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Andrey and Anyutka have been together for three months. He is a respectable businessman. Its a profitable business, a pair of foreign cars, a mansion in the Philippines and, of course, an elegant cottage in the suburbs. She is a pretty creature with no specific occupation (although when they met, Anya worked as an assistant in a small trading company).

Andrew was pretty well built: biceps, triceps, etc., and so on. Well, of course, the device - that is necessary! A good face, unlike most business colleagues, is “burdened” with intelligence. In general, he was a smart guy: he finished school as they say “good and excellent”, easily entered the Polytechnic University, playfully chopped off five years there, returned to his small town, which, as it turned out, occupied much more space in his heart than he I thought before the institute. Then, like many, the shuttle service, the first tents, the first shops, the first company ... By the age of twenty-seven, he suddenly became one of the richest people not only in the city, but also in his field.

They met Annutka by chance - at a party with mutual friends. As soon as Andrew saw her - a small, puny, somehow defenseless, almost teenager - the whole party receded into the background. Anya was in a short light dress, under which the panties and peas of the nipples were clearly visible. With light jealousy and at the same time, with pleasure, Andrey noticed that all men at a party and even some women peek at her from wives and girlfriends. “Yes, the girl is just an angel!” Thought Andrew then, looking at slender legs, an elastic, taut ass, flat tummy with a navel hollow barely visible under the dress, small breasts, a fragile neck, a beautiful face framed by blond hair.

The very next night she was his woman. And which! During the night, they tried almost everything he had to do in bed before, and something else! He especially remembered the moment when she forced him to lie on his back and masturbate, and she sat on his face and began to drive her hips - back and forth, back and forth. And he licked her vagina and anus, all in her discharge and his sperm. She was at this moment twisting his nipples, causing sweet pain. When he finished, he realized that before that time (although he was just TINNING) he did not have to end so violently.

Three months flew by. Andrei worked during the day, Anka sat at home, crammed some books on economics (they decided that she definitely needed to learn). In the evening and at night there was a bed. Andrei had it as he wanted. They actively used vibrators. Andrei especially liked it when Anya lay naked on a table that stood in the middle of a brightly lit living room, and used herself with a huge vibrator. She thus brought herself to the first orgasm in the evening. When he advanced, she screamed, continuing to drill herself with a buzzing device. Her juices dripped onto the table, and Annie, kneeling and continuing to fuck herself, lick them. And she screamed again. She took out a vibrator, greedily licked him, thrust him into herself again ... And screamed again. For a long time Andrei could not stand it and, coming up behind her, thrust his twenty-centimeter member into an ank ass. And they both shouted.

There was something primal in their fucking, something bestial. He roughly grabbed her breasts, severely crumpled, twisted nipples. With the other hand he pulled her sweaty face to his hair and kissed it passionately, to red spots. And she squealed with pleasure.

Yes, it was sex that both men liked. But, as shown yesterday evening, not only did they like their sex.

October was warm and dry. At nine in the evening, Andrei returned from a regular business meeting. They had dinner in the dining room - just a bit, so that nothing would interfere with their pleasures. Annie was in a translucent robe, under which there was only her elastic body.

“Today, my gold,” said Andrei, looking at the ankines of the nipples appearing beneath the matter, “we will try something new.”

Anyutkina eyes lit up:

- Come on! ... Well, do not bother, tell me!

- Will you jump on the table for me today?

- You ask! But just what's new in this?

- I thought here: after all, time goes on, we change. It will take ten years, and we don’t even remember what we did here with you. So I thought: now I will shoot you on video.

- Only me? - Anka pretended to sulk.

- Well ... not just you. Us.

- Ah ... Well, if so, then I agree!

Anyutka jumped off the chair and ran into the living room. Andrew went to the office, took the camera and also went down to the living room.

She was beautiful! On a low oak table, in the glow of all the light fixtures in the room, Anya stood on all fours, bent over and spread her legs wide, her ass to the un-curtained window. She swayed slightly, breathing hard from excitement and slyly looking at Andrew. And he already started shooting. He made a circle around the room, continuously removing Annie. Then he stopped to the left of the window and sat down in a chair. From here a beautiful view of the already wet vagina of Ani was opened.

In the meantime, she took a vibrator lying in front of her, turned it on, passionately licked and began to drive on the pubis, clitoris, lips, smearing the mucus, vigorously trickling out of her vagina. For a long time in such a tense pose she could not stand it. Her hand buckled, and Anya laid her cheek on the table. From this, her posture took on an even more delicious look: with a slight smacking of her, the vagina opened, and the anus slightly pulsed above her. Annie continued to drive a vibrator on the clitoris, and then suddenly slammed him into herself. Immediately there was a groan, full of pleasure.

To the left of Andrew on a small table was the remote from the music center. He pressed PLAY, and out of eight columns hit "acid." Anka froze for a moment and then continued to fuck herself with this rubber miracle of progress.

Andrey's eye caught some extraneous movement in the camera's viewfinder. Without stopping to take pictures, he examined the room no longer through the camera lens. In the huge mirror hanging on the wall opposite, the edge of the window opposite to Andrew was reflected. There was movement.

Although it was already dark outside, the bright light from the room illuminated a small lawn in front of the window and bushes behind it. In this light, he noticed someone's shoulder and arm moving in the twilight. He could not see the rest, as he looked at the mirror at an angle.

Turning off the camera, Andrei quietly slipped out of the room, picked up a large meat knife in the kitchen and went outside.

Near the living room window there were a bunch of five guys, fifteen or seventeen years old, and they were fascinated by what was happening in the lighted living room. As Annie was now fascinated by her sex, so were those who were not invited by strangers to sex.

The decision matured in Andrey's head instantly. They have already somehow discussed this issue with Anka. Both wanted to try group sex. But it was somehow inconvenient to contact friends, and with strangers - so and so at all! And with this five, it seems, there could be no problems. Everyone was excited, two of them even jerked off, hands in sports sweatpants. Some even moaned.

“Hey, guys,” Andrei shouted softly. The teenagers abruptly turned to him, recoiling from the window and glancing warily at the knife in Andrew’s hand.

- Want to fuck her? You will not get anything for it. I just take a video. You can do whatever you want with it, but don’t cause much pain. If she says that she hurts, immediately stop. Well, how? - All this Andrew blurted out in the same breath, so a little breathless.

- And the film will not show anyone? - asked a shaven guy bald, older than anyone. His pants were very bulging, and he mechanically stroked the bulge with his hand.

- Not. This film is for, so to speak, internal use.

- Okay. Come on guys. Fuck the chick ....

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