I stood on a narrow stone ledge and looked at them. Below, where a mountain stream quickly ran along the stones, a place for a night nestled on an almost sheer slope. It was there that they stood, peering warily at the green forest thicket. It was here that I led them all day, trying to podgadat in the evening, when they will be tired. It was the best place to end them with all in one fell swoop. And the best time is night ...

Oh, I was not fooled that it would be easy to do this. Yes, and anyone would be afraid, looking at them - the warriors of the Circle! And I looked, without fear, but wary, ready at any moment to recoil, if someone nevertheless saw me against the sun and raised a crossbow. But they did not notice me and, probably, did not even guess about my presence. Even the huge wolfhounds no longer choked with barking, together lacquered icy water from the stream ...

There were six of them - only a small fraction of the detachment that defeated our last stronghold on the border with the desert four days ago. Few managed to escape - I carried Tolva in my arms for a long time, dragged me on my last breath, even when he already breathed his last. The rain of arrows in pursuit of not even hooked me, but a light scratch on my hip (I, like everyone else, did not leave my post without a fight) was already covered with a crust. I was alive, healthy and full of strength, and I left them for four days. But today, when I finally managed to break through to the line of mountains, I will not run any further.

The monks once more cautiously looked around the neighborhood and began to flip phrases. The voices did not reach me, but everything was clear without words - they decided whether to go now or stay overnight. As they did, it was easy to guess. Wolfhounds firmly took my mark, which I deliberately did not confuse now, just once crossing the creek. None of them doubted that tomorrow at dawn they would reach me, exhausted by the chase and hunger, wounded and sick. Well, I sprinkled my marks many times with blood sucked from the gums. And on the soft ground, the swamp left a lame mark. Nobody guessed that everything is not at all what it seems ...

Seeing how they began to set up camp at the bottom, I cautiously retreated behind the stone and sat down, my back leaned. Yesterday I thought over everything in detail, how I would act, so there was no need to prepare an attack plan. Just wait until dark ... I closed my eyes.

I recalled our little fortress, rustling night gardens, long hours of military exercises, gentle breathing Tolva and his muscular chest. He carried me in his arms to the river, he called me his bride. We both waited for Initiation, after which - about happiness - we will be able to become husband and wife. It did not come true ... I buried him at the edge of the forest, and left the grave only when I heard the dogs behind my back. The veil of rage stood before my eyes, I wanted to jerk my sword out of its scabbard and stand in their way. Gone ... the rage was obviously not enough, and her mind crushed her under him. To survive, I ran on. To survive and get revenge - first by these six, and then by all the rest. Now it was time to start a business.

In the last rays of the flaming sun, I fled down from the cliff, carefully stepping on the stones with orderly broken leather boots. Now I was below them; the brook was poured here wider, squeezed from the sides of an impassable thicket of underbrush. The wind blew from them to me, and the dogs did not hear me. I carefully parted the branches and entered the water.

The icy water cooled the legs that were weary during the day. I looked at my reflection and thought that I would never be able to go to the mirror just then to admire myself - and with what pleasure I did it always, at any time of the day ... Tolv called me beautiful, I was skeptical about my own wide hips, powerful arms and a big (even slightly overly large) chest, did not believe him. But my face was always like a spring dawn washed with dew ... I was more beautiful than many and knew it.And now the forehead and eyes of a hunted wolf, cut by fresh folds, were repelled rather than admired. I saw it clearly even in the twilight. But I did not care. Tolva is not there, and no one will be for me. And I do not belong to myself, and now my name is Revenge.

Driving off extraneous thoughts, I moved the stream and slid into a dense thicket with a snake. The sword was previously moved to the belt, and did not cling to the branches with a crosspiece. There was no more than one and a half shots between me and the enemies, but the path was still far away: it was necessary to bypass the swamp formed by the stream; and yet, had to withdraw from the battle of two dogs. Volkodavov nobody tied - they are damn smart, these ruthless killing machines. They will not run anywhere without a command, neither the fox squeak nor the wolfish howl, with which I was able to confuse other dogs, will distract them. But something else could help ...

From the pocket of the leather jacket that was on me over the chain mail, I took out a tiny bag. Running his fingers into it, he carried himself through his clothes and hair ... Indistinguishable to a person by the scent, smell, which terrifies any quadruped. Now they do not rush at me, even if on the other hand hell opens them. They will run away, barely smelling - tails tucked in, and will lie down for a long time more often ... and will not return, because there will be no one to return to.

I moved at a slow pace. Not a single branch crunched under a careful foot, not a single bird fluttered out of the nest. I lived in motion, I FELT the forest in front and behind, and there was no need to stop and listen. Both of my throwing knives were in their hands - I really hoped to quietly remove the sentry if I picked up the right throw before the dogs would smell. And if not - well, then just a few other targets will appear. I had no illusions that I would defeat six at the same time - which is to say, the uninitiated is hardly two. They all came together, I just do not keep it up. But on my side there was night and surprise.

He grew up out of the ground, a two-meter giant in black hollow mail and a similar hooded cloak, barely visible in the dark. Even my cat eyes almost looked at him, hiding in the branches of hazel. He chose the best place - from other sides the camp covered the swamp, and no one could go silently there. And from the side of the stream, and even more so - there the rock broke ...

I stood merging with a tree and tried to stifle my heartbeat. An irreplaceable breach emerged in my plan ... I could not even imagine that the bastard would climb a tree. To pick up a falling body with a knife in the throat is a simple task, but falling from a tree will wake everyone up. And then - five ...

I thought not for long - until the dog screamed at me, sensing my poison. Oh damn this scream! The sentry turned his head, and the blade of my knife — a well-honed blade, smoked over the fire, so as not to sparkle in the night — did not find a target. Instead of greedily drinking blood from an open throat, it creakedly wedged into the chain mail links of the headband. The strength of the throw was not enough to pierce them, and I realized with horror - alive. The second blade rushed after him, but the monk, like a huge bat, pushed off the spring branch and, while flying, cleverly caught my knife on the blade base extended to the handle. How else to grab ... I splashed a bunch of white sparks, and the knife flew off to the side. I have no other left.

I rolled the monkey to his feet and waved my sword, marking his stomach. And again the failure - the steel clanged on the steel, my sword was thrown to the side, and I myself was forced to beat the blow. By the edge of my ear I noted the heart-rending howl of wolfhounds - well, at least something went according to plan ... Another brief exchange of blows, and, bristling with steel, black shadows grew around me ...

I beat the blows in a circle, no longer thinking about the attack. I have never had so tight as now. And at the same time, I was horrified to understand that if they wanted to kill me, I would not have stretched even moments. They wanted another ...

A scrappy whip braided my armed hand, I felt the blow of the sword hilt in the back of my head and slumped to the ground. Already the remnants of consciousness caught, as I was forced to put my hands behind my back, how they dragged me to the fire. Then everything disappeared ...

I woke up a few minutes later. Water was running down my face, which was poured from a leather bucket. I lay bound hand and foot, and they stood over me - inexorable, like fate. Six. What awaits me, I have already managed to guess. I begged the Serene Highness to send me death ...

They freed me from fetters, stretched out on the ground like a star — two held my hands behind my back, two others pulled their legs with a jerk. Roughly grabbing the hair, pressed to the ground and head. Did I know that once like this, helpless like a fish in a net, I would curse my virginity? It is a pity that Tolva pushed away hands, that did not give in to him, overcoming her own desire? To know then who will take me instead ...

After removing the mask, he brought his face close to me, and I detached myself, with the edge of my mind, that he was handsome. How I hated him, how bestial anger tormented me now. With all my will, I tried to leave anger aside, dull my mind, get out of a body that no longer belonged to me! But it was all in vain. She put her hands behind her collar and with a force pulled the chainmail, tearing it with her bare hands. Sharp links dug into the chest. Another jerk, the coat of mail flew off me, and greedy hands squeezed me so that I cried out against my will. I didn't want to scream. My cry aroused him, adding pleasure to him ... He grabbed his nipples with his fingers and I screamed again. It was an unbearable pain.

Meanwhile, those who held me by the legs, stripped off my pants. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw their fuss - lustful males swallowing saliva in anticipation of pleasure. They clung to my full hips with superhuman strength, pushing them apart, and the one above me leaned back a little. I closed my eyes ...

This my cry was heard, probably, by the whole forest. He violently burst into me, and the truly inhuman torment infiltrated my lower abdomen. Reaching out with my whole body, I threw back my head, against my will trying to adjust to his movements so that they could be endured somehow. With each of his intrusions, I moaned and screamed, tears streaming down my face. His farm, huge and thick, was moistened with my blood, but the pain did not subside for a moment ...

Now they no longer hold my hair and legs. I could not only resist, even think about resistance. Wriggling all over and screaming, I felt how he had finished, and how he had left my body. I was jerked to my feet, another monk came up from the front and slammed into me, cruelly tearing my buttocks with my hands. I did not feel this pain, because it hurt everywhere, but when I grabbed the second from behind and entered my ass, tearing it with my huge rod, I finally realized that before that there were only flowers. I no longer shrieked at the rhythm of their movements; I screamed, without ceasing, without stopping for a moment.

The one who was in the back put his hands between me and the second and squeezed my chest with wild force. He kneaded her like a dough, tearing me apart with frequent pelvic movements. I felt them rub against each other inside of me ...

I fainted when they changed each other for the third time. And I no longer heard the arrows whistling and, after a short battle, six mutilated bodies were thrown into the stream. I was saved by those who fled from the fortress with me. I was cured in a remote forest stronghold. I was able to survive in the worst battle of my life.

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