Sunny, fine day. Sergey slowly walked to the river. Blue sky, heat. Good. He with pleasure put his hand in his pocket, scratched his eggs. Fuck, fucked up. The day promised to be good.

Suddenly, Sergey was wary. He had long walked around the wet path in obinozhestvo, and suddenly he heard someone laughing in the undergrowth. Female laughter. Girl laughter, hehe, Sergei thought. Quietly, he entered the forest, and trying not to make noise, he moved towards the sound. What he saw exceeded all his expectations: a young, pretty girl was sitting on the bank of the river, singing something, and seemed to be completely absorbed in reading some kind of stupid magazine. Sergey's heart was pounding. Good girl Small, fair figure, long dark hair, bare tanned arms. Sergey swallowed and continued to watch. The girl, meanwhile, turned over on her stomach and continued to read, dangling her legs. Nice legs. Smooth, tanned, I want to stroke them. Sergey could no longer hold back. Correcting a member in his pants, he got out of the thicket and quietly went to the girl. She did not notice anything. Suddenly, as if feeling something, she abruptly turned around and met his eyes with Sergey. Sergey continued to advance. The girl, frightened, leaned back, got on all fours, on her feet. She was about eighteen years old, a pretty, clean face, dark eyes wide open, sweet lips half-open. Sergey licked his lips again. The girl was already retreating backwards, faster and faster, until she finally jerked off at a run. Everything is left on the beach - a blanket, a magazine, some creams. Sergey started following.

The girl, desperately screaming, was tearing through the bushes. Her bare legs were stinging with nettles and some prickles, her hair disheveled. Sergey looked intently at her nice ass and gentle, tanned legs. Finally, the thickets ended, and a couple ran out into the field. The girl swallowed nervously, and when she heard that the pursuer was still running after her, she started up on the freshly mown grass. It was obvious how painful it was for her to step on fresh grass cuts, Sergey only smiled. He breathed calmly and measuredly and confidently overtook the fugitive.

Suddenly, the girl changed direction, and now ran to some kind of shed in the middle of the field. Any barn, Sergei thought. The bitch was still about 20 meters away. Here is her nimble figure ran over the barn and disappeared there. Sergey smiled. Slowly he ran to the barn, he caught his breath and went inside.

- Where are you, my little? - He gently called and headed deep into. The thundering pots correctly pointed out, where the fugitive disappeared. Sergey dissolved another door, smelled of damp and earth. Sunlight penetrated through the gaps, creating rays of dust. The whole barn was lined with boards, some old wheelchairs, tools. Flies buzzed. Sergey listened. Somewhere very close the frightened little girl's heart pounded.

- Where are you, my little? - once again softly called Sergei, - Come here, my sweet.

Inside, everything trembled with imminent pleasure. Stealthily, he headed inland.

- Well, where are you hiding, my silly? Go here! - Sergey cooed.

Some elusive rustling made him turn around sharply, and then he saw where the girl was hiding. She huddled in some corner between the boxes, where it seemed the cat did not fit. Sergey came closer and gently poddadil her back. The girl shuddered and just pressed herself closer to the corner.

“Please, please, don't,” her quivering lips whispered.

- You are welcome! - She timidly raised her head and looked at Sergey.

Her cheeks were burning, fear in her eyes. Heavy dark hair fell on her shoulders, and she instinctively straightened them. Oh, how beautiful she is, only Sergey flashed through her mind. Her eyes were full of tears, her face was smeared in something. And no wonder, in the mud, to sit, Sergey smiled to himself. He gently extended his hand and stroked her cheek.In the pants sharply pulsated member. Sergey could not hold back anymore. He stroked, stroked her hair, touched her eyes, just breathed her scent.

“Please let me go,” the girl whispered.

It hit like a slap.

- What?!?!

Sergey took her face in his hands and began to kiss him like crazy. The girl tried to pull away, but it was not so easy - she was completely nestled on the boards with Sergei leaning on. Suddenly he pulled her arm and pulled her into open space. The girl just squeaked. With pleasure, Sergei spent his hand on her thighs, gently stroked her ass, tummy, looked into her eyes.

“Well, girl,” he said only.

“Oh, please, don't,” the girl whispered, but Sergey was already unstoppable.

With confident hand movements, he quickly examined her body, lingering on her chest, neck, covering her all with kisses and holding her passionately to himself.

- Bitch ... - he whispered with a smile, - Bitch ...

His hand felt her chest and pinched her nipple painfully. The girl screamed in pain.

“You bitch still get drunk,” said Sergey with a smile.

Now he was engaged in her legs, lifting up a short dress to the pants. Beautiful legs, he thought. It was pleasant to glide over their velvety surface, occasionally squeezing their sweet roundness.

It seemed the girl was not breathing. She only trembled, but no longer whined.

- Which is nice? - Sergey smiled cruelly. The girl did not answer.

- Answer bitch when you are asked !! - Sergey yelled to her face.

The girl had tears in her eyes, but she only looked plaintively at her tormentor.

- Undress! - Sergey ordered and stepped back a step.

The girl's face flashed.

- Please, please, I beg you!

Sergey approached and slowly hit her on the cheek. His head jerked to the sides, the imprint of his palm appeared on his cheek. The girl was crying, no longer hiding tears.

- You still hit, bitch? - Sergey asked and grabbed her hair.

“No, no, I myself, I myself,” the girl whispered and began hastily to put on her dress.

Sergey involuntarily admired her flexible, slim body. Young, elastic, nicely swaying breasts and called to him. Sergey overcame the desire to grab them and only stroked her whole body. The girl was trembling, her dark hair fell over her shoulders. Sergey gladly took her by the shoulders, slid his thumbs over her armpits, kissed her hard on the lips.

- A good girl, he said rather, - And now panties!

The girl made a last attempt to defend herself, imploringly looked at Sergey, who, grinning rather, glanced at her.

- Come on, come on, - he said with a smile, - Or do you still want your ass?

To tell the truth, he wanted it himself, barely holding himself to slam her on her elastic bottom.

The girl sighed softly and pulled off her panties. She looked beautiful in this dusty barn, thin, fragile, with a plea in her gaze, illuminated by sunbeams, making their way through the dust. Sergey stepped up to her and put her in his arms.

- Well, that's great, my little one.

His hands freely walked through her body, exploring the most hidden corners. Her cunt was thickly covered with black hair. It was nice to let them pass between the fingers and the sleeper to touch the wet strip in the depths. The girl seemed accustomed to her position, and no longer made attempts to escape.

Finally, Sergey was bored with these games in tenderness, and he grabbed her chest by the chest, squeezed her tightly, so that the girl sobbed, and with a swing she lowered her hand to her pussy. he rudely caressed her, from time to time taking the girl by the hair and kissing her lips.

- And now suck at me! - Sergey shouted and pulled the girl's head down by the hair. That, already nothing contradicting, silently knelt and wrapped her lips around his cock. Sergei put her hand on his head and dramatically pushed his penis into her throat. The girl choked, but Sergey just got angry - he firmly grabbed the girl by the hair and plunged into his huge member.

- Bitch, - whispered Sernei, - bitch ...

He abruptly pushed her head away from him and began to beat her cheeks with all his might. The girl screamed from the wild pain.

- Nothing, nothing bitch, you also like!

He was fed up with tenderness with this female, he wanted to hurt her, he wanted to disfigure this beautiful body, so he just burned, seeing her tears and snot running down his chin.

Finally he calmed down. He unwrapped it and set it on all fours. His gaze opened a wonderful ass, at the bottom of the black triangle pussy, but Sergei aimed at the small hole of the anus. He lightly ran his finger along it, pressing a little. The girl shuddered. Sergey wetted his fingers with saliva and smeared the anus. Once again, wetting his fingers, he enveloped a member of a thick saliva and sharply introduced a member to her in the ass. The girl screamed.

Rhythmically swaying, Sergei raped this girl. Bitch, she resisted for a long time. With pleasure, Sergey took her for both halves and lowered her deeply into it. He pulled out a member, wiped it on some kind of rag, casually glanced at the spawned woman. Osklabilsya and went out into the street.

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