It is interesting to always see a woman on the second day after intimacy, especially when there are two of us, and this is for the first time for her ... when we tumble in the next evening with champagne and flowers ... and we see that we are glad ... when there is so much tenderness in her eyes, in words, in manners, in clothes, and even in the way she kissed us at the door, clinging to both, as does the one that can and wants to love ... in turn giving us such beautiful lips ... so greedily , so passionately, leaning all over and hugging both ... when there are four strong and strong male palms at once, prizhi they wail ... and the tongue penetrates from the mouth into the mouth ... and the second one at that time, after adjusting the hair, gently caresses the neck ... embarrassed, embarrassed ... and in my opinion they brought it right away ... and they themselves immediately below tense, hardened ... she felt because when she dodged and tried to command that the three of us were waiting for the festive table.

Clever girl ... beautiful table setting, candles, twilight, quiet music ... you can even be allowed to command us ... for now ... while we tell you how all day after the night with you, you flew like on wings ... and everything thoughts about how charming you are ... how you can caress, surrender and wind us up so that when he involuntarily rises again and again ... and without saying a word, both of them take it in their hands and put it between their legs ...

Imagine, and so the whole day ... you just remember how you took him yesterday in your mouth or how he entered the vagina, ass, caressed you on the nipples, and then between the thighs and the edge of the sponges below ... you are so passionate I began to stroke them over light pants, dropping to my knees in front of us ... do you know how nice it is to see such a beautiful woman, how she kneels in front of you? and so he holds his palm down there, testing and feeling how he wants ... and how nice it is to see sparkles in such large and expressive eyes in which everything is read ...

No, we will do it differently now ... do you want to wash the men returning from work in the bathroom? each take turns or go together? are you really cute ... do you like taking a bath? without light in total darkness? with two men at once? ah, never tried that? when you have four men’s hands stripped literally in two seconds ... and in your hands in a hot, half-filled with water, the bathroom in which we added foam with the smell of a rose ... when four strong men's hands begin to wash you in complete darkness, feeling only yours the body ... so close, luxurious and desirable ... when you want to lather you all completely with your own hands, without missing a centimeter.

When you can no longer understand where whose hand washes you, caresses ... and the head, neck, chest, bent under our hands back, tummy, and between such delicate thighs from the knee up, and two strained members rest with two sides to your side ... caress, caress them both babies ... like that, grabbing and squeezing them, exposing each head ... do you like it when you have two of them? so powerful and wanting your caress?

And now together you pussy ... have you ever felt the hands of two men right there at home? when they put one of your legs on the edge of the bath, so gently soap up the top of your knee? first inside the thighs, rising higher and higher ... and now the two, interfering with each other, your gorgeous girl? when the fingers of two hands push the sex lips wide apart ... and wash, they soap everything with you: both at the entrance to the vagina ... and through the perineum ... feeling how you move to the beat faster and faster, unable to restrain a groan ... when men wash their hands at the same time the clitoris, the vagina and the asterisk of the anus ... when they are forced to bend, bend, bend, put their hands on the wall and substitute, substitute them with such a little rude palms for their alluring holes.

And after that, you are on your knees ... and in complete darkness, to make two of you wash at the same time what is so firmly aimed at the top of both ... you are right in your mouth ... with two palms at once ... on two hot and hard trunks, which already had heads exposed ... on their hardened testicles and on the perineum between the pumped legs ... when both of you put your hand in your hair and without saying a word, bend your face to their members who are next to each other ... you ever did blowjob two at once ... in the dark ... not seeing, but only feeling how wildly they both want in your mouth ... when you take turns with your mouth and palm ... so quickly and greedily one after to others ... and now putting both heads together, and in their mouth both of them as far as can be taken ... so that both colors, and become stronger ... harder you try to push them ...

Now get up baby ... and put your hands on the edge of the bath ... take one in your mouth, and the other will go behind you ... and again without saying a word to hold your bare heads on the lips below and on top ... and now at the same time enter ... feeling like it becomes cloudy in the eyes when you moaned and screamed ... and how you wrapped them in your mouth and walls of such a wet and small vagina ... into which you are at the very neck ... so sharp and fast ... like a piston ... to the very eggs ... driving in and feeling how you meet me moving to the beat ... more and more ... such glorious virgins chke ... two solid masculine beginnings ... driving in ... more and more ... feeling that the member is here on the way ... and your muscles are so compressed and so caress my member ... that you want to extend at least an instant ... when at you in one gulp ... from two sides ... two mad members will end up at you and together with you ... and fill their hot sperm with two such holes ... and then raise, kiss, and whisper in your ear that you are superb ...

And the night was just beginning ... amazing and beautiful for three crazy and passionate hearts ...

(to be continued)

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