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Moving away from the window and drawing the curtain back, Liliya Vasilyevna winked conspiratorially.

- I have long wanted to make you, Voldemar, a surprise. We are educated people, and I, of course, understand perfectly well what you think about our connection. Of course, you will soon get tired of visiting me, because you are young and not bound by marriage. I decided to somehow brighten up the separation, if it happens. Totally frivolous souvenir, which, I think, will seal the friendship and warm it. He will have to heart, it is pleasant to enjoy the fresh fruit in the company of like-minded people, I mean a certain girl. Young, only thirteen little years old, but experienced and by nature rewarded generously, just a little devil, and not a maid.

She is my third month as a visiting servant, a funny little girl, and in love affairs, I say, just a professor. He knows absolutely everything, he can do a lot, too, full of nymphomaniac. Such an orgasm last time gave out that I was scared, wasn’t it a seizure? She squealed and kicked her feet as if she was falling. Although what can be expected from the Okhta girl, there for centuries their public women settled, and the offspring of such went from them. How do you get to know each other better, thank you, she will tell you about her life and life, but about feats on the battlefields amorous, that only you are amazed. I say, without false modesty, I've seen a lot of my life, but I can't keep up with the girl, she’s a real beast.

The doorbell rang, Liliya Vasilyevna royally stalked into the corridor and rattled there with a lock. No one could have imagined that half an hour ago, this portly tall lady in golden pince-nez and a dark brown woolen dress all buttoned up was an unbridled lover who got up such curves that even the prostitutes in the brothel didn't even stutter about.

In a stern voice, she began to articulate someone in the corridor.

“You make yourself wait, darling, because we were persuading you that you would come to the afternoon, and now it's already the second hour.”

- Mother-maid, Lilia Vasilyevna, don't be angry, we don't have hours, after all. As long as you wait like a gun from Petropavlovka, the cannon will fall out, duck is already noon, but for now you will run so far, time passes ... - a chattering girl’s bare-headed chatter.

- Always you are making excuses, you should leave the house before ...

- Do you see any guests? Maybe I'm not at the time? So let me wait on the street, if not appropriate ...

- By the way, by the way, go into the living room. Here, meet Voldemar, this is my incoming maid Frosya, I just told you about her.

In the doorway stood a slim, dark-haired girl, a small sprout. Small regular features, lively black beaded eyes were pleasantly in harmony with an accent calico blouse that covered small breasts. Embarrassed, she turned away and lowered her head, she covered her face with the edge of her kerchief.

- Mistress, and where to start to get out? In the kitchen or in the living room?

- Wait, wait, where you are in a hurry. Sit down at the table, there is no truth in the legs, drink some tea, here are fresh bagels, apricot jam is delicious, my aunt sends me from Crimea every year.

- Duck, somehow inconvenient, because we are not a bar from the factory, with you it’s wrong to sit at the table somehow ...

- It will be, you might think that I never saw a young man and did not drink tea. Sit down and drink.

The girl sat on the edge of the chair, mannered, bulging her little finger, took the proposed cup and sipped a sip. The first feeling of constraint passed, after a few minutes she grew bolder and settled in, easily chatting with the hostess and me.

- Here Voldemar does not believe that you first came to know love at a young age, he says that you are deceiving you and slander yourself to think that you are more mature.

To tell the truth, there was no such conversation, but supporting the owner of the house it is important that Kiye-vayu's head, letting in solidity.

- And what is the reason for me to lie, the girl is puffed up by the lips of the insult? - I tell you, mother-lady, as on a spirit, I always tell the whole truth. My first was Petrushka Chernov, he himself from the factory, started at the shop on Gorokhovaya, happy, only he was expelled for theft, now he has contacted the Freemasons. So he gave me a reason to do this, it means punched me ... At first, I was afraid, I thought I would kill everything, or send it to a panel so that I could become a street person and bring him money, we did grow up without my dad. five years as the plant crushed logs. The owner, God forbid his health, gave money for the funeral, did not drive the factory apartment off. So we live in it, mother, my two sisters and brother. The room is not painfully big, but dry and warm, for nothing, that the basement, but we look after it, every time we whiten the spring and clean it. Oh, mother, Lily Vasilyevna, but can I drink some chocolate. I’m terrified of some kind of hunter, only where you drink it for nothing, only you treat, and even Krestovskys. But you have it thicker and smarter, so I would have drank all day.

Continuing to talk some kind of nonsense, she went to the table and poured a large cup of chocolate and began to take a sip of it, blowing on it so that it would cool faster.

- Yes, it will talk, finish it soon, while the essence is, go into the bedroom, get undressed. Young man kindness to give you wishes. Though washed this day? And at the bottom she shaved, as I pointed out the third day? - Lilia Vasilyevna vyl-poured out her fat breast, pinching a brown nipple with her fingers.

- Oh, ask, I'm with the concept, with the hair somehow right stramno! Mrs. Li-Lia Vasilyevna, and maybe we will not go to bed, Dak I am a barchuk and on my knees I could serve in a custody and you would see. And then, suddenly, you also licked on your knees so that relief would come. Otherwise, I see how you mix when you rub yourself. After all, we are simple, but with the notion that people need scientists, but noble ...

- Yes, do not rush, Waldemar, in a hurry, golden-wise Phoebus. What are you young hurry. Wait, she'll undress now, and you take off, take off the nasty pants, take them off completely. Frossenka, just see how he is with him, just a stallion, and now turn around, show how he stands ... Pat, pat the head, so that a tear can come out, deserve it. What a handsome man, the right word, already salivating in the mouth came running. That would be to eat it as a delicacy ... No, Waldemar, you have no idea what happiness it is, looking at it close, every vein, every fold, feeling strong and hot, knowing that he is beginning to rampage deep in the body. It costs a lot. You, Frosya, though young, must understand, agree, this is wonderful. Come on, young people, to the dressing table, to the dressing table closer. There and lighter and better to be seen.

I went into the bedroom and stood in front of a large floor mirror, by the light of the pas-mourth day in St. Petersburg, the image was reflected in the polished surface, but surprisingly, for some reason I stopped seeing the reflection as my own. As if someone's man's figure, strangely familiar, nevertheless, naked with a sticking up “sticking out”, slender girl kneeling in front of him, hand unceremoniously masturbating him. The head is large and juicy, protrudes from the de-ichichy cam, the pubis is overgrown with curly blond hair, the scrotum sac with the testicles tucked in anticipation of the eruption of the seed, like a living picture in front of me.

The mouth of the girl is half-open, the tongue from impatience and expectation leaned out a bit, as if she was preparing to accept life-giving moisture, which sprinkles from the depths from minute to minute.

The girl's face is prettier, the breast was freed from under a modest linen shirt on thin straps, the pinkish nipples strained from passion. Fingers run faster and faster, she tries to bring the moment of the eruption of the seed closer, licks her dry lips, waiting, looking at her inquiringly, looks at Lily Vasilyevna.

- Mistress, and in the mouth, then you can? Ali will you be?

But ...

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