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Misha opened the door. From the threshold came the voice of his wife - today you bought something, no, why should I always remember everything and take care of everything. Irina went out into the corridor, and with her hands on her hips, she looked at Misha. Saying nothing, Misha swung and gave her a loud slap in the face - shut up bitch. Ira was taken aback, still not understanding anything, she just stood and watched as her husband followed into the apartment two more men entered. And who is this? - after some pause she asked. These are my co-workers, they undertook to help me re-educate you. Yes, we can watch her as our comrade turns into an ordinary henpecked - said one of the newcomers, and now we decided to help him. I do not understand anything, Irina said, still standing on the threshold of the corridor. And there is nothing to understand - said the second - we have come to re-educate you and instill respect for your husband.

Going into the corridor, the men took off their outer clothing and went into the room. Misha remained standing, and Sergey and Dima, that was the name of his colleagues, sat in two chairs next to the coffee table. Well, Ira, let's meet - said Michael, taking the girlfriend who still left her wife, and bringing him closer to the men. This is Seryoga, he pointed to a high one, and this is Dimon, he showed a second one, shorter and with signs of obesity. Irisha - Ira mumbled her hand for a kiss to Sergey. Without getting up from his seat, Sergey grabbed her hand and jerked sharply at himself. Ira could not resist and fell to his knees in front of the chair. So, - said Sergey - mistake number one, greeting us must greet us with your boobs. Clear? “No,” Irina said, trying to get up. Well what is there to understand - Sergey said and spread the floors of his robe, exposing her large breasts.

So, you get boobs and come up for a greeting, understand? Sergey crumpled her breasts, pulling her nipples, you know? - He asked again strongly, painfully, squeezing the nipple. Yes - Ira moaned, grimacing in pain. Well, that's good, and now go say hello to Dimon. Irina got up from her knees and went to the chair of Dmitry. Irisha - she said, with fear looking at the massive carcass of Dmitry. Hello kitty - said Dima, gently kissing her breast. Come closer, do not be afraid. Irina came up on a small step. Do not be afraid, do not be afraid, - Dima reassured, he took the tits in each hand and gently stroked them. Meanwhile, Sergey, from his place, raised the hem of the dressing gown from behind and put her hand on her ass. Irina abruptly straightened and jumped away from the armchair, staring at Misha in surprise. Hey, bitch - shouted Sergey, grabbing her robe for the floor, where are you going?

The rule of good tone number two - if I paw you on the ass - with these words he got up from the chair and came close to Ira tightly squeezed her buttock with one hand - and so, if I paw your ass, do not dig and not kick, you can only bend down to make it easier for me to do. Do you understand? - with the second hand he pressed her back, forcing him to bend - like that, did you understand the bitch? Ira only sniveled from pain, resentment and humiliation. Why do you always need to ask twice - Sergey with a force slapped her on the buttock. BUT? - and again slap. Irina's ass blushed, tears spilled from her eyes. Do you understand? - and Sergey raised his hand for the next slap. Yes, Ira squeezed out, swallowing tears. That's nice - Sergey walked away and flopped back into the chair. Well, kitten, do not cry - it said Dima, getting up from his chair and walking up to Irina.

Angry Seryozha made the kitten hurt - he gently stroked her buttocks, slowly sliding her panties to the hollow between her buttocks. Come, don't cry - and he led her to his chair. He sat down, put her on his lap. Do not cry - he began to kiss her cheeks, lick the tracks made by tears. You just listen and everything will be fine - Dima gently admonished, do not be angry with Seryozha, he is not Misha, he will not tolerate it.Ira stopped sobbing and wiping off the remnants of moisture on his face, according to nod. That's good, that's clever, go to him, let him touch your ass, she's so pretty, and he pushed her to Sergey's chair. Irina obediently got up and walked over to Sergey's chair. He sat with a deadpan look. You offer him yourself - Dima advised - he was offended by your ugly behavior.

Irina looked at her husband, he nodded encouragingly - yes, Irisha suggested it herself. Ira lowered her eyes and blushing in a low voice said - Sergey, touch my ass. Ira, you understand that this is not the way to behave - Sergey asked, still not moving. Yes, I understand - Ira whispered without raising her eyes. Sergey put her hand on her hip and slowly began to push her up, under her robe. He rose to the priests, walked over her, climbed a bit under her panties and let go of Irina. You see, if you do not resist, then everything is fine - he said. Well, okay, men, if we met, then it would be nice to have dinner, - said Mikhail - and after work there is a hunt for devils. Yes, it would not hurt - Dima agreed. Let's go to the kitchen - invited Ira - the matter is the dinner was ready. Do not you dress up for dinner? - asked Misha, coming up to Irisha, and stroking her sisi and remaining naked.

It is not good to walk, all the same it is not some uncle from the street, but our dear guests. Irina stood in the middle of the room with incomprehension, she stands bare-chested in front of two unknown men, and her husband mumbles about some sort of dressing up for dinner. Yes, Irisha, you need to change clothes - Dima said, going into the corridor - especially since we worried about your outfit. With these words, he took out a thin white apron from the package, like those in which the girls used to go to school or those that waitresses wear in restaurants, and the same panties, with a thin strip of fabric on the ass and a small triangle of matter in front. Here, go change your clothes - and Dima transferred things to Ira. Go, go cat - Misha kissed his wife on the cheek pushed on the ass - go, do not keep the guests waiting. Irina took the offered things and went to another room, the men went to the bathroom to wash their hands.

She threw an apron and panties on the bed, took off her robe, pulled the belt over and stood thoughtfully, trying to understand and realize what was happening. Behind the door creaked, Ira turned around, on the threshold leaning on the door frame stood Misha. What are you not dressing up, cat? - he asked. Misha, explain to me what is happening - asked Ira looking at her husband. And what you do not understand, baby? - Michael portrayed surprise. Who are these people, what do you allow them, what do you want? And this - Misha sighed in dismay - so they explained everything to you, really didn’t understand. They are your educators, they teach you good manners. But Misha-Ira did not lie, he heard footsteps and Sergey and Dima came up to the room. We are ready! - in one voice they said - well, and where is the mistress, why not feed the guests? Seeing Irina, both froze in surprise.

The first to speak Sergei - Misha? Why your wife has not changed clothes, we want to eat, but she is not ready yet. Yes, she bickers everything here - threw Michael - does not obey her husband. Yes, Misha, you started your wife, there is still work and work - Dima picked up the simulated gloom. But for this we are here! - said Sergey walking into the room past Mikhail and walking up to Irina. Ira, what did your husband say to you? Change clothes! And you? Well ka fast! But who are you in the end in order to point out to me - Irina exploded unbearable, yes you all go !!! Shut up bitch, how dare you raise your voice - Sergey grabbed her hair. He pushed her hard, Ira fell on the bed, Sergey hung over her, still holding her hair. Be quiet and do what they tell you! And he hit her on the cheek. They suggested that you, as a decency to your wife, go and calmly change into another room, and now you will do it with us - Sergey ...

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