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This story was told to me at the end of the 70s by a familiar classmate. We studied in the same course, but in different faculties of a large, not very prestigious institute. I met her, being already on the 5th course, approximately in October-November. Marina (let's call her that) was a very small girl, with a magnificent figure of a former gymnast, a pleasant round face. Wore, as a rule, a sweater and jeans tucked into boots, or a short suede skirt that does not hide slender legs. On top of this is a thick shaggy dark brown fur coat with a hood, with clasps in the form of tightly-sewn straps with buckles instead of buttons, tightly tied with a wide strap, and the same shaggy, only gray, hat - earflap. In this form, she seemed to be a small clumsy little bear.

I lived in a student dormitory near the institute, it is on the very outskirts of the city, almost a kilometer through a wasteland from the bus terminus. It occurred to me to build in the middle of this wasteland a sixteen-story tower of unusual architecture, I don’t know, but it was in her that she had a one-room apartment, inherited from her parents and difficult, multi-way exchanges. The unusual and, I would say, stupid layout was that the elevator went ... only from the second floor. In terms of the tower was almost square. Through the heavy door, the incoming one got into a rather large empty lobby, from which there was a rather long corridor, at the end of which there was a staircase about 3/4 width wide, to the second floor, to the elevator hall. A battery covered with a wooden casing stretched along the entire corridor, on which it was very comfortable to sit. This tree-lined battery ended at a blank wall behind the stairs, and under the stairs was a tightly boarded up basement entrance.

In general, the area where she lived was considered one of the most hooligan in the city.

In any case, in the evening a lonely girl was almost certainly taken by the breast, which resulted in, at a minimum, a thorough bashing, often turning into hard sex. However, other girls who grew up in this area could themselves take the guy they liked for their breasts and, having dabbed well, tear off their hearts.

Despite this, she almost always returned home alone and rather late and, whether she was lucky or the hooligans did not climb into such a deserted place, but no excesses happened to her.

We did not have time to get very close. A couple - three times went to the cinema, several times walked through the snowy evening city. Difficult and numerous coursework, approaching the last (5th year!) Exam session did not leave much time for fun. Since early December, we have not seen each other. The session, then the pre-diploma practice in another city, the preparation and defense of the diploma itself, the hassle of distribution, as was then supposed, to work, fully occupied all the next seven months. I admit, I did not even remember her often. Not to mention the fact that he did not try to look for her throughout the institute. (She didn’t have a phone, I don’t call her)

I met her purely by chance, after the diploma and distribution had been defended, in a long queue for another signature on the “bypass list”. (You stand in the queue for an hour and a half, in half a minute you get a signature, and you run to the next hour and a half ...). Outwardly, she has not changed, but it was felt that she was not the same one that was six months ago. After a couple of nothing insignificant general phrases about the diploma, distribution, and the like ... we went to smoke on the landing, sat down on a bench.

- You are not married? She asked.

- No and you?

- Why, I'm getting married. Already applied for ...

- And who is this lucky one? Classmate?

- Not. If I tell you how I met him, or rather, he didn’t believe me! ..

* * *

On a frosty December evening, the last bus, Marina was returning home.I reached the final stop alone, one went through the wasteland to the house. It was cold and windy. I pulled the earflap deep, tightened the fur-belt buckles and the belt more tightly. I reached the path, barely trodden between snowdrifts, to the house, barely opened the heavy door sprinkled by the drifting snow, squeezed into the warm staircase. There was no light in the front door again. Passed, putting forward his hand through the lobby, felt the entrance to the corridor. Touching the wall with her left hand, I reached the stairs, began to touch the stairs by touch. At that time, I felt that there was someone nearby, in the impenetrable darkness, someone. And then this someone took her from behind the hood. It took, not pulled, not pulled. But at that moment she was just rising to the next step, and therefore, having lost her balance, she began to fall, turning her face backwards, downwards, to the side of the fall. And immediately stumbled upon a huge huge fake. Strong fingers calmly and confidently, even as if not in a hurry, scooped her by the collar of a thick fluffy fur coat. Easily, without noticeable effort, the unknown lifted her up, slightly but noticeably shook her, squeezing the gate even harder, and carried her over the stairs. Being so clumsy in her long, thick, tightly fastened and overstretched fur coat, hitting this strong and skillful grip, Marina could not move or utter a word. Continuing to keep her weight, the man pressed her against the wall, leaned, crushed with his whole body. Calmly and confidently, he grabbed his breasts with both hands, so that he caught his breath, shook him twice and pressed him against the wall again. She felt hot breath on her face and felt the touch of his lips. I noticed that neither the fume, nor anything else unpleasant, did not smell from the peasant. Only the smell of cigarettes and inexpensive, but pleasant cologne. Despite the strong and rough grip, with which the man held Marina for her fur coat, he kissed her face gently and gently, but gradually he became inflamed. And here he is imperiously and eagerly digs her lips. Neither move nor turn away she can not. A kiss all lasts and lasts, becoming more sexual. She is already dizzy, she has circles before her eyes, she does not have enough air ... and she loses consciousness.

Having come a little to herself, Marina finds herself sitting on the wooden lining of the battery. A man stands, spreading her legs, right hand tightly holding her fur coat, by the collar. His left hand had already penetrated under her fur coat and stroking her hips through jeans, getting closer and closer to ... Realizing that she was awake, the man turned the right hand, which he held by the collar, so that the grip became even tighter and tighter, and pulled her to him, buried his face in the fur of the lapel of her sheepskin coat.

At this time, upstairs, in the elevator hall, he blurted out the elevator, the elevator doors squeaked as they opened, someone went downstairs, and cursed in the dark, trying to find the stairs to the first floor, to the exit. The man jerked Marina up by her fur coat, brought her face closer to his and whispered: “Sit quietly! We will meet again! ”I put it back on the battery and disappeared, dissolved in the darkness of the corridor - only the front door creaked soon.

Having waited until someone's late guest, coming down by an elevator, came and went out into the street, taking a breath and smoking a cigarette with trembling hands, Marina headed home, with difficulty replacing her suddenly wadded legs.

However, we can not say that she was very scared. She was not a virgin, yet in the first year, intentionally, solely for the purpose of defloration, having slept one night with an experienced man in these matters, much older than her in age, to whom she had no feelings except thanks for not very painful "surgery", delivered her, however, no pleasure. Then she had a romance with a fellow student that lasted for about a year, which by itself gradually disappeared. And for breasts battered it is not the first time. For example, a year ago, when the entire course was sent to the “potato” for a month and a half. After three weeks of work without days off, a day of rest was announced. The night before Marina with two girlfriends, avid tourists, decided to leave ...

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