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Katrina loved kypatsya in the bathroom every day and dragged me with her. We were undressed, lay down in warm water and lay for a long time motionless and silently, like trupes. Sometimes Katrina used to wash me and, rubbing my stomach with the lip, as if by chance on the floor with my legs between the legs. At first I did not pay any attention to it, but gradually applied it and found pleasure in it. I began to ask Katrina to lose me a letter and at the same time moved my legs wide apart so that her legs could move freely.

So soon we got so used to the friend to the friend, that Katrin told me to hurt me. At the next stage, she searched for me to rub the clitoris with her fingers, and I willingly carried out a pleasure for both of them. Katrina finished byrno and for several times, the orgasm acted excitingly on me. The sight of her wriggling body gave me more pleasure than the rubbing of my writing.

It contained photographs. She showed me one of them. A man and a woman were depicted on the photographs. Completely naked, they stood, cuddled friend to friend. A woman with her right pyke was holding a long stick, turning from under my belly. With one hand, he embraced women, and his friend made her between his legs. “The woman,” said Katrina, “has legs and a gap between the legs, and the men here is this thick piece. This thing, - Katrina has created a new photo, on which a man and a woman were depicted, also naked. Myzhchina lay on a woman. She raised her legs and laid them on the shoulders of the man. Stitch topped in the gap of a woman. - See, put my finger in the woman and moves her to those. For a woman it is pleasant, for the man too. ” “Can I put such a thing on me?” - I asked him with a trembling head. “You should think about it. So small as you, you can only rub your fingers with the letters. ” “So you screamed at the fact that dad put his hands on you, right?”. “Your dad's stitch is very big and thick. Not only is he crying, but so am I. ” "May I see these photographs?" "Look, only without me you will not understand anything, but you have to pick a apartment for me." "Catch!"

I spent a long time looking at these photographs, locked in my room. I poked ya between my legs for a nice zyd and put tyda pyky. I myself did not notice how I began to wipe my writing with my nose, and only when my body was shaken from an acute, not well-known hit, did I expelled my hot, moist and hot from abundant mucus with great difficulty.

After a few days, I told Katrina to leave the door in the bedroom not locked for the night and, waiting for the secret whisper and the bed from the room of my father, slowly approached the door. As she approached, I looked into the rooms. Her father lay perfectly naked on his back, and Katrina, who had built him up at his feet, made him prick, which could barely hold her in her mouth. In this case, the father issued sweet pony and rolled his eyes. Katrina, while continuing to pussy her father, looked at my side. Then she lifted her feet and, having placed her father's legs, climbed on them with her top. Obviously, she did everything in such a way that I could see as best as possible, putting a piece on myself, turn my mouth towards me. I clearly saw how my father’s sticks, opening her ebony lips, slowly entered her until the end. Then both of them stopped, started crying, began to cry and stand, then Katrina pyhnula all her body on her father and zattyla. After 10 minutes, Katrina again applied to her father's piece. For the first time, I saw how she, from the small in the lips of Kathryn, became even, smooth and huge. I also wanted to spend this wonderful thing, but I was afraid to enter their rooms. On this night, Katrina, especially for me, showed how a man’s piece can penetrate women in different positions. Every time they got stuck and shouted from pleasure. Since then, I often watched the sweet play of my father and Katrina and more often and often rubbed my slit, while enjoying along with them.

Right on the carpet of the y table lay a woman with a red, spooky face. Her father stood at her feet. He was naked, and his huge member twisted like a stick. “My dear, dumb girl,” whispered the woman with a grimacing head, “pity me, I cannot ... he is so huge, you will change me ...” The father silently kept silent, looking at the woman with evil drunk eyes. "Oh! Help! ”- plaintively a woman crawled away from her father.The father did not pay attention to the woman’s readings, silently grabbed her legs and stretched himself to her. Reflecting her legs, he smashed her thighs with force and began to stick his member into women with force. She screeched out sharply and began to bore him with long and sharp nails. His face flowed blood.

I could not stand it and entered the rooms. Not saying a word, I raised my father's face to the corner and wiped my blood with my handkerchief. Then he gently pushed him away from the woman. Then she grabbed her at the back of the dress, lifted her over the floor and backhand slapped her hand over her cheek. “Get out!”

After she escaped, I smeared daddy's cinnamon with iodine, with great difficulty, so as not to look at his huge member, which was raised upward like obelisk. I was so excited that I was afraid to make a sound. Wishing good night to my father, I went to my room.

Lying in the beds, I thought with a thought that, when I saw a woman who was lying in front of her father, she wanted to be at his place. What a scandal! What are the vivid thoughts! But no matter how hard I tried to discard them, they captured me even more. I remembered that when the women whipped across my face, my dressing gown was scattering and my father could see me naked. It is a pity if he did not see it. It was great to have a wider dressing gown and attention. I was already 16 years old. I had beautiful straight legs, a high chest, and a tightened abdomen.

The lips have become damp in the past. At that moment, the music was heard, someone was laughing ridiculously.

First, I noticed that the Lady lies without a keyhole and Lucky pulls down her hands and inserts her dick into her crevice. At this time, someone pulled me for pyky. I was glad to note that Lucky took tpyciki from the Girl and they joined with a cry.

Together lay a nude woman, brought us a pill. Her eyes burned me with lustful fire. She reached for my dress, and with a force pushed it. Dress collapsed to the waist. I really liked it and I began to tear the dress on myself until it turned into shreds. I stayed in the bustgalter and tpycikah. The woman asked me under the pykey and started scribbling the clitoris. To help her, I broke up the trusses, the woman pulled me to herself and, having taken the bust out of the bra, began to kiss her, gently poking her pussy. I rumbled. I do not remember how I was under this woman. I remember her flaming face between my legs, and her tongue and lips in me. Then someone knocked me from a woman. Turned around, I noticed that the Supervisor was on her. Spopee ran up to me. Not a word, he grabbed my waist and threw me to the floor. I cared how his yppy member fits in my stomach. He could not get into me in any way, although I suffered from neglect. Finally, the head of his penis had the very entrance to the slot. He pulls, pokes in his thighs. I, without a doubt, didn’t keep up this torture, catching the member with the cheek and directing it through the slot. Blow! A short sharp pain - and a feeling as if something alive and hard is beating in me. Finally! Oh, a moment long desired! The honored wife of my guts and, having lifted, with strong movements, drives my member into me. I all went to the sweet sensation of this bilayer. The pleasure of growing fast and emy, it seems there will be no end. I was so impressed by such a strong feeling of sweetness, such an awesome way that I involuntarily screamed and started to throw. For a few minutes I fell into a pleasant oblivion. Someone kisses me, my guts ticking, I could not move. Gradually, the forces return to me.

I opened my eyes and see how the Woman, who was banging on the back, was moving my ass. I turned around turned around. He still can not do anything, his member, just taken out of the rogue, wilted. I keep it in my mouth. Gradually, I become prosperous, and things are getting better. His big dick is all magnified and, smoothly, moves smoothly between ...

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