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me on my back, and the same lay on me jack. All her delight lay before me. And I dug into it with a sweet kiss. And she is in this time of my cock, slowly pulling him into herself and vypyskaya back. One thing was frustrated that she seemed to want to put a finger on me in one place, but she didn’t have it. And the pace has increased more and more. Then I brosdened Socice, and already not I, but she fucked me in the mouth. Chyt not zadushilas ... After that she ran into the water.

At night, as well as agreeing with the sister, I had her right by us in the garden. Look, I have already cursed and locked up, as she vryg she otstypila to the side and

Pite and man were 13 years old. On this day, she decided to spend the night y us, next to me. We talked about various topics, and unexpectedly, Reuters asked:

- Say, and you are doing it?

I didn’t fall from c box and couldn’t have the word. She laughs and says:

- I know you are doing it. All the boys hand.

And then he says:

- Show me yours, eh?

I again kept silent, but she did not give up.

- If you want, I will show you, - and without waiting for an answer, I threw off the blanket and lifted pybashky.

Trypy on it was not. I did not understand when she ycpela them to remove. C fading heart, I saw a little black triangle down her belly. Pita laughed again, stroked the palm of her hair, and then again begged to show the member. Surprisingly for myself, I, too, threw back the blanket and gave it to me. The girl turned back on its side and spent a long time looking at me. My dick vstal.

“Come here,” she called.

When I appeared in her bed, she began to play my organ, at the same time tricky and mine. Then I could not restrain myself and finished her in pyky. Rita, though with difficulty, but at the same time she kept the sperms in the kylachka, so as not to smear the hollow - and this is 13 years old! Then with her tpcikami she wiped out a member and asked:

- OK?

I silently nod.

“I want it too ...” she whispered and lay on her spine, wide-legged.

Then I saw how girls matched. Pita had her pubis, sharp flocks, stroked her stomach, then she quickly began to move her fingers over the surface of her vulvae, shaking and groaning. All month passed y us too byyrno for our age. We caressed ourselves and our friends even during the day, when we were alone. Particularly, Rita would like to mate, seeing that I, too, are onaniryu. It is hard to believe this, but at age 13 she sometimes finished 5 times a day.

In the 15-year-old age with a group, the guys and girls go on a picnic. The crowd was a beautiful blonde, tall, with a big bunch. Apparently, an unaccustomed atmosphere in combination with alcohol was active on her, and she suggested that I ask for help. We drank in the grove, and she didn’t have long to talk to my brethrens and began to caress my dick. Then I parted and knocked over. We were on the edge. I could not help her, much less resist, from fear of steadfastness. Pustil case for the family. The night was cool. From fresh air and uneven stress, I wriggled. But as soon as she got ready and pressed her body towards me, it became warm, the member instantly grew and revealed. She herself introduced him to herself and began to make circular movements, and then up-and-down movements. It was awesome. Since then, this is my favorite pose. No friend like me like that. And then I pretty quickly finished. Olya - that was the name of this girl - suggested that I lick her bosom. For me, this suggestion seemed to be abusive. I considered this a perversion that was not enough for a decent ordinary man. And if it were not for the satisfaction that she gave me just now, I wouldn’t become depressed in expressions. But in me, the goodness prevailed. And so, politely but resolutely, I refused her.

Olya understood my feelings and stayed calm, she was not offended. She kissed me and said that it was not as bad as it seemed to me. And she offered me a blowjob. If I like it, then I can answer her the same way. She passed the tongue over my soft member, and then took it to the mouth. He has become the size and size of the dimensions. By the way, about the sizes. In the section of the erection, he reaches about 16 cm in length, and in the vicinity - 13. Olya tended to caress. Twice I was ready to be cast out, but she had to hold me, and only then did I go orgasm.Olya drank all over. And again I proposed to lick her. I decided to move to her pussy and felt the pungent smell, so pithy and inviting. I licked the clitoris. No negative feelings. Already without fear and fearlessness, I began to lick and hide the clitoris, then pushed the tongue into the vagina. And I liked it. I did it with great pleasure. And when y Oli came up with an orgasm, I drank all of her moisture and was happy that I was pleased with her. This night was the best in my life.

I remember how, for the first time in my life, I examined a naked female body near my naked body, it was my bison. Under the morning I walked into her room, I was in the pool, she was sleeping hidden. One leg was thrown away to the side, and my view, like a magnet, was attached to her pink lips between my legs, my blood took, flowed, probably, 10 times faster. She later acknowledged that she had heard me enter, but she was very pleased that they were looking at her and did not find out that she had slept.

In the steps of five decades from me, two Special Forces were aged 26-26. Smooth on the pavement of the carpet, they unharmedly parted and gave a bright light to their brights. It was a magnificent spectacle, beautiful specimens of various types of female figyry. They seemed to promise to all the pleasures of possible intimate communication. One of them, Tatiana, has soft soft shoulders, slim back and thin waist combined with wide hips and a gorgeous, very feminine pelvis: a bit heavy, as if the buttocks in the lower part smoothly wiggled when walking. In constant motion, there were also large, but not dry faces with small dark brown socks. The body of the other young woman, Svetlana, on the contrary, was poured, yprygim, with small crowns, with the top of their soles, krygloy and krepkoy ass.

Observing the strangers, I felt how gradually my dick began to pour and grow heavy. By an effort of will, he avoided the appearance of a significant erection, but it was not possible to show the strangers what action had caused their nudity to me. This has remained unnoticed, and soon I was invited to their company for playing cards. Razmetyvshchitsya on the carpet, could barely follow the replays of the card game, as it was not in the forces to look away from the tastes of my new pripozhek. My look was attributed to the accustomedly enclosed pubis and beautiful thighs of Tatiana, then to the hearty, appetizing buttocks of Svetlana. And minions, as it were, would get me into a special job, continually accepting such poses, in which one could see the most covert. The culmination of everything was the moment when Tanya, pretending that he was pulling towards the bottle with lemonade, so turned his back on me and got riddled in the waist, and even for a moment, at the same time, the wet slit and the dark patches were dark and the shadows were dark and the shadows were spread.

So we spent several hours, after which, on inviting Cveta, we returned to her home: at that time she was living alone. After a light snack, the girls offered to relax a bit together on a wide couch. Together, they take me to strip. Slowly, accompanying their movements with caresses and kisses, they took off their fights and cuts. Soon I was in the same tpycah. Not supported by more words, a member of strong erection, pulled back and jumped to a large part of its length. At the same time, the test of the tpcs was replaced by the sweet captivity of the females and the lips. Share and girls.

Enveloped in amazing truth, for a while I became like a limp play in Tanya and Cveta. One by one they both caressed my body together, took care of my dick and scrotum with my special attention, slid my buttocks, licked my anus, rubbed my thugs about my back, ... Read more →

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