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We do not drink vodka at the entrance. From the throat. Kiruha brought a soap box. It is more convenient to drink from it. And she has two halves, you know, such plastic soap dishes. So you can drink together. Only the three of us drank vodka, and the vampire still had to drink from the throat, and Tanka pulled the beer all evening. She is our vocalist. Her vodka for her voice is not good to drink and, in general, she takes her head off from vodka, but we still have to play today. We are playing third today, just an hour left before the concert, so we did not finish drinking the second bottle and went to DC.

Tanka got drunk of beer and all the way strove to sit down for pissing somewhere, but nowhere are any decent gateways or bushes - winter is the same, and she doesn’t want to freeze her ass. I had to go into the entrance. Scared off some pair between the second and third floor. The girl diligently sucked the guy. He did not even notice us. He stood blissfully closed his eyes and breathed heavily. Also found a place - on the second floor. Too lazy to climb higher. But the girl noticed us and seemed to be a bit fucked, even the guy's cock bit when we stumbled into the porch with guitars and drunken mugs. The guy from such exposure opened his eyes, at first stared at us blankly, and then grabbed the girl by the hand and they gave a tear down the stairs. The guy was in such a hurry that he didn’t even fit his dick in his pants, so he ran with the funny dangling cock. We from this show amicably amused, but they just started up even faster.

We, too, did not begin to rise higher, and Tanka village sat down to piss right there, between floors. I let a healthy puddle, then I had to jump over it. I noticed that she was without panties - in stockings with a belt and jeans. Tanya is not a fool to have sex - everyone knows that, so I took note to myself that today she would not mind too, and was well prepared for this - she did not wear anything extra.

We reached the DK half an hour before the start. While they greeted everyone (with the boys by the hand, with the girls on the cheek or wherever necessary), while the things were attached, the session went to the beginning. It was called “Dead Moroz & Co”, several of our groups and three visitors played there. The event was timed to the New Year. Steve, our longtime sidekick and drinking companion, was leading in Santa Claus costume. Exceptional cheating and soul of the company. While we were smoking with him backstage, the people were brought up to the hall. Skins guards took their places near the stage. In the hall, almost all the chairs were removed, it was clear that nothing would remain of them anyway.

Steve threw the bull and waddled out on the stage. Drunk public greeted him with applause. Steve began to warm up the crowd with joyful mothers and obscene jokes. When the people wound up, Santa Claus announced a competition to choose the Snow Maiden. Bidders should have stripped undressing. The winner became the Snow Maiden and was supposed to lead a concert with Santa Claus. Four girls took the stage. Tanka rushed there. She will not miss the chance to shake boobs.

The girls came out pretty. The first was a short slim blonde in a Tiamat shirt with a shock of gorgeous hair. The second wore her hair shorter, they were dark blond. She was dressed in a black denim suit, which did not hide the merits of her figure, the main one of which was an outstanding ass, tightly wrapped in jeans. The third girl with a tired horse face was taller and drunker than the rest, slightly stooped and swayed noticeably. She was wearing a top, tight breasts, a jacket was draped over it, and tight black leather trousers on her legs. The fourth was in a T-shirt with some kind of pagan symbolism. Her hair was black and short, her chest was bulging noticeably from under the jersey, and her pants on her skinny butt were dangling with a bag. The fifth was Tanka with a bullhead in her teeth.

At a signal from Steve, the drummer knocked out the shot and the first girl started the show. She shook her hips in the rhythm beat off by the drummer and scattered her hair over her shoulders.Then gracefully pulled the shirt over his head and stayed in a black lace bra. Slowly wriggling, she ran her hands over the exposed areas of the body, squeezing her breasts and covering her eyes. Turning her back to the hall, she unbuttoned her bra and threw it to Steve. He caught him and began to foolishly sniff and lick. The girl, meanwhile, turned to the hall, covering her arms with medium-sized breasts. Then she slowly and gracefully lowered her hands and went over to jeans. She unzipped the zipper and, shaking her hips from side to side, and slightly spreading her legs began to pull the jeans off her. But she pulled them off quite a bit, so a little cowards appeared, and then put them back on and this number ended.

The crowd started up, pushing on the guards. Those at first lazily answered with kindly pokes, but then they also went their separate ways and dashed off at some hairy cunt. The people who were more sober, looking at them a little cooled down. The following girls proved to be about the same, but they stripped to their underwear. One long one distinguished herself - when she pulled off her pants, she got entangled in them and got rid of the stage. She never came back. Later, I saw her lane someone in the men's room, putting ass on the sink. Her head swung limply from side to side, and I'm not sure if she was conscious of what she had been drinking.

She is the beginning of the last. She quickly enough, but not too plastically, freed herself from almost all the clothes and, remaining in some stockings and shoes, skipped around for a while, winding her hair around the stage. Then she jumped out into the middle of the stage, turned her back to the hall and stood up with cancer, which earned a stormy ovation. Having shook her ass, she looked around thoughtfully and, running up to the bar, took off the microphone. But not like all normal people began to speak into him, but, again, having risen with cancer, tried to shove him into her pussy. I think she would have done it without difficulty. But the microphone was connected, and at the same second, inhuman sounds were heard from the speakers. Steve could not stand such mockery of the equipment and, running up, took away the microphone from Tanki. Then, disgustedly wiping him on the floor of his caftan, he declared Tanka the winner. The hall stuck out in full. Steve took out the Snow Maiden's outfit from behind the scenes - something blue: the coat is not a coat, the fur coat is not a fur coat, well, in general, you know what the Snow Maidens wear in children's matinees. She is putting this coat right on the naked body, wearing the cap of the Snow Maiden, and began to drill something together with Steve about the New Year and anal sex. Then they announced the first performing group and went backstage.

By that time I got wound up from everything I saw, and my cock stood upright. As soon as Tanka came backstage, I took her hand and dragged her to a dark corner. There I, without further ado, unzipped my fly, pulled out my dick, and ducked my head to him. She quickly understood what I wanted from her, got on her knees and took a dick in her mouth. At first I licked it along the entire length, then I put my tongue around the head several times and began to suck with enthusiasm, helping myself with one hand. With the other hand, she also helped herself, but between her legs, thrusting three fingers into her pussy at once. From her mouth could be heard muffled, not that purr, not that moaning. Waves of pleasure poured over my body. I realized that if this continues, I will soon be finished. Therefore, removing Tanku, I told her to turn around and bent her with cancer. Throwing the backs of her robe on my back, I saw an appetizing ass and a slit wet with a cropped hair around me that was wet from the urge to roll. My cock with a whipping sound dramatically penetrated Tanke in her pussy and I started to fuck her completely pulling out and then abruptly plunging the dick on the very foundation. Tanya moaned loudly, ohala and asked to fuck her properly. Excess grease ran down her legs. I soaked the fingers of my right hand in them and put two of them in Tanka's ass. She only groaned louder and pushed her ass. Having prepared her second hole in this way, I, once again pulling the dick, with the next movement, sent him to Tanka in the ass.After a little resistance, the head, and then everything else, plunged into the cramping heat of the rectum. The walls are tightly closed, clasping a member along the entire length. Such a long time ...

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