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There were five of them: Ivan Dmitrievich, Aunt Katya, Kolya, Alik and his younger sister Sonechka.

Actually, they gathered this time for the youngest, Sonya. She had a birthday today, she celebrated her sixteenth birthday. Alik, her brother, has long been a member of this company, but brought her here for the first time. The case, in fact, was as follows.

Sonechka - a beautiful almost formed girl with long black hair and a nice figure - was still a virgin. It’s not that the boys didn’t pay any attention to her at all, on the contrary, her long slender legs with small feet often served as the subject of the most lively discussion of her classmates, but somehow it didn’t happen. And this fact has already begun to Sonya: all her girlfriends, even the very-very “mama's daughters”, if they didn’t do it all the time, then at least they tried and could have independent judgment on this matter.

Sonya decided to put all these “snotty slut” behind the belt, and to make up for all lost at once - to make herself such a gift for coming of age. And she turned to Alik for help.

Alik has long been engaged in group sex. They didn’t have a permanent team - all the time someone brought in a new or new one, while others left the ranks of lovers of free love. Usually they gathered, threw off, took off the Finnish sauna for the night “lux” and had a lot of fun and variety. So it was this time. Although Alik tried to invite the most experienced "fighters", he saw Kohl for the first time.

Kolya was about seventeen, and he was blond. That, in fact, is all that could be said about him in the first approximation.

Alik knew the rest. Aunt Kate was over thirty-five, she was beautiful, although Alik had a slightly plump taste. But her breasts seemed dimensionless. And, most importantly, Aunt Katya was deprived of any complexes and, in addition, was always ready for sex with both men and women. In group orgies, Alik was once lucky enough to put it in her mouth, and it was gorgeous. He anticipated the implementation of new opportunities “through the remaining holes” of Aunt Kati.

Ivan Dmitrievich was famous in this circle for the size of the penis, which combined both a solid diameter and an enviable length. Despite his age, already prominent for such entertainment, Nikolai Dmitrievich, a short, stocky little boletus, was not badly controlled by his “tool”, which rarely let him down.

The five of them steamed in the bath, drank a strong tea. Sat, wrapped in sheets, the conversation revolved around vulgar jokes. More than any of them, Nikolai Dmitrievich, turned out to be a good storyteller. Aunt Katya laughed louder than anybody. In general, she seemed to feel freer than the others: she giggled all the time, shoved in a friendly way, made eyes at everyone in a row. Kolya and Alik behaved quite smoothly, reacting to jokes rather out of respect for Ivan Dmitrievich. Sonechka herself didn’t like it all very much, but the expectation of something unknown kept her in constant sweet tension.

Finally, Ivan Dmitrievich stood up and solemnly said:

- It seems it is time for us to remember why we met here. Today we congratulate this lovely young, untouched girl on the age of majority, - he pointed to Sonia, - and dedicate her to our society of free love. Let us help her not only become a sophisticated woman today, but also walk this path enthusiastically and joyfully so that this dedication can become a guarantee of her long, passionate and full of sensuality sexuality.

Everyone applauded, Sonya thickly flushed with paint, and at that moment a bottle of champagne slammed unexpectedly, ahead of time laid by Alik for her sister.Glasses appeared from somewhere, they all drank and decided to separate: the men would remain in the steam room, and Aunt Katya would be alone with Sonya to “prepare the baby for the sacrament of initiation,” as Aunt Katya put it.

They took a shower and so, naked, flashing barefoot on a pink with a blue tile shower, went into the waiting room. There was a low but sturdy wooden table, a leather sofa and two chairs for it, a muffled light. By the wall against the door, locked with a heavy old-fashioned deadbolt, stood a beautiful dark brown cabinet, also semi-antique. The floor is covered with fleecy carpets, which pleasantly massaged Sonia's feet with each step. After the steam room and the contrasting shower, it was true, it was a little cool, but she did not notice such trifles today, all in anticipation of the “sacrament”. Sonya, with a sinking heart, looked at Aunt Katya, who already knew everything about “this” (brother told Sonia, “how awesome Aunt Katya does blowjob”). She was counting on her help and patronage.

They sat on the armchairs, against each other, Aunt Katya leaned her elbows on the table and, putting her chin in her palm, slyly looked at Sonya. Between the hands of the woman, two heavy breasts swung.

“I know your main problem, baby,” Aunt Katya purred, “you are still afraid of men.” You are afraid of the pain that awaits you at the first contact with them. You are afraid of their hard members, they surely seem sharp to you, right?

Sonechka nodded and lowered her eyes shyly. Her gaze involuntarily fell on Aunt Katy's slightly plump, but still rather slender legs: her ankles lay one on top of the other, her marigolds on her neat little fingers groomed. Aunt Katya noticed this look and suddenly put her legs on the table, right in front of her sleepy nose.

- Like? She asked playfully.

Sonya nodded again.

- And men like it. In general, the legs in a woman for a man important. You have no idea how they are having fun with their feet: now they throw them on their shoulders, they take them in their hands, then they lick, then they rub against them - there is no limit. Do you have hoofs, I hope, ok? Come on, come on here.

Sonya was uncomfortable, but she obeyed and presented her wonderful slim strong legs to the exacting eyes of Aunt Katy. She felt them and rendered a verdict:

- Very good legs. Let's see how you are doing with the rest.

Aunt Katya sat down with the girl and began to examine her untouched body with her hands.

- The breast is small, but it will come with age, the main thing is that it should always be strong. Try these here mine, - Sonya weighed Aunt Katy in the palms of her chest: they were weighty and resilient. - Big boobs are not so convenient in everyday life, but in sec sec gives additional features. So, what's between our legs, push apart!

Sonya was shy, but Aunt Katya with her hands spread her legs apart, bent at the knees and put on the sofa so that the heels almost touched the sonny of the ass. She herself stood in front of Sonya on her knees and looked at her "forbidden fruit" at close range.

- Well, what are you ashamed of? Beautiful young pubis. And the pussy itself is above all praise: small, neat! - and then Aunt Katya smacked Sonya between her legs. From the suddenly surging feeling, Sonya blushed again and shuddered. Aunt Katya looked at her with a new, kindly-lit look.

- Oh, oh, oh, yes carnal pleasures are not alien to us? - Sonya was even more flushed with paint. She was already not happy that she stayed with this shameless woman. - And often you masturbirues? Show me what you can do!

Sonia was very ashamed. The girl's cheeks with cute dimples swollen, the crack was wetted, inside her lower abdomen everything burned, and her shameless temptress began to lightly stroke her little pink clit with her thumb pad. Soon, Sonia could no longer cope with herself and both her tanned hands with long slender fingers set to work. The breathing became deeper and more frequent, and between the legs it was wetter, the cold was no longer there, on the contrary, everything was burning. Sonechka frantically rubbed her lower abdomen, sighing noisily.Suddenly Aunt Katya took her hands away from the beautiful girlish slit and stuck ...

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