It all started quite recently, about 4 months ago, when we met Anya, we met with her for a long time, in general everything went according to the usual, simulated script ...

Unfortunately, our relationship couldn’t reach the “peak”, for a long time I begged Anya to “surrender” to me, but she resisted in every possible way, and transferred our rapprochement to a later date. Already the school year came to an end, and according to the tradition that had long been established, we as a group (then I studied at the radio technical school), went to the apartment of our teacher, her name was Anna Andreyevna, she was very young, and at that time she was barely 25 years old. The party was already in full swing, when I noticed that Misha (Ani's former classmate) was “glued” to my girlfriend. But, probably, because of a slightly drunk state, I did not attach any importance to this. A few hours later, Anna Andreevna said that it was time to break up, and we went for a walk with the whole friendly crowd, we did not walk for a long while, Misha himself did not invite everyone to his dacha, AA slightly broke, but later agreed to go to the dacha ...


A little about Anna Andreevna, or as we called her AA, she was a very beautiful girl, with a round ass, big breasts, and a very beautiful face, of which her eyes were a highlight, they were blue, looking at them, I saw the surf, and blue like heaven wave.


The time was already far after midnight, and we all had drunk a little and went into rooms, surprisingly there were so many of them in the house that AA, we gave out a whole room, with a large sofa. This day was probably the most responsible for Anya and me, we agreed that as soon as the year was over, we would do what we wanted to do for so long.

While I was running around the rooms, and I was looking for where my bag did not see Misha come into my room, and asked Anya to help him, something to clean the rooms.

Returning to my room, I did not find Anya, I waited for a while and then went to look for her. Trying to enter Misha's room, I saw how his friend Katya was going home, and she told me that they had a lot of quarrels with him, and she decided to leave. I went back to Misha to find out what was wrong, but as soon as I approached the door I heard my sweet talk with Misha ...

- Misha, you have a good-hard breathing with me, Anya asked, - Very

Through the slit, I saw Anya Crouching in front of Misha, crawling her ass over his cock. I watched what was happening for 10 minutes. I had no idea that Anya was capable of such, Misha otymel her in all poses and lying on the shoulder blades, and on all fours, and cancer ...

Anya meekly licked his lumpy cock. I couldn’t look at it for a long time, and I went to dangle around the house, without knowing it, I wandered into Anna Andreevna’s room, she didn’t notice me, and how she would have noticed if she slept when I entered.

I saw AA completely naked lying on the bed, for some reason the blanket was not on it, I don’t know why, but I also undressed and lay down beside me. My erotic fantasies raged, and getting up on all fours, over Anna Andreevna, began to kiss her lips, gradually going down lower and lower, when I kissed her beautiful breasts, she woke up, she screamed, I was very scared. and squeezed her mouth, Anna Andreevna twitching, and wriggling trying to escape from me, but I held her tightly, after which I squealed her mouth, tied my hands, and tied it to the bed.

Anna Andreevna apparently detracted that I would not do this, but I heard only a moo. Razzdvinuv her lovely hips, my eyes introduced her gorgeous vagina, I began to lick it. After a while, my captive got very excited, and didn’t even open her back, and on the other hand asked me to fuck her in the ass. I very carefully untied Anna Andreevna, as if nothing had happened, she turned her back on me and pressed, probably the most beautiful, and round ass on the ground, to my horse.

“Well, let's do it,” she said.

I put my head and strongly nadovil, my cock quickly sank into her female flesh, she moved the pelvis all bysrey and faster, from which I almost finished in the first 5 minutes of sex, I asked her to move more slowly, he gladly obeyed me , we violently finished our cries she almost woke the whole house.

After lying for about ten minutes, she climbed back onto me, now I’ve had a full view of her body, she gently inserted the dick into her vagina and slowly sank down, she lay on me kissing my every organ, not forgetting to move on my post. I did not expect such a development of events with my prisoner, various ideas came to my mind from excitement, our bliss was already coming to an end and I was thinking how to end all this fun, and I don’t know how I thought of it, I made her suck at me , she, as a humble servant, agreed, having finished in her mouth, we had to break down.

Until the morning there were still a few hours returning to my room, I saw Anya sleeping, she was so beautiful that once again a depraved idea came to my mind - to rape Anya, I ripped off a blanket from her, grabbed her panties, they easily left her She didn’t have time to resist the velvet body, I tied her up with my mouth, and I put her in cancer with all my cracks, I raped her like the last for, after all, I tore off the plaster from her mouth and asked ...

- is it sick? - I screamed

- Yes-ah, she cried through tears - she seemed to understand everything, and did not say a word anymore.

A few weeks later, we again began to meet with Anya, but I often went to see Anna Andreevna ...

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