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to my wife.

Having said this, he put his hand on my wife's ass and brought her close to him with a light movement. I thought that Lena would push him away, but to my surprise her body succumbed to his invitation quite easily. That's how they stood, looking into each other's eyes. Lenka blushed even more and yet pushing him away said:

- Let's drink for an acquaintance, or something.

“It’s not tricky to drink,” said Sergey, as if nothing had happened, opening the champagne with a deft movement.

We drank champagne very quickly. In the process of drinking, it turned out that Serega works as a security guard in one of the banks, he earns well, but this kind of departure is his hobby. Lena had already ceased to be embarrassed and listened with emotion to the story of Sergei as he had a week ago at one family where his wife never received an orgasm, but he still brought her to this. It turned out she lacked a second man. Now his name is almost every day. And today they only called here they were fed up with him, especially since Dad was stout, and Seryoga couldn’t tolerate such people.

Telling it, he embraced Lena, began to speak to the floor of the voice. Then his lips began to whisper something in her ear that I could not hear, although I watched carefully and with great curiosity about what was happening. Lenka laughed and blushed again.

“Okay,” said Seryoga, “I will go to the shower, rinse, it is stuffy on the street.”

Soon we heard the splashing of water, washing Sergei humming to himself, something under his breath.

“That was so impudent,” I said, watching Lena. - And as it occurred to you, invite the peasant that we will get it up.

- Calm down, - answered Lena, - let's be honest. After all, you have long wanted something new, you and I have been living for ten years, it would be time to revive our sexuality.

Meanwhile, Sergey appeared, wrapped tightly with a towel, sat on the sofa, took out a cigarette and lit a cigarette. No, I was really amazed at how this type in our house behaves with compulsion, or it is already a habit and it behaves everywhere like that.

“Well, who's next for bathing?” Sergey said cheerfully, deeply drawing on a cigarette.

I went next, continuing to ponder over whether it was necessary and why I showed this newspaper to Lenka and what would happen if she had sex with him and fell in love, and what if he was a better fucker than me, that we would call him all the time .. .

When I washed myself, I wrapped myself in a towel and left, the picture that I discovered was beyond all imagination, and I was even surprised to sit on a chair.

On the sofa spread apart, how fast, Elena lay. She was not wearing panties, and her robe was thrown open. Between her legs lay Sergei and licked her pussy. There were no towels on Sergey either, so I saw his embarked member, a little larger than mine. Lenka's head darted around the pillow, and lips made passionate sighs. With my hands my wife clasped Sergey’s head in such a way as to press her into herself. But the most interesting thing is that they were so busy with themselves that my appearance in no way affected them. Lena began to moan even louder.

- Is she able to finish, from his caresses, - I thought, recalling that I had never been able to bring her to orgasm with my tongue.

- Tim, - turning to me, said Sergey, - join.

Then I just noticed that my cock, opening the towel, with a cheerfully raised head leaned out.

“My dear,” said Lena, addressing me, “forgive me, but I feel very good, come to us.”

The towel that I was wrapped around was thrown on the floor, and I was standing beside my wife, curving in passion. Lena, letting go of Sergey's head, takes my dick with her hand and draws me to her. I go from the head and turning her head, she takes my tense organ into her mouth. Lenka is not comfortable to move, so I move my dick in her mouth. Sergey, meanwhile, is refined, licking her clit. My wife’s mouth is busy, but from the look on her face, I see that she’s on the verge.Here, here must happen orgasm. At this time, Sergei stops sucking the clitoris gets up on all fours and begins to rub the small lips of Lenka with the head of his penis, touching the clitoris. Lenka almost jumps up from pleasure, firing even my dick, she pulls Sergei with her arms around her buttocks. Sergey in a sharp movement enters the bosom of my wife. There is a loud sigh of Lenka, she begins to collect the sheet with her hands, shaking her head on the pillow. Sergey is increasing his pace, Lena podmahivaet him stumbling from passion with rhythm. Suddenly, as if remembering, she finds my dick by touch with her hands and swallows it, having completely arched it.

What is happening gets me into a joke. I begin to feel that I myself can about to finish. I take my dick out of my wife's mouth, but she grabs my buttocks with both hands and makes me stay. I can barely hold back. At this time, Lena pulling out a member starts screaming, I understand that she had a long-awaited orgasm. During an orgasm, Lena always screams, sometimes forgetting about her neighbors, about the thin partitions between the walls, and sometimes about the children sleeping in the next room. Her arms are now wrapped around Sergei’s shoulders with such force that his nails stick into his skin. And as I understand it, it stops his orgasm. Lena is on top of bliss, in sweet languor she is sipping. Sergey taking out his member looks at me questioningly.

“Tim,” he says, “I’ve done a bit, let’s go on, oh, and you have a passionate wife.”

I kiss Lena on the lips and feel that it excites her. Then slowly each papilla kiss her breasts. Lena makes a sweet moan. Then move lower to the pussy and touch the clitoris with the tip of the tongue. Lena seems to be throwing electricity on the couch. I unfold it and tell her to kneel. She immediately fulfills my request. Sticking out her ass, and having bent her back Lena, stands in a pose expecting my further actions. I insert my penis into her bosom and slowly begin my movements, slightly teasing her, first one deep jerk, followed by three short jogs. Then again one deep sharp and five short. Lena starts to wind up, putting a hand under her, she starts to roll my testicles. Sergey watches us with interest. I increase my pace, I make one long and deep jolt and ten short jars, sweat rolls off me, it’s really pretty hot today. Lena starts moaning loudly. Sergey comes up to her from the front of the head, and Lena, not waiting, takes his dick in her mouth. Lord, that she gets up with him, at first she sucks him like a pomp, then ceasing to tickle my testicles is also taken to make with Sergey. I pause a little to take a breath. I grease my thumb and gently introduce it to Lena in the anus. Lena shudders, but does not reject. Sergey, rolling his eyes loudly and often breathes, in my opinion, he should be about to finish. Meanwhile, Lena begins to push Sergey's buttocks with her finger and gently inserts his index finger into his anus. I know how nice it is when you are caressing your lips and massaging your anus at the same time. Sergey is on the verge. Sweat runs down his face, red from the strain. There is a loud groan, this is Lena overtook the second orgasm. The orgasm lasts much longer than the first, but my wife does not release the member Sergey from her mouth and therefore only muffled guttural sounds are heard. Sergey is not holding back, and by the way he shudders, I understand what he ends up. Usually, Lena does not accept me when I try to finish her mouth, but the amazing thing happens to my wife, instead of rejecting Sergey's dick from her mouth, she seems happy, even with some frenzy swallows his sperm.

I continue to courageously restrain myself. A long time ago I read the Chinese Tao LOVE, where they write that restraining an orgasm by a man makes him resilient, and he can continue sexual intercourse for a long time. Men who scatter their seed on the right and left of the duration of the act can rarely boast.Since then I have been training and have achieved quite great results.

- What are you doing not end up? - Sergey asks, having recovered his breath.

“You know, I'd rather wait a bit,” I reply, pulling the dick out of my spouse's lap. Take a break and you.

Sergei and I sit naked in chairs and light a cigarette. Lenka lies on the couch with his eyes closed and breathes violently.

“Oh, men are good,” my wife says, opening her eyes and rising on her elbow, looking at us with satisfaction.

We are silent, we smoke. Seryga took out vodka from his bag and offered everyone to drink. Lena went to take a shower and in a dressing gown thrown over her naked, beautiful body, she slowly wiped the rest of champagne from a glass. Sergey and I drank, had a snack and looked at each other inquiringly.

“Well, you were fine,” I asked my wife.

“Not the word, smiling languidly,” she replied.

“How about a continuation,” I asked, “opening the floor of the robe.”

We merged into a kiss, I felt a little wildly feeling on my lips the taste of someone else’s sperm, despite the fact that Lena brushed her teeth. But oddly enough it even aroused me, and my implement was again ready for battle. Lena again takes my dick in her mouth and groans begins to suck. Sergey silently watches us, but I see that his dick starts to rise. He comes to us and my wife takes turns in my mouth first, and then his dick. I never thought that watching how your wife does, blowjob to another man, can so excite. Lena is shaking herself by thrusting two cocks into her mouth, how she does it, I think I feel Sergey’s member near her organ. Lena starts moaning louder and her hand begins to excite the clitoris. I lie down first on the sofa and invite my spouse to jump on top of me. She doesn’t hesitate for a minute, sits on me and starts jumping, uttering loud moans. Sergey comes in front, and she continues to do him a blowjob. I begin to slap her palms on the ass, I know that women like it, strengthens the sensations and excites even more. I’m tugging at Lenka's nipples, and in return she performs miracles with a member of Sergei.

“Let's try the double-barreled shotgun,” says Sergey, taking his breath.

“It's like,” my wife asks, moaning.

“You'll see now,” replies Sergey, pulling his penis out of her mouth.

With these words, he walks past us from behind and attaches a member to the Lenkin anus.

“Oh, don't,” Lena jerks back.

- Yes, you just try, - Sergey persuades her, - at first it will be a little painful, but then such a buzz, - he adds meaningfully.

Sergey smears the tongue of the anus of my wife and spitting on his hand a little lubricates the penis. I don't see his actions well, I just feel like Lena is tense.

“Seryozha, it may not be necessary,” my wife says with a longing voice.

“I’m careful,” replies Sergey.

- Oh, oh it hurts, - Lena cries out.

I understand that Sergey entered her anus, because I feel through a thin septum as his cock in my wife's ass begins to walk. Lena first compressed into a ball, tightly closing her eyes, then slowly opens them and passionately starts kissing my lips. Sergei rhythm increases. Lena starts moaning and whispers in my ear so that I also do not lay like wood. Hearing this request, I begin to move in time with Sergey. By the reaction of my wife, I see that she no longer hurts, but rather the opposite.

“Guys, faster,” Lena shouts loudly, and I understand that she is no longer controlling herself.

To be continued, read Tuesday-2

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