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The second story in the series “About Nyufu” tells about his return from the army to a citizen. Names changed.

The body yearning for caress behaved simply vile: in the crotch again, treacherously and to the impossibility sweetly tickled the next driving orgasm. "God, how good!" Thought Nyufa, taking out the organ weighed in by the fifth or seventh act overnight.

* * *

The transfer to the reserve from the ranks of the SA ("Soviet Army" - for too young visitors) somehow had to happen. Inevitably, it was moving towards a 20-year-old defender of the Motherland, which means that it was necessary to properly prepare for it! In this connection, in the summer, a Plexiglas ball was pushed under the skin of the reproductive organ. The pain and blood ended long ago, and morning erections pleasantly teased the young fighter's vanity - on the right under the head a bulge of impressive size, pinkish translucent in the light, swelled. In addition, it was necessary to take a walk right away: whether it was a joke - two years without full sex, without relaxing, with a constant eye, without beer ... Uh !, what can I say! ... Masturbation became boring: it was necessary to hide all the time and the fantasy, too, without proper recharge from the outside, has also become more than clear.

“In general, so, Nyufa: you come, and on the same evening we will go to the restaurant with a friend of my girlfriend, did you understand?” Said the chest to Seryoga in the presence of colleagues who were sputtering. He was a countryman, (and in the army it is holy), left for an extra urgent half a year ago, and already with might and main tasted the charms of freemen. Most of the fighters, although they were jealous of his present position, reasonably believed that “the trunk was good, but it would be better to suffer another couple of months, and then everything. Finally and irrevocably! ”

“Well, well, of course!” Nyufa stared in his midst, “How old is she? Gives? "" Years - 22, name - Lena, lives in a 3-room apartment alone - parents went on vacation. And about giving, not giving - you will check it yourself! ”

DAY finally set up. Everyone who served remembers him in any condition. This girls, you do not first kiss! "Come on, change clothes, and - on, vodka bread!" Seryoga ordered. "You are my brother, came from Germany-Poland, carry goods to Belarus and Russia, frets?" "Yes no problem! Wow, how strong! You just need to buy a flower first. Why? See? ”Nufa, for all his courage, noticeably (for himself) jigsaw. However, in 15-20 minutes both vodka and civilian clothes made their business - it became easier, freer, courage appeared. Nyuf slowly recalled how defiantly he flirted with girls in the civilian world, and experience how r rises, do not drink!

“Mistress, let me introduce myself, - Nyuf!” He said, who grumbled, had a friend on Sergei: he shuffled his picture with his foot, presented a carnation (did you want to shoot in December in Soviet times?) And kissed the hand extended for the proletarian shake. “Ira,” she said dumbly, and embarrassed by her grumbling mood, quickly added, “Boys, I am in a second!” “Wow! Yes, she would have eaten me now, if it were not for you, ”said the chest, admiringly, to Seryoga. “You are a little valenok, do they need a lot?”, “Nyuf” philosophically spoke. “Then, after they get used to it, it will be more difficult, and this is nonsense.”

The first success was inspired, and Ostap suffered. With unstoppable pressure, all the way to the apartment of a friend told Irina about his work as a truck driver, inserting words like “Kung, psha, 40 tons, march, etc.” Sergey walked to the right and, rolling his eyes in surprise, showed behind Irina friend's thumb! He did not know that in the veins of a young man the blood of a true aristocrat, a genetic reveler, a tireless rake and a noble female saint flowed.

With a cavalry attack, he also met Helena, adding to his tirade a kneeling handing of the second carnation. He was also inspired by the fact that Lena was very pretty, tall, blond in the body, with large attentive and intelligent eyes.

While she was dressing for the restaurant, they sat in the kitchen and continued. Nyufa joked anecdotes, compliments to both ladies (and Sergey), spoke crazy toasts, demanded a guitar and sang (that if you read Gogi and Bravo, he did it well). Behind all this whirlwind, the desire to please and not be rejected, Nyuf did not notice how he achieved what he wanted - Elena’s “attentive and intelligent eyes” irreversibly underwent a certain metamorphosis. On the way to the restaurant of this small Belarusian town, the couples walked separately.

“: The only thing is that I don’t want to go to my kung today and sleep with my colleague. He has a girlfriend here. Lead back to the car, ”he said. The next one was dumbfounded and at the same time breathed new life into its enticing impulse: “Can't you stay with me?” Lena asked simply and naturally, as if that were taken for granted! “Well, if you don’t press:” With all my strength I tried NOT to scream for joy Nuf.

The following is remembered in fragments: a restaurant table, food and drink, the song “Apples in the Snow” repeated 25 times for some Caucasians, the former fellow soldiers who did not give out Nyuf, and through his teeth answered the mocking questions of the shooting gallery “Well, how is the service? But when I served! ..., endless dances:

* * *

And the body yearning for a woman, not listening to the orders of the brain, again made us wince from another pleasure and fall into a short, uneven sleep ...

On waking, Nyufa could feel only five points on his body - elbows (2 sh), knees (2 sh) and penis (1 sh). He looked at his hands - solid abrasions, knees - too. And what about the member? - on his pride, the ball, too, there was a fresh bruise. “Wow, what am I doing?”, Nyufa just thought, as a fresh, happy Lena approached the bed with an awkward gait. "Good morning, honey. Do you want a beer? I'll bring it to you in the bath. ”It was not a dream! Hot water relaxed and relieved pain from skin areas torn with rough sofa fabric. “How was it?” He asked the girl. “I hope I wasn’t rude?” He remembered that it was not very good. “No, everything is fine, dear, only I don’t know when I can make love again - everything is on fire below! But so sweet! ... I have never had such a thing with me: I: Actually, yesterday was: my first time. And you are my first man. ”Nyu went under the water to get used to this news. “Today we will correct it,” he said. “Klin wedge knocked out.” “And how many times did we like yesterday? I remember 12. ":!!!??!!... The way it is". New day was coming:

The most interesting thing began later in the evening, when Lena overcame her fear and slowly decided to sit on the Nufin organ. (Nyufa himself was lying on his back, because of the abrasions, the other position was contraindicated to him). The main difficulty was to pass the ball inside - and this process brought certain difficulties to him and him. But when he slipped - it went. Nyufa, having found out that his mistress was a girl and that she, a tramp, preferred him 100% of the matrimonial party (to a young officer) as a real master taught her (and where did it come from!) To feel her own body, to enjoy the feeling of fullness, to manage an orgasm (which you, dear reader, you know, most often it is in the head, not in the head!)

The day and evening of the second day was spent on a completely sober study of each other and their sensations in each other. There was almost no orgasm, but there was a buzz from the partner's wet hot lips on the testicles and penis. There was a salty, tart, indescribably exciting taste of her pussy on her lips, feeling the tongue of a hard clitoris, body trembling in a sweet languor. Both learned quickly.

There was one more thing: Sergey left the service in the morning, and his Irina was waiting for the evening joint march to the pub. While Nyufa and Lena were in the parents' bedroom, Ira cooked food, listened to music, and often passed by half-covered doors, as if casually looking inside. Lena and Nyufa noticed this, but did not try to change the situation. The fact is that Nufah just liked ...

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