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to your partner, completely forgetting that the final fountain should get into the frame - so that my viewers can see everything. The girl jerked, tried to push the penis out of her mouth, but I was uncontrollable. I lashed at it again and again, not caring at all about my viewers, not thinking about Ron and Jack. I made sweeping movements, slipping between her lips, and imagined that it was her lips. And splashed out - again and again.

When this madness ended, I let go of my partner. She recoiled and splashed out of her mouth a wonderful fountain of muddy sperm.

Ron was pleased.

- Little improvisation? - he smiled. - It seems it turned out well.

During the next break, I found out her name. Not with her, really - she was resting at that time and preparing for the shoot.

Jesse. Her name was Jesse.

Ron quickly realized that something was emerging between us, and decided to use it for his own purposes. Hmm, he's a manager after all.

I can not say that I was pleased to know his script.

But now, at least, we will be filming together.

I don't seem to mention that Ron specializes in expensive porn movies. Those scenes that we shoot at the beginning go to warm up. The most interesting begins later.

Nowadays, a sophisticated viewer is hard to surprise. To achieve the effect, proven means are used - beautiful girls (the more, the better), tough men with a rough appearance and high-quality entourage - all sorts of lights, decorations and costumes.

Men were dressed in medieval noblemen - cambric shirts with wide sleeves, leather vests, some stupid pants.

Bob - bald guy with tattoos all over his body - didn’t want to wear them for a long time, stating that he would look like a fagot, but Ron convinced him that it wasn’t for long, and his pants would be taken off soon. Another colleague of mine, a young jock named Fang, dressed very quickly and trembled with impatience: this was his first exit in a day.

Jesse and I had to play a couple of lovers returning from a walk and ambushed by two thieves.

Ron arranged a spotlight in advance, several artificial trees, even got somewhere a huge canvas with a castle painted on it, standing on a hill.

- Ready? - asked Jack. - Go.

Jessie and I went holding hands. We had to walk a few meters to the place where my colleagues were sitting in ambush. Jesse looked at me with her shining eyes, her fingers clutching my palm. I fell in love. My God, I fell in love as a schoolboy.

Turn. Tree. "Robbers."

I was tied to a tree and taken to Jesse.

First of all, Fang had torn her dress and exposed her beautiful heavy breasts with pink nipples. (My dick flinched in his pants) Bob screamed and began to knead them with his fat fingers.

Jesse fought back, escaped from her "rapists", she uplifted her eyes to the sky.

Without too much ado, Fang pushed her to the ground, pulled up her skirts and pulled his handsome man out of his pants. Jessie looked at him a little more carnivorous than it seemed from her role. When he pushed him inside, she looked at me. My member's pants jerked in protest.

Fang reigned over her. He jerked his dick all the way, froze for a moment, then slowly took it out, after which the procedure was repeated. Jesse was twitching, trying to break free, but Bob was holding her hands tight at that time.

Finally, Fang came out of her, rose.

Jesse lay, spreading her legs wide apart, and looked at me.

Bob came up. By this time, according to the scenario, the heroine should have slightly softened her position, but not stopped resistance. Acting in accordance with the script, Jesse shyly folded her knees. Bob grinned, pulled his rascal out of his pants and shook them.

Then he lay down on Jesse, made a few movements, but soon got out of her.

Bob sat on her breast and began to play with her nipples - he rested his head in a pink circle, pressed him inside and moved his hips, as if he wanted to fuck Jesse right in the nipple.

In her eyes, staring at me, I saw that she was very pleased with everything that was happening. However, her eyes soon disappeared from me - they were blocked by Bob's ass. I bent down to see better.

Bob raised his cock to her lips, but she squeezed them and shook her head. I imagined what labor she should restrain herself.

Then Bob got down, sat down next to him and began to play with her nipples.

He then squeezed them with his fingers, then licked his tongue. And when Jesse started moaning, Bob tickled her clit with the fingers of her left hand, while her right continued to play with her breasts. And then she melted - breathing heavily, spread her knees to the sides.

Bob unobtrusively reminded about himself - he easily ran his fat cock over her lips, as if it was an erogenous zone. She shyly lowered her eyes, languidly trying to pull away. Bob insisted: continuing to play with the clitoris left, he moved the foreskin with his right (he was not circumcised - just like me, by the way), exposing the huge fire-breathing head, and again ran it over her lips. This time, the resistance was given to her with obvious difficulty. But she still pulled away. Bob, noticing a change in mood, retreated and continued his fun with her clitoris. He even used his lips and tongue. And then she screamed. Bob stepped back, obviously not wanting to cause an orgasm ahead of time, and began to act more carefully. His cock still rested near her face, but now he did not insist. After a while it began to bother her. Jesse looked at the member, clearly making it clear that he would no longer oppose. But Bob was in no hurry. He towered over her with a view of the winner. And the moment came - she stretched to his head with her lips, with her beautiful red lips. But as soon as Jessie touched her, Bob stepped back. She stretched again - he dodged again. And then she, deprived of the help of hands (Fang still held them - it's unclear why), with a quick jerk of the head caught the head with her lips (virtuoso work, considering the thickness of his penis) and sucked her in the mouth. Bob succumbed for a second, he stood still with his eyes closed, but then immediately freed himself from the captivity of his lips.

Jesse groaned, even looked at me, as if hoping that I would ask Bob to give it to her mouth. How delightful she was at that moment — greedily open lips, burning eyes.

Finally, he could not stand it either - he climbed on her face, saddled him like a horse, slid a member into her eagerly open lips and galloped off at a gallop. From my seat, it was obvious that he was entering it the entire length of his rascal. Jesse moaned, curved in an arc, rubbing her tight hips together.

Meanwhile, Fang let go of her hands and took a position on the other side. He lifted up her legs and pulled out his weapon. For a couple of seconds, he froze, as if wondering which hole to prefer, but then, apparently, he remembered that Ron had given a blank check - complete freedom of action. From my place it was clearly visible, as Fang inserted the member into the natural hole, made a couple of shallow movements, pulled it out and took the scope lower.

Apparently, out of respect for me (later I found out that our nascent romance with Jesse was already obvious to the whole group by that time), he acted extremely carefully, and didn’t rush her with all the foolishness, “tearing the glands”. Fang put the head to its hole and slowly pressed. The first attempt was unsuccessful: the Fang member was too large for its undeveloped hole. Then he dipped his middle finger with saliva, slipped into it and began to actively act inside them. By the way Jesse began to squirm, I concluded that she was very pleased with what was happening. Half a minute later, Fang added a nameless ring to his middle finger. Now he acted with a certain likeness of the penis - rather thin, though, if we compare it with what nature bestowed on my colleague.

Bob meanwhile ... Read more →

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