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My neighbor Andrew recently bought a dog. Since on the whole floor I was known as the most experienced dog breeder, he addressed me with numerous questions that appeared to him after acquiring an animal.

Once he invited me to walk a dog with him, and I agreed. It was about 12 at night.

As we passed by the dark alley, he told me:

- We go there.

I immediately knew where he was going, and therefore I willingly followed him, anticipating forbidden entertainments.

We passed into the depth of the alley. Then he stopped and, putting his hands under my skirt, began to massage my buttocks. My hand slipped to his fly, unzipped it and felt a rather large and already standing member.

I took off my panties, he lowered his pants to his knees and with a sweep put in me his long and very large penis in diameter. I groaned, and he introduced the member deeper and deeper, for convenience, sat me on the edge of the urn. Andrew sharply moved his pelvis forward, and with every movement the pain in me put up with pleasure. Finally, he introduced the member as deeply as he wanted - I understood it by the way he groaned - and began to drive his sexual organ back and forth. At first he managed it hard, but then a lubricant came out on the walls of the vagina, and the penis began to go in and out like clockwork. I groaned even louder, and he, unbuttoning my blouse and bra, began to suck and bite my nipples, hardened by excitement. Andrew stuck his finger into my vagina and began to caress my clit with gentle touches. I wrapped my arms around his head, clutching him to me, and, gasping for pleasure, screamed and moaned.

Feeling that he was ending, Andrew grabbed my buttocks and entered me right up to the scrotum. We finished together, screaming in ecstasy, and I scratched his back to bleed.

“Wait,” he said to me, seeing that I was going to dress. Having relieved me, he again took my buttocks with his hands and entered my tongue into my vagina. Andrew caressed my clitoris with his tongue, then began to bite him, and, finally, began to push my tongue deeper and deeper, until I had finished again. Then he, apparently, having become excited again, told me:

- Get up on all fours.

I obeyed, and he, having attached himself from above, began to enter the vagina again. This time the sensations were sharper, and we groaned together. He quickly began to drive the penis back and forth in a down-and-out lubricating vagina - so the member entered even deeper. He squeezed my nipples with his fingers. We finished together again and, after we got dressed, went out of the alley.

“Come to me,” said Andrei. - I have a surprise for you.

When we entered the apartment of Andrew, I saw five men who smoked on the couch in the living room.

- Guys! I brought you someone, - said Andrei.

- Wow, Andryukha, well, you give, - one of the men whistled. He came up to me and ran his hand over a wet vagina. - Yes, it is already flowing! Come on, let's not waste time. We have a merry night ahead. Let's arrange trakhodrom.

All went to the bedroom, where they undressed.

- Well, start, Andryukha, - someone said. - Let's see how good the pussy is.

“Now you will be on top,” Andrew told me and lay down on the bed. His cock stood horizontally. At first, I immediately wanted to start sexual intercourse, but then suddenly changed my mind. I took his cock in hand and started to knead. Andrew began to fidget on the bed and moan.

“In your mouth, in your mouth,” he breathed.

I began to bite the head of the penis, and, continuing to bite, I shoved him deeper and deeper into my mouth. Andrei squeezed my head with his feet and moaned.

Then I got up, climbed on Andrew, spread her legs, took a member and, sending in herself, sat on him. He entered only to half, but Andrew still groaned. I started slowly, and then, faster and faster, holding on to the headboard, moving on it.

- Come on, faster, faster, - he moaned. - Come on, pussy! ...

He wrapped his arms around my buttocks and began to help me move. I began to feel the approaching orgasm, but then Andrew said to me:

- Sit on him more, more ... sit ... come on ...

Paste a member deeper I was hurt. Andrew, noticing my indecision, grabbed me by the buttocks, squeezed out of the pain and began to enter me more and more, not hearing my screams.

- Deeper !!! Deeper !!! He shouted at every move. Then he twitched, and a hot jet of sperm hit me.

Andrei took a member out of me and got out of bed.

- Dudes, do not stand, drag champagne. Lyokha, you are next.

Lech came to me.

- A pussy is not finished, - he said. - Disorder, Andryukha. - He lay down on the bed; his dick was slightly smaller than Andrei. -

Sit down, beautiful. Don't worry, I won't hurt you.

I put in his penis, and he, too, entered into me only half.

- Sit down, sit down, do not be afraid, - Lech told me. He became somehow especially excitingly massaging my lower abdomen. Again, I began to carefully lower myself, and, to my surprise, the member slowly began to go deeper and deeper. When he entered into me on the very basis, and I began to move.

“Do more amplitude movements,” Lyokha advised me. - Do not worry, he will not come back.

He pressed some point in my anus, and the member really stayed firmly in the vagina. Inspired, I even began to "fly" on it. He moaned and rolled his eyes, and then I finished, shouting, and then he finished.

“Class,” Lyokha commented and stood up. “We will meet again,” he whispered to me. “I put my phone in the pocket of your skirt.”

They brought a bottle of champagne and poured the drink into glasses.

“For our fairy,” Lech said, and kissed my current lubricating vagina. The liquid from it flowed to my feet, and there was already a pool below. “Kolya, come on, don't be shy,” he encouraged the next one.

When I saw Kolyan's member, it just made me laugh. He was short and barely stood. But then I regretted that I thought so.

Kolyan spread my legs, and, leaning his lips to the vagina, began to drink grease from there. So it took about a minute, and I almost finished, but then he straightened up.

- Yeah, broken off? - he said. - Now you will work too.

He sat on my chest and put his cock in his mouth.

- Come on, fuck ... suck it, suck, bitch ... come on, work ... more, more ... o ... o ... fucking, what a thrill ... o ... come on, come , push it up to the larynx ... come on, bitch, swallow it ... and ... and ...

Angry at the fact that he did not let me finish, I began to bite the penis. At first he liked it, but then he took the dick out of my mouth.

- Well, hold on, damn, - said Kolyan.

He jerked my legs apart and thrust a dick into me. Kolyan began very quickly and abruptly began to move him forward, and soon my breathing became faster, and I began to moan.

“Oh ... oh ... oh ..." I moaned. - Deeper, deeper ... more ...

He pressed my hands to the bed and began to enter me to the full, moving with downright fantastic speed. Vaginal grease drained onto the sheet.

- ABOUT!!! ABOUT!!! Oooooooooooo !!! Come on, even deeper, more !!! - I shouted.

He frantically entered me with deaf moans, and I, twitching, finished.

“Well, fuck,” he said, pulling his dick out. - What the fuck did you finish before? Now will be the punishment - I fuck you in the ass.

With these words, he turned me on his stomach and, spreading my buttocks, put the penis in my anus. But he did not even have time to move a couple of times, because he immediately finished inside me.

- Fuck, - said ...

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