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I love to go to my dacha. Quiet, old trees, fields around, these dachas are more than 50 years old, my grandmother has received her. Its only drawback is that the nearest river - Desna - 15 km. But this is not the main thing, if anything, then on a bike this is a maximum hour.

It so happened that in childhood I had friends at the dacha, but over the years I somehow dispersed or stopped coming. And what do young people do here ... mostly old people live, there are no rivers, although in some areas over the past few years, huge houses with high fences around and antennae “plates” on the roofs began to appear instead of flaky small houses. No, and my site lives its old quiet life. Basically, I come to the country just to relax, read plenty, sleep.

I rarely leave the site ... for clean water for drinking and cooking and to the store, occasionally visiting us on the board. Somehow I somehow strolled along other streets. It was 7 pm, mid-July, the sun was already hanging closer to the horizon, and breathing was already much easier. I walked slowly along the path, occasionally picking up some blade of grass or tearing off the remnants of mulberry. Not reaching the end of the street at home 2, a dog with angry barking suddenly jumped out at me from the side of the “steep” site. From fright, I jumped to the side and stumbled. It was necessary for someone to put scrap metal on the edge of the road - that’s what I put on the back of my head. The last thing I saw was how, on the other hand, a huge shepherd dog jumped out and rushed at the frightened dog.

I woke up because I sneezed, and then I felt a heaviness in the back of my head and a pleasant coolness. When I finally came to my senses, I was lying on a couch in a very well-furnished room, I had a cool wet cloth on the back of my head, with a tongue sticking out of my tongue and looking at me with interest, it seemed to me.

I made a move to rise, but then a pleasant male voice spoke from the door ... - No, no, lie down. A man of about 40 turned out to be in my field of vision, but his figure was taut, his tummy was flat, and indeed he seemed very well-groomed. In his hands he carried a glass of orange liquid, which on closer inspection turned out to be orange juice. - Drink, this is fresh, you should get better - he handed me a juice and removed a pleasant coolness from the back of my head, touched it. - Yes, the bump will remain anyway, but thank God, you are not injured. His care was pleasant to me, his hands were gentle and caring, and his voice was caressing. “Thank you,” I muttered, confused. - Yes, I did not introduce myself, my name is Vlad, just Vlad, but if you are embarrassed, you can go to “you” - And Xenia me, I said. Suddenly, the shepherd jumped abruptly and rushed to the door with a happy bark, from there came a young voice ... - Yes, yes, it's me! No need to jump on me! Dad, take him away from me! - Vlad said ... Oh! Dan has arrived! Excuse me Xenia, I am now. No sooner had he left the room than a young, tanned guy entered it, very much like him. - Hi dad, - he looked at me - I'm sorry for interfering, did not want, did not know ... - Stop, Dan! Meet, this is Xenia, we saved her from the neighbor from the neighbour's mad dog. - And then everything is clear. And I Dan - he playfully bowed. - Hi - I said, quietly moving away from what happened ... I spent the whole evening with them. During this time I managed to find out that Vlad raised his son himself, Dan was studying abroad lately, and here they bought a summer cottage recently, because my father was tired of the city. In the evening Dan led me to the house, the Lord happily jumped alongside, in general, life would be wonderful if it were not for a headache. - Do you live alone? He asked, looking at how I was tormented with the lock. - Now, yes, this week, then my mother must drive up. - Ponyatnenko, well, good night - Bye

... I could not understand why the alarm clock is knocking, but not ringing. Opening one eye, I realized that they were knocking on my window.I lifted the curtain and, kneeling on the bed and hiding behind the duvet cover, opened the window. - Hello! - said Dan - how did you sleep? “It's great if I didn't wake me up,” I muttered sleepily. I would not wake up, but I went for a walk with the Lord, and dad asked to bring you fresh milk, in the morning he goes to the village to follow him. Hold it, right from under the cow - and he handed me a jar. Forgetting that I was holding the blanket with my hands, I took the jar, and when it fell, I could not release the jar. - Mmm-dan moaned, looking at my chest - Very beautiful ... He stretched out his hand to me and gently took the chest in his palm, holding the nipple between the thumb and forefinger, rubbing them easily. I jerked, some of the milk spilled onto the bed, but then he let go of the chest and the trembling through the body disappeared. Dan laughed, showing even white teeth. I quickly got out of bed, put the jar on the table and put on a shirt. Opening the door, I saw that Dan was already sitting on the bench and looking at me carefully. I was embarrassed and lowered my eyes ... - What? - Nothing ... - he smiled - Didn't you like it? “Stop it,” I waved my hand and, unable to restrain myself on the porch, fell into the thickets of bluebells and tulips. With a loud bark, Lord jumped to me, and Dan followed him. His face was troubled ... - Oh, Lord! Are you hurt ?! He picked me up and carried me to the house. It was so nice to feel in his strong hands. Dan gently laid me on my bed, from which I so recently jumped out. - You can not be out of sight for a minute! All the time trying to fall somewhere! - We looked at each other and laughed like crazy. - Everything, you go to breakfast with us, and then drink some milk. - I just opened my mouth to argue, as Dan said ... - So! And do not even dare to argue, I do not ask, and I order. Get dressed! - He said and sat on the chair. I looked at him with a surprised-sly look ... - You're not going to leave? - Where!? - making round eyes, Dan asked. - From the room, from the room - I sat up in bed - Well? - What for? What have I not seen? He asked, and smiled. Then he got up and approached me. Leaning close to my ear, he whispered, almost touching his lips ... - You have a very beautiful chest ... I removed my head from those beckoning lips and got out of bed. - Well, please, Dan, come out, I am uncomfortable ... Dan raised his hands - Well, well, I go out - and, looking at me with his piercing - stripping look, went out the door ...

Breakfast was fun, Vlad and Dan were in shock and it was not clear what I was doing more, laughing or eating. All this time pleasant cheerful, but not obsessive music flowed from the tape recorder, and the food was light and tasty. Afterwards, I barely escaped home, not because I was so anxious, but because I was uncomfortable spending so much time with people that I almost did not know. I was released under the promise that as soon as the sun subsides a bit, I will come to swim in their pool. I promised that I would come and threatened me that if I did not come myself, they would send a Lord to me.

At about four o'clock, when the sun was not so hot already, I changed my swimsuit and moved it in the direction of a familiar house. I was greeted with joyful shouts and barking. Sitting on a lounger with a glass of fresh apple juice, I felt really happy. Two beautiful men reclined side by side, the conversation flowed slowly, the sun was warm, I once again got up to go for a swim, but so unsuccessfully that in the back something snapped and I fell back with a moan back on the deck chair. “Well, these are all your falls ...” Dan began jokingly, but, noticing my grimace of pain, leaped to me - God! Ksenichka! Are you very sick? What happened? Vlad cautiously pushed away his son ... - Get away - as always, he calmly said - let the specialist look. Dan dutifully sat on a nearby chaise longue. Vlad gently turned me on his stomach and stretched his arms along ...

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