? ... I waited for this for so long ... I waited all my life ... every night ... you As if wanting to twitch my lips in a smile ... he kissed ... first one corner of the mouth ... then another ... I want ... I want a kiss ... Desperate and necessary ...

Kissing my shoulders ... Opening the door to the world of unusual sensations ... absorbed ... me ... hands slid along the curves of my body ... I felt that with every moment ... self-control was leaving me ... giving me slavery ... him ... I became his slave ... I have no control over myself ... I kissed ... gradually ... moving towards the dimple ... our ... I thought I screamed with delight ... As if obeying some then primitive instincts ... about which I didn’t suspect ... I stuck my nails in the back ... Feeling hot blood oozing from my fingers ... Bodies arched towards each other ... Mmmm ... he tongue caressed swollen nipples ... my body begged for a merger ... But what is he waiting for ??? WHAT??? Questions left me ... They became unimportant ... Answers - indifferent ...

Despite the confidence ... My soul is in turmoil ... It is full of temptation ... it is full of doubts ... To hell ... To hell with all doubts ... !!! The touches were becoming more intimate ... a sweet desire engulfed my whole being ... He held his breath ... I felt ... his heart was beating ... exactly ... Hands ... but I knew them for myself. .. Fingers ... There ... confident ... Even cruel ... with some composure ... but the gods ... how I started ... Groans tore at the chest ... He bent ... and repeated everything ... everything that he just did with his fingers ... repeated with his lips ... tongue ... His body ..., solid ... like steel ... unyielding, but warm and gentle ... drove crazy ... He intoxicated ... he ... mastered my mind ... subjugated silt to myself ... Long ..., slow kisses, deliberately torturing, he punished me for self-obstinacy ... I incoherently asked for mercy ... And finally ... he took pity ... and repaired the passion striving for the will ... Oh, I felt him inside ... I was going crazy ... because I felt the need to shout his name ... But what is it? ... to hell with the questions ...! To hell with all of it!!!

- I want you ... I WANT !!! - screams into the darkness ... Screams into the emptiness ... He sees my body wriggling under him ... I know ... he loves me ... I know that ... Fingers are in disarray ... I heard him muffled groans ... he is afraid of a boot ... that I will know who he is ... but the wait is waiting for time ... To hell! To hell with the thought ... I am completely at the mercy of him ... Let! Let him do what he wants with me !!!

Just let it be ... !!

There was only him ... - on me ... beside, and then ... and then the world flared up and exploded ...! Nails were stung in the back ... the teeth were biting the lips ... their ... his ... he ... He pressed me to him ... in his arms I seemed to myself a feather ... a little ... defenseless ... He protected me ... kept ... He protects ... keeps ... me ... for himself ... He is not in a hurry ... I am in no hurry ... I believe him ... I know ... he loves ... he is waiting .. . !!!

... why does morning tend to start? Why is this the period when you have to ... Leave ... leave ... your dream ... not knowing when you will return to it ...?! ... wake ... morning. Without him ... morning ... I hate morning ... It burst unceremoniously ... separated us ... I didn’t see his eye again ... I didn’t know who he was again?! ... But I knew that that now I KNOW ... what I believe ... what I expect ...!

I felt the warmth of his body ... wet lips ... a sensual kiss ... it's on my lips ...

Morning ... the body stubbornly resisted the sounds of a ringing alarm clock ... Hardly forcing himself to wake up ... The shower met with a scorching coolness ... water ... drops ... gathering in a stream flow through the body ... examining every inch of skin. .. penetrating the cells ... caressing from the inside ... Fingers indulge the chest ... squeezing the nipple ... pain ... insane pain ... it seems that it can not be tolerated ... but at the same time exciting ... pain .. growing ... like an orgasm ... Slowly descending ... leaving a train of intriguing trembling ... Like a rosebud ... a swollen clitoris ... tvah about touch Thirst for love ... Thirst for pleasure ... In the eyes of the misty fog ... only I ... alone with myself ... My dreams ... they caress ... the aroma of moisture ... fingers seem to be immersed in it ... Penetration ... Finger ... gentle ... solid ... does not feel the depth ... it is like a separate organism ... but I feel what it feels ... Moisture ... sinking, ... enjoying ... flirting ... dry lips ... oh god ... crazy explosion ... clitoris - concentrating core ... concentrating on crazy ... tickling ... sweet touch ... like a sip air ... like a sip of water ... after long tormenting thirst ... satisfying ... carnal pleasures ...

Penetration! ... O Gods !!!. mmmmmm ... a surge of uncontrollable emotions ... groans ... Images ... dull ... blurry ... it doesn't matter ... it doesn't matter ... Sounds ... a crazy orgy ... Sounds of groans ... the sounds that I make ... And not me ... I ... not me ... Swollen nipples ... fingers ... god ... with what force ... they squeeze the nipples ... Causing pain. ... languor ... temptation ... Broken eyes ... as if lifting up ... luring ... looking nowhere ... But something ... seeing someone ... driving you crazy ... from the fact that they do not delineate images ... A violent wave ... penetrating the body ... turning it into weightless flesh ... Flesh burning with desire ... mmmmmm m ... Fingers ... like thousands of naked nerve endings ... Sensitive ... breakdown face ...

Penetration ... Teasing ... Not giving enough to enjoy enough ... penetration ... Forcing ... groan from anticipation ... forcing exploding ... Shouting ... Seconds acquire an account ... two ... three. .. eight ... heart pulses at the fingertips ... through the corridor of madness ... A gentle shiver ... cold ... chills ... insanely hot ... sweat formed on the forehead ... Shiver ... turning into millions of needles ... millions of desires ... Moisture ...


Penetration ... mmmm ... well, why do I keep myself waiting? ... why I drive myself crazy ... Expectations ... Everything shrinks inside ... losing space ... body temperature rises immediately ... Chills. .. fusion of feelings ... dizziness ... slight ... intoxicating ... Hair in languor ... wearily falls on the face ... Pain ... Iron taste on the lips ... groans ... screams .. from bliss ... from uncontrollable pain ... Like a she-wolf ... Hungry ... Insane ... a she-wolf ... biting her teeth into her shoulder ... Fear ... Like thousands of volts pass through her body ...

Water is in small droplets ... I hear ... a knock of a blow on the body ... Blinding explosions of light ... Uncontrollable fingers ... Hands ... Insane movements ... I find it difficult to catch the rhythm ... Dizzy ... Mmmm ... Groan ... deep ... as if following its path from the inside ... through every cell of the body ... Smells ... The aroma gets sharper ... its susceptibility ... it's hard to breathe ... the chest is stubborn take in the air ... It does not matter ... it does not matter ...

Penetration ... PIC !!! Seconds ... eternity of delight ... Second ... Two ... Three ... twelve ... fourteen ... twenty ... twenty eight ... someone whispers numbers ...

Scraps of phrases ... voices ... groans ... Mixing desires ... Let it all end! ... Never ... Please ... never ... let it go on ... there is not enough air at all .. . a heartbeat ... its noise in the ears ... A knock ... a knock ... a knock ... These sounds will drive you crazy ... Mmmmmmmmmmm ... thirty-two ... AAAAAAAhhhhhh ... inhale ... inhale ...

... Silence ... Everything is silent ... Silence ... A muffled light ... God ... I was in eternity ... God ...

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