That evening we were at my house much tipsy. There were three of us: me, my best friend Masha and Max, my school friend and part-time machine lover. Everyone had a reason to get drunk. A guy named Jean, with whom I had met for the last six months, had to fly away to France in the morning and stayed at home to pack my bags. He begged to spend this last night with him and take him to the airport, but I decided not to see him again, because he was leaving France for an indefinite period, perhaps forever, and I tried to avoid unnecessary snot. After a dry parting, I wanted to get drunk in the evening in the company of loved ones. Masha on that day quarreled with her husband and asked to spend the night with me, Max came to “comfort” her, we crossed at the nearest bar, poured out our souls to each other, and then somehow came to be with me.

In spite of the fact that I have a studio apartment, Max and Masha had stayed with me in a narrow folding chair before. I have never seen any tension in this: it's still my friends, moreover, when I get drunk, I sleep like a log, I can't hear anything, I can't see anything, I won't say anything to anyone.

This time it became inconvenient for me to lay them on a small armchair, when I myself sleep in the huge master bed, and I absolutely without any back thoughts suggested that they lie down with me and not be tormented in cramped situations. And to let them enjoy each other, I went to the bathroom for a long time and stayed there for more than an hour.

Of course, I’m wry if I say that the situation itself didn’t have luscious thoughts. I was drunk, raznezhena gentle water, in the room behind the wall, my best friends made love - I was truly happy for them when I heard the creaking of the bed and unrestrained moans. I began to look at my tanned body, which in the water seemed even more beautiful. My hands themselves began to stroke the hips and abdomen, then they were on the chest, nipples swell from circular movements and tingling. In me, the feeling of self-love began to emerge, and then my right hand fell below the freshly shaved pussy. Her index and ring finger parted her smooth, swollen lips, and the middle one began to drive up and down from the clitoris to the base of my slits, and back, occasionally stopping at the clitoris to caress it with still gentle circular motions. I was filled with pleasure, the sound of water acted excitingly, and I decided to intensify the sensations with the help of a strong hot jet of a tap. I flushed the bathroom, lay back on its bottom, spread my legs and sent a stream between my legs. Jet readily hit the target. Aaaa! It is so pleasant! Water caresses the clitoris better than any, even the most skillful language - gently and intensely at the same time. I begin to help her, move her hips back and forth and side to side, stimulating her breasts with her hands, but this is not enough for me. My eyes come across a roller deodorant "Nivey", which stands on the shelf next to the mirror and bath accessories. I am attracted by its shape, resembling a phallus, its decent size, rounded end and annular protrusion in the middle - where the lid goes into the bottle. Excellent dildo! I take it, hold it to my mouth, grease it with saliva and, no more than three seconds lingering at the entrance, gently drive it inside myself. At the same time water from the tap does not cease to stimulate my clitoris. My pussy is all trembling and vibrating, as if she is struggling with a dildo, which is entering it deeper and deeper. I want to see it from the side to really cum! I take a small round mirror from the shelf and set it on the sink at such an angle to see how my pussy is desperately struggling with an artificial monster, how she takes it in herself and pushes her, exhausted from desire, bleeding with moisture.I see a stream of water beating in the smooth folds between my legs, and the dildo almost all plunged into me. In order to move it, my hands no longer need to clasp it, but it is enough just to push it in with one finger, pressing the bottom of the bottle, which is only visible from my womb. It turns me off so much that I swallowed up the whole dildo, pushed it all into myself, that I squeezed my vagina out of the last of my strength, which even hurt from such pressure, and: finish it. The orgasm is short, but beautiful, I see in the mirror my busy pussy, flushed, released from the inanimate monster, and smile at her:

When I left the bathroom, after having preliminarily smeared coconut milk for my body, my dear Masha and Max were already sleeping peacefully at the wall, without waiting for me to say "good night". I lay down and, before falling asleep, sadly thought of Jean, whom I probably would never see again. And who knew how to make his long French fingers such things that neither the language nor the phallus can do.

I woke up at night from Masha's moans. Opening my eyes, I saw next to me a small, thin, full-breasted Masha body with legs spread, between which Max was moving. Max was lying on Masha a little on his side opposite to me, so that I perfectly saw his huge cock piercing my girlfriend. Max did it in a special way, slowly, lingering at the entrance, than brought the poor girl to a frenzy. This scene made me very excited, I suddenly realized that I no longer perceive these two creatures as friends only; moreover, I noticed that my presence, especially after waking up, excites them no less than me. I touched my pussy, she was wet and humbly accepted my fingers, which moved exactly in time with Max's phallus. Masha raised her hand, lifted my chemise and touched my nipple, Max stepped up the frictions, and her friend finished, looking me straight in the eyes. It made such an impression on me that I almost screamed with her. At this point, Max also moaned, pulled out his penis and let Masha down on her stomach. The first round was over, but not for me. My nipples were sticking out, my clitoris was swollen and inside me such desires arose that had never occurred to me before. However, we still have not said a word to each other.

Max went to take a shower, and Masha remained to watch how I masturbate, I could not tear myself away. Then she finally said: “I want you. I want it for a very long time, and her head was between my legs. At first she caressed my clitoris with the tip of the tongue, then began to lick the entire circumference of my bosom, and finally put her tongue into my cave. He was surprisingly long, Masha literally impaled me on him, occasionally rising to the clitoris. I felt that this was what I always wanted - a female tongue inside of me. By this time, Max was already standing by and jerking off on my chest. I took his penis with my hand, and put the head in my mouth, and began to move my hand towards the mouth and back. In this case, my tongue made a circular motion around his head. Then I let go of my hand and walked my tongue from the bottom to the base of the penis, and his head was behind my cheek, Max groaned, I repeated the caress. And Masha continued to frantically lick me.

My pussy was ready to take something more impressive than the tongue of my girlfriend. I said, "Max, come here." Masha moved away, and Max touched my head to my clitoris and froze at the cave entrance. “Max, please,” I moaned, and he entered me, but not all, but with just one head, and immediately left. “Please!” I cried. He again began to dive into me, but again not all, but as if on the steps: first the head, and back, then to the middle of the member - back, then the whole member - back, then again to the middle: and again only the head ... From such a strange sex I started screaming. But Masha sat on my face, I felt the taste of her little pussy and began to lick her, drive her tongue into it.Max began to accelerate, Masha frantically rubbed her face, I stopped to think anything, the moisture overwhelmed me, something there, under the clitoris jerked and broke out a fountain of emotions. This time the orgasm was long, wavy, and I screamed as I had never screamed before.

That's it, I took time out and lay back on the pillows. But I did not manage to lie so long. Max put Masha cancer, put in not all of his penis and began to fuck intensely. I wanted someone to fuck me too, but since there was no man nearby, I grabbed an empty champagne bottle and shoved it in myself. And then the unexpected happened. Jean entered the room!

At first I thought it was a hallucination from excessive consumption of sex. But Jean babbled something in French about the fact that he wanted to say goodbye again and give the key: Meanwhile, Jean between his legs bristled about this picture. The situation was becoming more exciting and I could not even stop masturbating with a bottle. Masha and Max were so passionate about themselves that they noticed Jean only when he, already completely naked, came up to me and groaned from my blow job. They paused for a moment, smiled and continued to fuck, already looking at us - it obviously turned them on.

I still, like a fool, could not tear myself away from the bottle. But Jean put it away, carried me onto the table, threw back my legs high and brought my phallus into me to the very foundation. I groaned and felt the hot wave that swept over me. Max liked what Jean did. He grabbed Masha, put her on the table next to me and began to fuck. It was great because Masha and I could not only see the members of the men enter the girlfriend, but also caress each other with their hands, and even kiss. Men also understood the advantages of such a position, because now they could periodically change partners! It was indescribable: first feel in himself a long member of Jean, and then - fat Max, and again Jean, and again Max. And see the same thing your friend feels! We finished almost simultaneously, the four of us, and it was the most massive orgasm in my life!

And in the morning we put Jean together on a plane to his beloved France. Three years have passed since then. And in all this time, we have never tried to repeat that night. Maybe they were afraid to destroy something more valuable than sex - friendship. Maybe - because they could not do it without Jean. Why did I remember about it? Because, firstly, it is impossible to forget about it. And secondly, Jean arrives in Russia next week. For the first time in all this time. I, Masha and Max are going to meet him at the airport. Something will be ?:

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