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- Here, here, it burns there. Please hurry, - Julia pulled down a long satin robe, remembering that under it there is nothing but lace panties and a bra.

“There’s no need for you to go there,” a hefty fireman put out his hand, not letting it into the bedroom. - I'll figure it out myself.

She stayed on the threshold, watching him cross the room. With fire, he managed in the blink of an eye. He turned and looked at her, his youthful face lit up with a wide smile. Julia's heart beat fast. Not only is a nice guy, so also a big guy.

- It's all right, madam. Damage is small. Good that you immediately contacted us. It looks like a short circuit. I recommend you check all wiring.

- Yes. Thank. Be sure to check. I am very grateful to you. You came so fast.

- We just returned to the garage. Today was in the night shift - he glanced at his watch. - Actually, it has already ended. Ten minutes ago. So my free time has gone.

“I see,” Julia sighed guiltily. “Sorry to have kept you.” I was so scared when sparks fell from an old electric heater. Perhaps I could handle myself ...

- You did the right thing, madam. Fires should extinguish one, as he knows how to do it.

He smiled again, and Julia felt her lower abdomen feel hot. God, what a man. Those blue eyes, that decisive mouth. He undid the top two buttons of his jacket and she saw a triangle neck, the color of buckwheat honey. It seems that he was not in a hurry to leave, although his shift was over. Moreover, from his eloquent gaze Julia caught her breath.

“You ... would you like a drink?” She mumbled. - I would somehow thank you for the fact that you had to work outside office hours.

“I thought you never asked.” Yes with pleasure. Just go downstairs and tell the guys to go without me.

As he left the bedroom, Julia hurried to the dresser. Whipped her hair, stifled. Eyes and cheeks were burning. She knew what men like. She didn’t consider herself a beauty, but she understood that the combination of dark blond hair and white skin gives her an additional charm. She was proud of her magnificent forms. Suppose that they would not have taken her in the models, but on the other hand, her breasts and thighs very much aroused men.

Before leaving the bedroom, she straightened the collar of a satin robe, revealing the upper chest. As she descended the stairs, the fireman closed the entrance door behind him. The company was his second man. He turned and walked up and down Julia with an appraising glance. Her eyes opened wide. They are ... twins.

“I hope you will not mind if my brother joins us,” the first fireman smiled. - We do everything together. By the way, I'm Tony, and he is Max. If you say, we will leave immediately. No problem.

Together, they filled the hall. It would seem that Julia is afraid of such healthy people, but she felt only one thing: sexual arousal. The threat of firefighters did not smell.

“I think the three of us are even more fun,” she replied, thinking that this simply could not be. Like in a movie. - Come on to the kitchen. I will make tea.

She almost laughed. Here they are, English manners. Offer to drink tea! On her mind, she had something completely different.

“Tea is a business,” Tony admiringly looked at her decolletes and her hips.

“And I won't refuse,” Max nodded. “Especially if you add something stronger to it.”

While the men were seated at the table, Julia filled the teapot with water, put down the cups, took a bottle of whiskey from the sideboard. They talked about trivia, Julia simply answered their questions, feeling her male presence with her whole body. In fire-resistant jackets and pants, tied with wide belts, in her neat kitchen they seemed like aliens from another planet.

With trembling hands, she poured tea, and in each cup she generously splashed whiskey. The atlas of the dressing-gown emphasized the height of the chest, tight on the hips. Her breasts were swollen, her nipples hardened and rubbed pleasantly on the bra material. She felt that between her legs her panties were wet from the moisture dripping from her.

“Thank you,” Tony took her a cup of tea.

Max smiled as she leaned over the table to place his cup in front of him. Now Julia saw that he was a little different from his brother. The face is more angular, the jaw is more square. But the eyes are exactly the same blue. Only in them undisguised sexuality was read. Something in it was from the primitive savage.

Julia felt hot. She stood next to Max, her hip-covered thigh almost touched the fireman's tight pants. And when she wanted to turn, Max grabbed her belt with one hand. Julia did not recoil when the other hand walked over her satin bottom.

“I think we’ll have to put out another fire, brother,” Max said, and winked at Tony. - The lady certainly requires our attention.

Julia closed her eyes when the belt slipped to the floor, and Max’s hands converged on her waist. She could not believe that this was happening. What her fantasies turned into reality. Max stroked her soft stomach, felt his chest, then his hand slipped down, covered her pubis. He ran his finger over the triangle of fabric, feeling for the gap between the outer lips.

Julia felt her knees bend. The touches were gentle, but powerful. Tony watched with a smile as his brother stroked Julia. She leaned toward him, in the hope that he would take part in this game. Max, meanwhile, stuck two fingers into her panties and climbed into an island of pubic hair. A shiver ran through Julia’s body. Fingers were moving their hair apart, going to the hot “stove”, but they didn’t dive into it. God, how she wanted him to touch her clit. He throbbed excitedly, living his own life.

“You know, Max,” Tony said, “I have a feeling that the call was false.” And someone should be punished for wasting time.

“Yes,” said Max, “you are absolutely right, brother.” What should we do with you, Julia? You are guilty of misusing urban firefighters. This is a serious offense. I'm afraid a cup of whiskey tea is not enough to make amends.

“I ... I'm so sorry for my deed,” Julia whispered.

Max's hands moved to the bra.

“We’ll have to punish you,” Max’s lips curved in a wolfish smile.

With a sharp movement, he dropped the bra straps from her shoulders, cups from her breasts, revealing dark nipples standing upright. Supported by the knitting needles and cups of her chest, Julia almost stuck her face in the face of Max.

Julia just squeaked when Tony leaned over the table and now his hand dived into lace panties. Crawled between the legs, split the outer lips. Finger felt the "hole".

“Mmm, how hot and wet it is.” And just look at these elastic buffers. Looks like she wants something.

“Then we cannot disappoint the lady,” Max answered.

He was burning her passion, Julia was speechless. And Tony, meanwhile, removed his hand and stood up. Julia’s legs gave way, refusing to hold the weight of her body. And she would have slipped to the floor if Max, who had also risen, had not grasped her thighs and had not laid her stomach on the table. She did not protest. Bare breasts pressed into a cold tree. Touching the cold only added excitement to the already hardened nipples.

“Well, Julia, it's time to punish you,” Tony lifted the hem of his satin robe, thrust it into his stocking belt.

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