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with protruding bumps, they protruded on, almost perfect roundness, slightly sagging under their own breasts. The size of the chest Chinese women resembled a couple of large oranges. And even at a glance they were very dense and solid. Their size even more emphasized the improbable - a slim waist, smoothly flowing into the wide, for a teenager, hips.

At the bottom of a flat tummy, a pubis mound lifted. Several long rare black hairs on it, only emphasized his tenderness and virginal cleanliness of absolutely smooth, thick labia. Unlike the mulatto, the girl's genital slit, formed by tightly compressed sexual lips, was located almost vertically, dropping from the pubis and lost in the halves of the buttocks, perfectly visible between the slightly spread legs of Chinese women. The marquis saw how at the very bottom of a girl's cut, just where the puffy lips rollers smoothly flow into the buttock mounds, like exotic dew, transparent heavy drops of thick juice of her excitement appeared. Corvoisyak felt that the sight of the almost childish pussy, oozing with lust, would lead to immediate relaxation and stopped the vigorous movements of the member in Melinda’s mouth, but without stopping to rub her hands over the bottom holes.

- What is your name, baby? - He asked.

“Lian,” the girl said quietly.

- How does your piss flow: Have you never seen how to make love?

“No,” Lian’s cheeks reached the color of a ripe tomato.

- Well, and you yourself are touching pussy to make it nice?

“I once touched when I took a bath,” the girl was very embarrassed, but didn’t lower her eyes, still fixed her eyes on the member hidden in Melinda’s mouth. I didn't do this anymore.

Marquis took olisbos from mulatto's anus.

- You will not only see everything, Lian. Sex should be drunk not only with eyes, it should be drunk with nostrils, mouth, every inch of your divine body and only then your organ will become the altar of pleasure.

He stretched a dark olisbos to Lian himself.

- Breathe in, girl, this fragrance. It smells excited inside the ass during sex.

Lian sucked in the sweet-smelly smell of the damp wooden phallus and felt the growth of languor in the lower abdomen. She instinctively squeezed her legs several times, causing her lubricant to run down the inner thighs. Tickling drops of delicate skin, even more excited girl.

- I did not know that a woman can be fucked and there

“And not just a woman,” the marquis thrust the dildo into Melinda’s hand. She pulled the brush out of the marquise's butt and with a sharp movement completely inserted the olisbos into his anus. Slowly snooping a partner, she squeezed his scrotum with her other hand. Since the hand that squeezed the eggs had just left the back of the Marquis, now it was the turn of the mulatto to enjoy the aroma of the anus, as a moment before the young Chinese woman enjoyed. As with the girl, in Melinda, this caused paroxysms of acute sexual arousal. She pushed harder with her pelvis under the Marquise’s fingers, masturbating her, and began to flex her body much, touching and rubbing excited nipples on the marquise’s belly. Korvouziak stretched Melinda's crotch with both hands, trying to open as wide as possible the openings of the vulva and anus to Lian’s lustful gaze. At the same time, with his thumbs, he squeezed a large black clit and began to jerk it off like a small dick, exposing the bright red glittering head. Melinda's movements became chaotic, she jerked her back to the Marquis, and from the throat-filled throat there was a low, continuous uterine moan.

“I have to lick this beauty when it ends,” snarled the marquis.He inserted his nose into the vagina of the mulatto, began to push his chin along the clitoris, and with the tip of his tongue began to irritate her urethra. Finally, Melinda’s body was struck by convulsions of orgasm. Her anus and vagina began to shrink rhythmically to the end, and several transparent fountains splashed out of the urethra. Liane put her hand, and the fluid, from the holes of the mulatto, mingled in her palm. She licked this cocktail of love, drunk on taste and smell. Marquis pulled out a member from the mulatto's mouth, letting her catch her breath, and then pulled the olisbos out of his backside and threw him aside. Lian finally managed, for the first time in her life, to see a standing male member. Korvoziak approached the girl, slightly embraced her, taking her buttock in her hand. Her butt was surprisingly cool, her skin very smooth, soft and silky. He began gently kneading and stroking the buttock, pulling it aside, touching the openings of the anus with his fingertips. At the same time, he gave the girl the lightest kiss on the lips, touching the tip of the tongue of her teeth.

Lian felt the hot wet barrel of the Marquis pressed against her body. His trembling responded with sweet jolts in the uterus, causing the crotch to tighten. He had a strong, mixed smell of Corvouziac eggs and Melinda's vagina. This fragrance made Lian feel dizzy. Marquis, not releasing ass Lian, leaned over and took in his mouth a gently pink, tense nipple cap. Under his tongue, the nipple head hardened even more, wrinkling to the limit. He caressed his other chest with his hand, marveling at its hardness. From his inclination, the Marquis' member slid along the girl's stomach and, leaving a wet path on her body, rested a shiny head on her pubis, just at the place where a tightly closed genital slit began in a small neat hole. Feeling her tender flesh, Marquis began to press the member easily, trying to push her labia and push her head to her excited clitoris.

Melinda, recovering slightly after a stormy orgasm, felt that her sexual hunger was not at all satisfied and the heat of lust seized her with new force. Her vulva blazed in an unbearable desire to take a hard cock. Breast filled with desire, black nipples swelled and hardened again. The clitoris stood up, exposing a shiny red cherry-sized head from under a dark wrinkled leather fold. Kneeling in front of the Marquise’s laid back ass, Melinda began to lick his crotch behind the balls, and then, opening his buttocks, she launched her tongue into the anus. With two fingers she masturbated her clit, chasing a black pelt over it.

Lian felt like waves of excitement, running through the body, make the skin goose bumps. Her legs were wadded and, if it were not for Marquis’s hands holding her ass and bust, she would certainly have collapsed on the floor. She pressed Corvuaziak to her head, forcing him to suck her nipples more and more. Despite the strongest sexual arousal, the girl did not dare to touch the member of the Marquis, and only filed a pelvis to meet his pushes. When at last the head of a member found her clitoris, she felt just a shock with her whole body. Fingering the clitoris feverishly into Lian’s oozing head hole, Lian began to sob.

Marquis, feeling that the girl is on the verge of an orgasm, stopped his exquisite manipulations. Raising her face by the chin, he looked into her misty eyes,

- Now, Girl, you will see for the first time how a man fucks a woman, just stand in such a way that I would see you, I will enjoy the sight of your body, and you will see more clearly how a member enters Melinda's vagina.

The Marquis laid the mulatto on the bed. Lying on her back, Melinda pulled her legs to her chest, spreading them so wide that her big breasts, with black nipples sticking out, were between her knees, and round matte dark buttocks raised above the bed, opening her wet anus.The snub lips of her genital slit parted to the side, revealing the scarlet flower of her vulva. Marquis, kneeling, took the penis with his hand and put the head to the wide open vagina. Lian saw as a brilliant purple head ... Read more →

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