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Today is Friday, short day. There is no one left in our agency except for me and the guard. I am sitting and waiting for Sasha to come for me. This is my friend. We met a few years ago, did some business together, but gradually moved away from common affairs, although we are friends.

Today Sasha has a housewarming party. He bought the apartment a long time ago, but the repair was just finished. He called me the other day and told me to be ready to drink. I liked the idea to walk in the housewarming party all night, I just didn’t want to get to his new apartment in Podolsk on my own.

“You sit and wait, I'll come,” he told me on the phone in the morning. Here I sit and wait. On the table in front of me is a kitchen set of boards, salt shakers, skalok and hammers and a large bottle of Armenian brandy. These are all gifts.

“Wouldn't it be nice to buy flowers for his wife?” I thought when I heard a doorbell.

- Hey you, advertising figure, ready? Let's go fast? - Sasha, as always cheerful, promptly burst into my office.

- We will buy flowers on the way? - shaking his hand, I asked.

- Flowers, vodka, sausage. There Nadyaushka wrote a whole list. All rushed.

I collected my things, and we jumped out merrily. His red 41st Moskvich was already filled up with some products.

On the way to Podolsk, we often had to stop to buy a grub on the list. There were no supermarkets yet.

Here, finally, we are in Podolsk. I expected the worst from a new home in the Moscow region, but the house looked quite decent. Already approaching the apartment on the top floor, I heard the noise of voices. According to him, there were many guests.

Some unknown girl opened the door for us.

- Alla, - she introduced herself.

“Mikhail,” I answered, and handed her flowers.

- This is probably not me, but Nade?

- And you, too, - I was embarrassed.

- It’s good to do etiquette here. Take everything to the kitchen, the girls will figure it out, - Sasha walked past us and disappeared into the corridor. I followed him.

The kitchen was noisy. Five or six girls of different ages conjured over food. Everything hissed and boiled. There was already an open bottle of champagne and several wine glasses on the table.

“Hello, my name is Michael,” I said.

- Yulia, Sveta, Marina, Ira, Lyuba: they almost answered in a chorus. I did not even understand who is who.

- Bear, hello! - I heard a voice behind Nadine.

- Great! Congratulations on your housewarming. Alla's flowers. Is there anyone I know?

- These are all our girls from the cement factory accounting. And the guys in the room, the table set.

In the big room a big table was really laid. There were only two guys. Sashkin namesake and business partner, too, naturally Sasha, and Volodya, Sashkin friend of the previous place of work. Both I have long known. We often went to the bath at Avtokombinat №1 together.

- Bear, hello. Give me fifty grams while they are cooking there, - Vovka put up hardly four glasses and began pouring cognac. Nadya peeked into the room.

- Sash, and they already drink! She shouted toward the kitchen. From there immediately appeared the owner of the apartment with sandwiches on a tray.

- Zakon, gentlemen! - putting the tray he snapped and took a glass. - Who will say?

- Me, me! - Volodya also raised a glass, stretched out his hand in front of him and said: - Guys, I congratulate you on housewarming. I wish prosperity and love always reign in this house! - with these words, he knocked over a glass and set it on the table.

After the first glass all perked up and ran. The girls began to carry trays and plates from the kitchen. We helped set it all up on the table.

Soon everything was covered. The people began to sit noisily around the table. Due to the apparent shortage of men, one half of the table was completely feminine. I sat on the couch. To my left was the very Allah who opened the door for us, and to the right of Nadia.

We talked toasts, drank, ate and made a lot of noise.An hour later, I almost remembered who and what is their name. However, when the turn came to hot, I was pretty pumped up with cognac, and I could hardly understand where I was. However, I noticed that Alla clings to me more and more. Sometimes, when she asked to give her a dish, our hands would touch. At some point, I realized that it specifically concerns me. It seems to be accidental, but it seems not.

After another toast I said, I drank another glass, sat down, and suddenly I felt someone's hand moving slowly along my leg from my knee and up, until I reached my penis. Hand unzipped and dived into jeans.

Alla sat beside her and made an impassive face. I smiled blissfully, and her hand began to massage my penis under the table. It was nice, but my friend did not get up hard. Probably, the amount of alcohol consumed. I slowly leaned back and fell asleep.

I woke up because of the scale fell on the bed. Around the voices of the guys. Someone asked to leave me alone, they say, oversleep and return to the table. Consciousness gone again.

I do not know how much I slept. I had a strange dream. Someone walked around, someone said something. Some words were heard: “No. Yes. Of course. Stay: "

Through a dream, I felt a cold touch. The eyes did not open for several minutes. Gradually, consciousness began to return. I realized that I was lying in bed. It turned out to be a cold blanket, with which I was covered. The room was very dark and almost nothing was visible, since the heavy curtains were drawn, and only the light from the street lamp was barely pushed through the gap between them.

It was a deep night. And silence. The head did not hurt at all, but there was some tired and broken state.

The door creaked, and I felt someone's presence. Entered quietly went to the bed and began to undress.

“Alka”, I thought, but said nothing. She undressed and slowly began to climb under my blanket. Only at this moment I realized that I was lying absolutely naked.

Her hand felt my dick under the covers, and in the next instant the head was wrapped in something soft and wet. SHE SAKALA.

My hands themselves stretched to her head. I grabbed her by the ears and frantically began to stick on the penis. He stood like a wooden one, but there was no desire for an orgasm. She would have sucked for a long time if I hadn't stopped her. The blanket has long fallen to the floor. Alla stood on all fours to face me. I pulled at her armpits and kissed her lips.

“I still want to,” she said, and came back. There was no power to object. I lay, legs spread wide. She sucked my friend for a long time. Then she began to kiss him. I felt her lips gradually lower and lower. Here she took my balls in my mouth. Suddenly I felt the touch of her lips to the anus.

Never before have I experienced such a feeling. She licked my ass, trying to shove her tongue as deep as I could in my ass. Her hand continued to jerk off my dick. At that moment I really wanted to do the same to her. I raised myself up, bent forward, forcibly dragged her towards myself so that I could be my head between her legs, and I put my lips into her pussy. Then I read somewhere that this position is called 69. In this position, she could only reach the penis, which she did. Her pussy turned out to be quite large and pleasant to the taste. When I parted her labia, she covered my face from the bridge of the nose to the chin.

We spent a lot of time in this position. She swallowed my cock up to the balls, and I had a feeling that I was reaching her up to the uterus. Amazingly, but after such sex I did not want to finish, and at the same time a member stood amazingly. Quite unexpectedly for me ...

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